View Full Version : Some thoughts..

01-14-2013, 09:29 AM
Hi everyone, I'm new here so this is the big first post :) I'm trying to figure how to make this into a question, I guess its more of me being confused. Basically Ive felt for a long time my body was feminine, even when I got serious with weightlifting there were parts that seemed to refuse to look like a man lol. It got to the point where I started to entertain dressing like a woman behind closed doors on occasion. Ive always had excess bodyfat in my chest and butt areas even when I was in very good shape arms pretty big and cut etc. I'm not sure where this is going as it seems at least in my opinion no matter how much I workout my body wont stop looking feminine. Any thoughts and Insight would be very much appreciated:) I'm posting a couple pictures to show what I've been talking about, thanks :) I apologize for the double post, It seems I posted the other in the wrong section :sad:

NV Susan
01-14-2013, 11:04 AM
Hi Amy, Sorry I'm not sure I know what your question is. Only thing is if your a cross dresser why would you not want to female shape?

01-14-2013, 11:20 AM
I'm confused as to the direction of where you want the question to go. Is it that you feel these areas look feminine and you want to change that to a more masculine shape. It's just when you say this "It got to the point where I started to entertain dressing like a woman behind closed doors on occasion.". Do you mean you thought of dressing like a woman because areas didn't appear as masculine as you thought they should be?

Beverley Sims
01-14-2013, 11:36 AM
If you want a feminine shape you seem to be heading in the right direction.
You do need to elaborate.

01-14-2013, 12:21 PM
There's definitely a part of me that wants to look and be feminine, other times not. I just got this feeling at one point like.. damn I workout heavy as hell and I still have this girl butt.. lol But the urge to dress wasn't because of just that if at all that. I always had a girly side in me.

Erica Marie
01-14-2013, 01:37 PM
Amy if you have a butt and some hips be glad. The more I work out the more the little butt I have goes away. If you want a femme figure it would be time to focus on those parts and do more toning workouts than muscle workouts. You are on your way to a sexy female figure if thats what you want to achieve.

Kathi Lake
01-15-2013, 12:48 AM
I mean I'm trying to figure things out. . .Amy, if you're trying to figure things out, then read the rules. No dosages, no underwear pictures. As the rules do not say anything about how one might want to be buried, that is allowed.

And like others, I'm confused. Do you have a question? Are you wondering if you are a crossdresser? With the many body shapes out there in the world, yours is . . . simply one of them. Because you have a more rounded butt and hips does not make you a crossdresser. That desire comes from the inside.


01-15-2013, 12:55 AM
I didn't read the rules and I apologize. I naturally didn't think over the counter things would be a problem.

Kathi Lake
01-15-2013, 01:09 AM
That's fine. Part of figuring things out is to read the rules so things don't get ugly. The rules against dosages are there for a reason. Even over-the-counter herbs and supplements can be abused, and the correct dosage for you might not be for someone new that logs on, reads your dosage post, and tries the same amounts. We want everyone here to be healthy and happy - oh, and pretty.



01-15-2013, 01:28 AM
I'm a crossdresser. I enjoy looking fem and making pics to feel that way :) I apologize again to the forum, I didn't know the rules. This is me without anything to help. My original question is gone, but I was wondering what some of you would think Id get from real hormones considering where I am now.