View Full Version : my favorite look

01-18-2013, 12:35 PM
Someone told me that one should dress to blend in. When I get to dress I li ke to wear a certain look that is for more like a twenty year old. It makes me feel good inside.

01-18-2013, 01:06 PM
Each to his own taste. I think what the person may be indicating by 'blending in' is to not attract undue attention if there is the possibility being 'outed' may be unpleasant. I see many young women and middle aged women who are knockouts; the clothes, the body, their style. They may not intentionally dress to be observed. It just happens. I see too many women and guys who attract attention because they intentionally or unintentionally look terrible.

If you're in your 40's and have the physical appearance of a 20 year old woman, then go for it. I've seen women when viewed from the rear have a great figure, beautiful hair, the clothing styles of a teenager or early twenties. Then she turns around, and, well, the balloon bursts. I think that's what the person was alluding to when recommending to 'blend in.'

01-18-2013, 03:13 PM
I am with Stephanie. Dressing to blend is fine, I do it too, but in my opinion it is definitely not mandatory. It really just depends on you and your ability to own your own look and not be bothered by the subsequent looks and maybe even negative comments that you may receive. GG's do it all the time, wear something a little too sexy, too short, too bright and colorful or edgy when everyone else is dressed down. People hardly ever look down on them for doing that. Why? Because they respect that GG's right to dress as they please. People will make comments about anyone that stands out for any reason, including when they stand out looking really good. So, before the fashion police here come and say that you "should" dress to blend, I say do what you want and enjoy, and please do not complain later if and when you do get negative reactions. I personally love that diversity in looks that we see every day. I also see no reason why us crossdressers and trans people should not participate and enjoy that if we want too.

Cheryl T
01-18-2013, 03:42 PM
Blending is for going out to the mall and restaurants and such.
If you just dress at home, wear what ever you feel good in...I know I do.

01-19-2013, 12:08 AM
Someone told me that one should dress to blend in. When I get to dress I li ke to wear a certain look that is for more like a twenty year old. It makes me feel good inside.

I would agree if you don't want too much attention, dress modestly and age/activity appropriate. I find that I tend to dress as the mood leads me, often wearing revealing attire that isn't exactly subtle. I guess I like to get attention sometimes. Either way, have fun with it.

01-19-2013, 12:16 AM
... do what you want and enjoy, and please do not complain later if and when you do get negative reactions.

This is kind of my mantra for newbies. No complaining about the public allowed.

01-19-2013, 12:32 AM
Stevie, if you don't ever find a place or venue to be you as you want to be, it will eat at you. Go and find it.

Iv'e dressed down a million times in public, and feels great.....but I feel like I never had the opportunity to run wild.

We are all a product of our own imagination.

Leah Lynn
01-19-2013, 12:36 AM
I have to agree with the concensus; in your own home or elsewhere in private, where whatever your little heart desires. But, if going out in public, and dressing to be noticed, you become fair game.


bridget thronton
01-19-2013, 11:01 AM
I have discovered that what one of my gg friends told me is true - there are times that clothing can make you feel better about yourself

Joanne Curl
01-19-2013, 11:13 AM
When you're dressing just for yourself, go for it! But if you're going out and want to fit in you need to dress like the women around you.

01-19-2013, 11:50 AM
I strive for a unique, attractive feminine image. But, prolly don't always do 'age appropriate'.
Being sexy dosen't mean that a lot of skin has to be shown.
And I realize that you don't always have to shout to be heard.

01-19-2013, 11:52 AM
...Being sexy dosen't mean that a lot of skin has to be shown.
And I realize that you don't always have to shout to be heard.

wonderful sentiment and great advice

01-19-2013, 12:26 PM
Someone told me that one should dress to blend in. When I get to dress I li ke to wear a certain look that is for more like a twenty year old. It makes me feel good inside.

I love dressing young and campy for myself but I can see the wisdom in blending in when in public. The words age-appropriate come to mind for me also and when I go out for the first time (if I decide to as I'm still not sure on that one), I want to look like the middle aged person I am in reality.

01-19-2013, 12:34 PM
At the sake of sounding self serving, if you want to go overboard or provocative in public that is great for you. But if you bring attention to the fact that you are a Crossdresser and a negative image throught this you are not doing the CD community any favors. I still defend your right to do so though if you feel it is what you need to for a better personal condition or confidence.

Beverley Sims
02-18-2013, 12:28 AM
You can vary your twenty year old look to blend in.
You are allowed to stand out in the crowd if it does not stress you out or bring unnecessary ridicule.

Carol A
02-18-2013, 08:08 AM
As for Carol Ann I still have the words of my mother deep in my head, " if you are going to do this you will be a proper young lady at all times". I grew up in the mid 50's and to this day I try to dress as a proper lady, what I call casual nice not over done but nice. If you want to dress your best go out when church is letting out and you will blend in very well as women still dress up for church.

02-18-2013, 08:03 PM
Depends entirely on the venue---if you are at home, dress and make yourself up however you want to--if you are going out to drag night at the local gay bar, same advice--if you are going to the local shopping mall, or restaurant etc, then perhaps you should tone it down and try to blend in--unless you are absolutely gorgeous as a lady and by that I mean the whole nine yards, perfect feminine face, small (less than 5'8" and under 130 lbs), petite hands and feet, then you should not attempt to be glamorous in a "straight" venue--concentrate more on fitting in--low sensible shoes, longish skirt or pants, no elaborate wigs, makeup under stated. Unless of course, you want to make a statement--but then don't expect approval from everybody in the mall etc.

02-18-2013, 08:05 PM
I'm down with that tude, girl. Agree :)

I Am Paula
02-18-2013, 10:32 PM
Go to a club in 5" heels and a platinum wig. Go to the mall in jeans and flats. If you reverse them, don't complain about acceptance/lack thereof. Just my $0.02 -Celeste

linda allen
02-19-2013, 07:23 AM
Someone told me that one should dress to blend in. When I get to dress I li ke to wear a certain look that is for more like a twenty year old. It makes me feel good inside.

Well, that's fine if you are twenty years old. If you are fifty years old, you will look like a circus clown. The same as a fifty year old genetic female dressed as a twenty year old female. There's a saying I heard a while back "She looks like mutton dressed as lamb."

If you're dressing at home in private, wear what you like, but look in the mirror or better yet, take photos and then examine what you see. If you're going out in public and don't care what people say or think, dress however you wish. If you do care or just want to avoid the hassle and comments, dress like a lady your own age would dress.

02-19-2013, 09:12 AM
Hi Stevie, If it feel good then do it.