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View Full Version : Busted Browsing Crossdressers.com

Suzy Parker
01-08-2013, 05:34 PM
Has anyone ever been browsing on Crossdressers.com and have some snoop sneak up on you and see what you were doing? I was just wondering as the logo comes up very prominently at the top of every new page. I've almost been busted several times myself but I am addicted so I keep coming back.

01-08-2013, 05:41 PM
I have had it open a few time when student have come in and forgot to close it I don't know it they even saw it, nothing was said.

01-08-2013, 05:44 PM
I had this happen at a restaurant and also a copy shop.

sometimes its not viewable to someone from an angle because my screen on my laptop is polarized.

Gillian Gigs
01-08-2013, 07:01 PM
The only computer that I use to access this web site is at home. My wife is well aware of my using this site for, or to get help and encouragement. She has come into the computer room many times when I am on line, and she occasionally asks about what is new.

01-08-2013, 08:49 PM
that happen once on facebook.forgot to log out and this friend wanted to use my computer, i said ok,well guess what came out, my avatar.he looked at it and ask, is that you.well the only thing i could say was "does that look like me?" he said no and that was all he said.needless to say now i always make sure to logged out

01-08-2013, 09:08 PM
Has anyone ever been browsing on Crossdressers.com and have some snoop sneak up on you and see what you were doing? I was just wondering as the logo comes up very prominently at the top of every new page. I've almost been busted several times myself but I am addicted so I keep coming back.

It is a very ... loud and proud sort of logo, that can be seen from quite a distance. I've wondered about it occasionally, although it has no direct effect on my life, as I'm not hiding it from anyone. For anyone deep in the closet though, I can see it making them that bit more paranoid when browsing here. :D

01-08-2013, 09:17 PM
If you are running Firefox you can install the Adblock Plus add-on and then designate any picture or logo you wish to not show.

01-08-2013, 09:21 PM
Whenever my daughter walks over to the computer to show/tell me something, I simply press "Minimize"!

01-08-2013, 09:29 PM
It is a very ... loud and proud sort of logo, that can be seen from quite a distance. I've wondered about it occasionally, although it has no direct effect on my life, as I'm not hiding it from anyone. For anyone deep in the closet though, I can see it making them that bit more paranoid when browsing here. :D

Absolutely! imagine browsing with an IPAD on the bus/train?

Personally I've not been close to being busted on here, now i have said that I have probably tempted fate!

S. Lisa Smith
01-08-2013, 09:49 PM
Yep, my secretary came in one day and caught me.... It was shocking for a moment, then she said are you a cross dresser? I said yes. Then I said, I'm the same person I was 5 minutes ago ,except more embarrassed. She laughed. At that point she had been my secretary for 20 years, now I show her my pictures all the time and she critiques my clothing choices.

01-08-2013, 09:49 PM
As a supervisor, I have been know to have the power of the 'alt-tab'. When I'm walking around the building, I can tell who's not working aka surfing by watching their left hand. You'll see them, they're the ones with a thumb on the 'alt' key and their ring finger on the 'tab' key. As soon as I start walking in their area, I hear the alt-tab go off and walah their screen shows them working on something related to work.

If you're really good at it, you'll turn your monitor so that it can't be seen by passersby and you'll add a privacy screen so you have to be directly in front of it to see it. Also, if you walk away from your own screen, switch to passwork to unlock screensaver....


01-08-2013, 11:56 PM
Not nessasarily busted but getting very close. I can only peruse this site at work and have had a few untimely guests come in and see. For the most part they think it is facebook or something, never looking too close.

01-09-2013, 12:02 AM
I only surf the net at home also so I am not worried about anyone seeing me on the site. MY SO knows I visit this page regularly :)

01-09-2013, 12:09 AM
Busted? Just by my wife. But she already knew.

