View Full Version : my chest is hurting

01-13-2013, 11:05 AM
Hi ladies.. While i am so thrilled to finally have some breast growth, they're hurting bad :-(.. Is there something i can do to lessen the pain.. Please help..

01-13-2013, 11:17 AM
You might try something like Orajel which is used for toothache pain. Something to numb the nipple area. EMLA cream (or similar) if you have some.

01-13-2013, 11:39 AM
If it's irritation from clothing or motion then a bra will help, even a very light sports bra.

Ashley D.
01-13-2013, 03:32 PM
My doctor gave me a cream that is for women that are Breast feeding
It helps a lot.

01-13-2013, 04:25 PM
Is it a common thing for your breast to hurt wile they grow? I'm hopeing to transition at some point soon and I was just kind of curious lol. I have heard of people having some discomfort during this period but I am hoping it wont be a painful experience. If so I'll deal with it because its worth it.

01-13-2013, 04:27 PM
Is it a common thing for your breast to hurt wile they grow? I'm hopeing to transition at some point soon and I was just kind of curious lol. I have heard of people having some discomfort during this period but I am hoping it wont be a painful experience. If so I'll deal with it because its worth it.

Yes, it is common. It can range from mild discomfort to actually painful.

Kathryn Martin
01-13-2013, 04:33 PM
Wearing a sportsbra will help. I kind of welcomed the pain simply because it was finally a reality and it was not unbearable.

01-13-2013, 05:59 PM
Is it a common thing for your breast to hurt wile they grow? ... I am hoping it wont be a painful experience. If so I'll deal with it because its worth it.

Most have to deal with the pain around age 12 or 13. Just because you're a latecomer to this development doesn't give you a pass. :tongueout

Nicole Erin
01-14-2013, 04:43 AM
My doctor gave me a cream that is for women that are Breast feeding
It helps a lot.
Ashely probably knows what she is talking about here. One can imagine she had a lot of chest pain. [-]I mean look at that sweet rack! :eek:[/-] She seems to have good development going and it just looks like it would be uncomfy during the development

01-14-2013, 09:01 AM
Funny posts girls. :-)
Mine hurt and I LOVED it. It means they are growing!
A high school girlfriend got bumped in her nipples one day when we were all messing around in our appropriately juvenile way, and she shrieked out a yelp of pain that made everyone stop and look and and she was then doubly embarrassed, but mumbled to my other girlfriend "They're GROWING! I'm so excited!" and then they giggled like third graders.
So, Jessica sweetie, enjoy it! Go giggle like a third grader. :-)

01-14-2013, 11:37 AM
thanks for all your posts girls :D.. Please don't get me wrong, I am really excited about the growth and giggling unstoppably. But once in a while, especially when i am in guy mode, they hurt. On a scale of 1-10 - its maybe 7-8. So reading all the posts here, I think my usual dirty buy shirts are not going to cut it anymore. I have just ordered a couple of light sports bras, hopefully those will help. But again I am not sure if i can wear those under my boy shirt without people noticing.

But hey, I am sooo thrilled to get some growth there, the pain just reminds me that I am finally becoming myself .. am so looking forward to what tomorrow holds for me ..

:cheer: xoxo Jessi

01-14-2013, 12:14 PM
Anyone with some spare breast growth they don't need could pass it on to me :D

01-14-2013, 12:59 PM
I have to hide 'em too. :( However right now fashion is our freind, double breast pocket shirts are still "in" (styles getting a bit dated but not over the hill), and they work great.

And sports bras are great (Walmart sells nice single layer Danskin ones in 1x and other big sizes that handle guy chest sizes), but you do need to think ahead in your day - going to meet an old buddy or see family, hugging and back patting guy greetings will out you.

And it's winter, so we can layer up. A loose outer camp shirt worn over a tighter t will cover your breasts enough because guy breasts are so wide set.

And sweetie I am lazy and havent checked your backstory, so forgive me worrying over this, but having breasts is pretty life altering. If you have ANY doubts, or a SO you aren't out to, NOW is the time to deal with it.

How you deal with it is your choice - tell or not. You just need to know this is a window of time where many do chose to tell.
I chose to just "do it." I used the "better to ask forgiveness than permission" rule. This was a calculated risk with my wife, because I know her. And because whether I grew breasts wasn't a decision that anyone else could make for me or be responsible for. It's about "my" personal life.

And sweetie, shhh, dont tell anyone, but I think the sensitivity is different, and I think girl foreplay in bed is to die for now!!

Keep giggling. :)

01-20-2013, 10:45 AM
I outed myself to my brother a wile ago that way. I went over to my brothers house to hang out and he went to hug my at the door and he felt my bra strap. I dont know why I didn't take it off before I went over to his house, I guess that I wear them so often that I didnt think to stop to take it off before going over.
He was cool with it though, so that's good lol

And sports bras are great (Walmart sells nice single layer Danskin ones in 1x and other big sizes that handle guy chest sizes), but you do need to think ahead in your day -going to meet an old buddy or see family, hugging and back patting guy greetings will out you.

01-20-2013, 03:42 PM
I don't care if people notice my breasts. In fact I wear underwire bras to enhance the projection, even when I am in boy mode, which is what I am the great majority of the time when I am out in public.

What really hurts is when I rough-house with my puppy and she sticks a paw on one of my developing breasts. :sad:


01-20-2013, 09:53 PM
Abou 3-4 years ago I did have extra sensitivity on my breasts and nipples--some itching too--like a young teen developing, I guess. Carrying a small box-took special care! I haven't had that problem the past few years. I wear a Bali sports bralet--often on Ebay--very nice garment and provides protection. good luck and don't over medicate!

01-21-2013, 08:47 AM
Hope you don't mind me butting in painful breasts is very common, not just during growth but also around the menstrual time. The hormone changes can cause fatty lumps which can be quite painful and tender. When I was a teenager I developed rather quickly in that area and it could be very painful all the time, even raising my arms would hurt and I could feel definite lumps. The doctor I saw did send me off for ultra sound scans and all was fine but the consultant advised me to wear a good support bra during the day and a sports bra to sleep in at night, also I was to take Evening primrose oil capsules daily, you can get them from any supermarket or chemist. I took the capsules daily and it really did reduce the pains and the lumpiness. I still get some tenderness around the time of my periods but nothing like it was. Now that I'm older and nearing menopause age I take Evening Primrose and Starflower capsules. Also gentle massage of the breast will help.

Always check with your doctor though before taking any supplements.

Traci Elizabeth
01-22-2013, 03:50 PM
Personally from my own experience, NOTHING worked to dull the pain. You are just going to have to suck it up and enjoy the pain as it is the process of getting what you want - breasts.

Trust me on this one. The pain will completely go away in stages, and at each of those periods you are going to think WTF is this all the growth I'm going to have. You will greatly miss that pain because you know pain = growth. So when they start growing again you are going to shout to the world "Thank God Almighty the pain is back and I am growing again.

Breast pain from growth is a very welcomed blessing.

01-22-2013, 10:11 PM
Trust me on this one. The pain will completely go away in stages, and at each of those periods you are going to think WTF is this all the growth I'm going to have. You will greatly miss that pain because you know pain = growth. So when they start growing again you are going to shout to the world "Thank God Almighty the pain is back and I am growing again.

Breast pain from growth is a very welcomed blessing.

AMEN sister!!!! You express my feelings exactly.

[Added comments] I am extremely thankful I consistently feel the breast pain almost all the time for it means my breasts are developing. I feel the pain when I wake up at night - if I consistently did NOT feel the pain I would really worry.


01-22-2013, 10:20 PM
From your brief description, it seems that you are in the initial phases of growth. You may notice a small hard core forming. This can be quite painful when something pressesb against the breast as it is very sensitive. Ulltimately, the core "pops" and extreme discomfort goes away. The breasts then grow a little quicker.

01-22-2013, 10:53 PM
Trust me on this one. The pain will completely go away in stages, and at each of those periods you are going to think WTF is this all the growth I'm going to have. You will greatly miss that pain because you know pain = growth. So when they start growing again you are going to shout to the world "Thank God Almighty the pain is back and I am growing again.


For over a year, my pains went away except for perhaps tiny pains 9 hours at time perhaps 5 months apart. And now finally again I have some sustained (but not strong) pangs, and I'm saying, "At Last!!" and looking in the mirror and sighing, "But there's no visible growth, when am I going to get more visible growth?!?!", and since the pangs are bringing them to my awareness again, I am once more lamenting, "But my breasts are too small!!"