Rhonda Darling
01-09-2013, 12:47 AM
Yep, my secretary came in one day and caught me.... It was shocking for a moment, then she said are you a cross dresser? I said yes. Then I said, I'm the same person I was 5 minutes ago ,except more embarrassed. She laughed. At that point she had been my secretary for 20 years, now I show her my pictures all the time and she critiques my clothing choices.


Hats off to you for fast thinking. Your quick wit probably took what would have been an awkward few moments, and then who knows ----- and instead gave you a new friendship that I'm sure you never ever saw coming.


01-09-2013, 12:57 AM
I have wished at times there was an option on the site to hide the prominent logo that's at the top of the page. Without that, it looks like any normal discussion forum (as long as you don't read the subject headings too closely :) )
Eryn - Thanks for the tip on Adblock Plus - I'll look into that

01-09-2013, 01:01 AM
Has anyone ever been browsing on Crossdressers.com and have some snoop sneak up on you and see what you were doing?

No, but I once showed the site to my sister and watched (gauged) her reaction. She seemed VERY squeamish about looking at it, but she was bemused by my femme name and presence. You know, I sit in a small room when I type these things, and I have purposely made it very difficult for someone to peek over my shoulder – I don’t think I would try logging on in a less intimate setting, to tell the truth, since few “normal” people can appreciate deviancy…

01-09-2013, 01:14 AM
I don't use my work computer to visit this site, or even their wireless network. The most I will do from there is use my phone over the cellular data network (and, even then, only in a password-protected alternate browser app). I do worry sometimes about someone spotting me that way...the logo is about the only thing legible in a full page view on a phone screen!

- Amy

Joanne f
01-09-2013, 02:09 AM
All my family know that I go on here so not much point in hiding it :)

Tara D. Rose
01-09-2013, 02:11 AM
Just only one time this has happened to me, but not counting the many times my wife has walked in and looked over my shoulder, but then she already knows. But when I was at SCC back in September, I was in the lobby and wasn't involed in too much, so I was using the Hotel's computers and another member from here touched me on the shoulder and said, I see you're looking at CD.com. I said, yes, she asked are you a member? I said yes. She said she was a member also.

01-09-2013, 02:45 AM
For anyone concerned about viewing any site, you can use the private browsing option in your browser which can be quickly closed using a keyboard shortcut if you are concerned, and as it is in private mode it doesn't keep a history that others can view (I use a Mac and the shortcut for Firefox and Safari is cmd+shift+p)

01-09-2013, 02:58 AM
Ayup... Busted by the SO a couple times by the 'site... at least should be if she had better eyesight. Several times I thought I'd logged off in the nick 'o time only to see the crossdressers.com logo still showing... (Hint to the managment, when I log out of the forum, I want the page GONE!)

Fortunately for this concern, her eye sight is worse than mine and even though she knows about Kat, she doesn't recognise the site.

The offspring unit however has much better sight, and likely has caught the CD site up more than once. That plus helping out with the weekly laundry and lack of tidy-whities coming through the laundry in my size, 2+2 has probably come up 5. A couple times.


Melanie Sykes
01-09-2013, 07:36 AM
I haven't been busted by anyone I know, but then I tend to browse the site when I'm alone, or using my phone when I'm away from home. On the computer I always use private or incognito mode to conceal my browsing history for this site. My phone has an exceptionally large screen and the site's logo is definitely a give-away, but I don't particularly care if strangers see me browsing it anyway and the majority of the time I've scrolled down so you can't see the logo. If you have an Android phone, try using Opera Mini with "Single column view" enabled - it's great for this site and gets the logo up and out of the way pretty quickly. That said, I don't have a problem with the logo - I like its shamelessness and wouldn't necessarily want to change or get rid of it.

Teri Ray
01-09-2013, 07:56 AM
I have been busted by my wife several times. It is uncomfortable for her when she sees me on this site, but she knows I dress. Makes for a quiet period between us then fades.

I keep coming to this site daily

Beverley Sims
01-09-2013, 08:24 AM
It's a bloody big logo when you are riding Amtrak and people are going up and down the aisle.
Sometimes, PINK and blue are not my favorite colors.
You go from one page to the next and viola! there it is for all to see.
I think a stealth mode would be great....

01-09-2013, 08:40 AM
I only browse this site on my personal laptop in my room, and they the only person who is likely to burst in unannounced is my SO, who introduced me to the site in the first place. Bit different when I'm staying with my parents during the holiday's or when I come down on some weekends because people are more likely to knock and then just enter, such as my parents or friends that have just turned up. I always make sure the laptop is facing away from the door that way I can just close the webpage easily

Emma Beth
01-09-2013, 08:58 AM
I discovered that Google Chrome also has Adblock Plus by the same maker as the one for Firefox, if any is interested.


Allison Chaynes
01-09-2013, 11:30 AM
Not here but when pantiesetc was still around, the wife caught me a couple times.

01-09-2013, 12:00 PM
When I get down using the home computer I always totally log off. I also use Firefox. It's not just viewing this site, but, also avoiding explaining sites related to women's attire. When I was still working I would never have brought up this site. My computer screen was not viewable by anyone, but, IT security did track all sites visited. It was not necessarily for monitoring objectional sites (porn, etc which were blocked) but to detect employees spending company time on personal business.

Karren H
01-09-2013, 12:23 PM
Nope.... not yet... and since I do 99% of my posting on my Droid, someone would have to find the deeply buried browser I use and then find the misnamed bookmark....

01-09-2013, 12:55 PM
Best solution is to let everyone know you cross dress and then it wont matter. No seriously, my whole family knows and no comments at all come when I leave the computer on this page.

01-09-2013, 01:33 PM
I thankfully have not been. but my computer (laptop) is contented to my tv so I have had a fue close calls because my room mate has his primary computer display a massive Sony tv so his remote will turn my tv on at the same time and there side by side (for better gaming). plus the fact that most of the time I am siting at 90 degrees to him and about a meter away makes fore some awkwardness on my part. such a big secret being so close, but from his point of view it just looks like I am on face book or typing up documents.

01-09-2013, 02:46 PM
I discovered that Google Chrome also has Adblock Plus by the same maker as the one for Firefox, if any is interested.


Thanks for the info. Truly, Adblock is the best thing you can do to a browser. Every once in a while I will use someone else's computer and marvel at the mass of annoying ads that they put up with!

01-09-2013, 03:04 PM
I often take a look at this site on my smart phone and yes the logo is so very big!

andrea lace
01-09-2013, 03:07 PM
I use this site a lot it has helped me to finally realize that I am in good company.I have two teenage sons in the house so im always on high alert. Fortunately tonight 1 is at football and the other is upstairs on his games console

Jill Devine
01-09-2013, 05:46 PM
I wonder how many users would vote for a website logo / layout change? I have a sneaky suspicion most would ask for change. Even for those of us "out" of the clothing closet, it's not very comfortable reading this site on a smart phone or iPad when using public transit. THAT IS ONE BIG LOGO! On every page!

LOL. I wish the owner of this website would make a change.

01-09-2013, 06:21 PM
I wonder how many users would vote for a website logo / layout change?

It has been discussed before and what it boils down to is the work involved for the administrators to make the changes. It was decided that the cost-benefit ratio just didn't pencil out.

Rather than tilting at that again I think that you would get quicker results by taking control of your browser and applying a solution at that level. Honestly, it takes five minutes to install Firefox and another two to install Adblock. After that, you bring up the site, right click on the logo, click on "Block image" and you're done. You'll never see the logo again.

Now, for phones and tablets I don't know if the solution is as easy. I know that Chrome and Firefox have phone/tablet versions but I haven't used them.

Luna Nyx
01-09-2013, 06:49 PM
my wife busted me.

01-09-2013, 08:02 PM
I think my son was 4 or 5 and just askedme who those women were. I said nobody and closed out the site. I've had a few close calls.

01-09-2013, 10:51 PM
Rather than tilting at that again I think that you would get quicker results by taking control of your browser and applying a solution at that level. Honestly, it takes five minutes to install Firefox and another two to install Adblock. After that, you bring up the site, right click on the logo, click on "Block image" and you're done. You'll never see the logo again.

I have Adblock Plus and found that I also had to install the Element Hiding Helper in order for it to block the logo. Once installed, it works great. Here is the link for the Element Hiding Helper http://adblockplus.org/en/elemhidehelper and here is the link for Adblock Plus http://adblockplus.org/en/

01-10-2013, 12:29 AM
From someone who is living with family and is flying under the radar I would love some sort of "Stealth Mode" for this site. I haven't had an incident yet but I have had some VERY close calls. Maybe we could have the option to remove certain images (title, profile pictures, signatures etc)?

01-10-2013, 05:12 AM
haven't been busted but when on this page i go to private mode this way if i do leave the puter on there is no browser history for people to ask questions

Danielle Silk
01-10-2013, 05:18 AM
Im always on here on the train, plenty of people must see, but it doesn't bother me one bit! Xxxxx

01-10-2013, 07:56 AM
It has been discussed before and what it boils down to is the work involved for the administrators to make the changes. It was decided that the cost-benefit ratio just didn't pencil out.

Nevertheless, sites do change over time, and at some point the site will be redesigned again. So this is something for anyone working on a fresh look to keep in mind.
I work on a website with a similar scale to this one, so I know how annoying making changes in general can be, although in this specific case the only actual work would be with someone designing a new logo. (ie..replacing http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/images/logo_cd.gif with something new).

I guess what I'm saying is that if someone else designed a nice subtle replacement, and people agreed on it (the hard part of course), it would take less than 60 seconds of actual admin work to replace it. :)

01-10-2013, 12:05 PM
Nevertheless, sites do change over time, and at some point the site will be redesigned again. So this is something for anyone working on a fresh look to keep in mind.
I work on a website with a similar scale to this one, so I know how annoying making changes in general can be, although in this specific case the only actual work would be with someone designing a new logo. (ie..replacing http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/images/logo_cd.gif with something new).

I guess what I'm saying is that if someone else designed a nice subtle replacement, and people agreed on it (the hard part of course), it would take less than 60 seconds of actual admin work to replace it. :)

I agree as I work on websites myself. A re-haul of a forum though isn't as hard as redesigning a web page though. This site is pretty standard. Us agree on a new logo? lol right ;)

I have had adblock for a very long time, it does work wonders where other software has failed :) Here's a question though, when you block the logo, how do you unblock it? I have been looking and haven't found out how to yet.

Allison Chaynes
01-10-2013, 01:13 PM
I think my son was 4 or 5 and just askedme who those women were. I said nobody and closed out the site. I've had a few close calls.
Mine once asked my wife if she was donating her old clothes to the naked ladies on Daddy's computer. That was the day I put a password on it.

01-11-2013, 05:30 PM
I don't know if it is on all versions. But my Mac version of Firefox has a setting in the Preferences under the Content section called "Load Images Automatically". Now if you have a time (like commuting) where you don't want the logo displayed, I would imagine you also wouldn't want the avatars and personal pictures either. So that would be a useful setting to toggle.

01-11-2013, 06:16 PM
Here's a question though, when you block the logo, how do you unblock it? I have been looking and haven't found out how to yet.

Just found that today because initially I was blocking all images including avatars and icons and only really wanted to block the main logo.
type Ctrl-Shift-V or go to the FireFox Tools Menu, select AdBlock Plus->Open Blockable Items.
This will bring up a list of items which can be blocked on the site/page.
Any in red are currently blocked.
So for example, to unblock the CD logo, right click on http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/images/logo_cd.gif and choose Disable Filter.

01-12-2013, 07:14 AM
I also did the same thing.
Mine once asked my wife if she was donating her old clothes to the naked ladies on Daddy's computer. That was the day I put a password on it.