View Full Version : Looking terrible and going out in Las Vegas anyway. Stub

Kelly Smith
01-20-2013, 03:47 AM
I spent the last couple of days in Las Vegas and - though I wasn't attractive as I would have liked - I had a blast. The trip just popped up so I tossed a few things in a couple of bags and went for it. The first night I spent three hours getting ready. The black pumps were too big and the holiday feasting caused a big lump in the top rear of my corset. I stayed in and knew I had let a rare opportunity pass.

The second night I took a different shaping approach. My body looked good enough. My cleavage wasn't quite stable so I called Frederick's and asked if they minded if I came in and used their dressing room to try on bras. They were absolutely fine with it. The nylons I had brought along were black - to match the black shoes - so I figured to pick up a pair while I was in Frederick's trying on bras. I made a appointment at a Macy's MAC counter, showered, shaved my face and body, dressed in a bra with C-cup forms, a gaff, thong waist cincher, a Rago cincher, an Underworks padded panty, cute open toed pumps, a stretchy sweater dress, a new long auburn wig, plum lipstick and sunglasses then enjoyed the walk down the long hallway to the elevator, then through the huge casino and catching a cab.

When I saw that the MAC makeup artist's face was madeup very badly I could have backed out. But what would I have done? So I settled for a bad makeup job then I went shopping for a bra and nylons. As I was leaving a SA stopped me to spray me with gardenia cologne. It was nice. Walking around the mall dressed was fun. The clack, clack of the heels and wearing a form-fitting dress with boobs and women's hips are sexy. Neither Frederick's nor VS had the right nylons. I should have taken a few minutes and tried J C Penny's or gone back to Macy's. I didn't and started the evening with bad makeup and nylons that didn't work at all.

Twenty minutes after I left the mall, a cab dropped me off near Drink and Drag. While I was searching for the bar a black street person hit on me pretty agressively. His come on was a line about his being sure that I was part black. He was really insistent. His evidence was my calves, butt and boobs. :)

I found the bar and ordered a $6 straight bar vodka to slowly nurse until things got hot. The waitress were transgendered girls who dressed in different bridal parody themed costumes. I appeared to be the only crossdressed customer.

My cleavage had gone south so my forms needed to be adjusted. When I asked the bartender which bathroom to use, he said to use the women's. That was a first for me and I enjoyed it. Women there were effusively friendly. They were amused by me reaching in my bra to pull my flesh forward and were very complimentary when the job was finished.

Everyone was very nice but I decided that this wasn't going to turn into the party I was looking for and left to find a cab. Between the bar and the cab stand there were groups of people, a cover band doing pretty fair Led Zeppelin and a hotel casino that I needed to pass through. Women smiled and gave cheerful, amused greetings. Men tended to snicker. I didn't know how much of their mirth was directed at me and I wasn't overly concerned with it. I think that almost everyone read me. Though I much prefer passing, I was having fun just being out and about.

The next cab driver was Nicaraguan and didn't have Norteamericanos' social inhibitions preventing him from asking me why I liked dressing as a woman. I answered that I didn't know. He told me about a place called the Las Vegas Lounge which, he said, had several patrons who crossdressed.

Though I had been warned against the place, I decided to check it out. It was pretty obvious why the warnings were given, but I did have fun. The place was is not a hangout for crossdressers, it is a place for girls who have made a far larger commitment and are working nights to pay it off. I bought one of the pre-op girls a drink, had one myself and - just to be polite -pretended to negotiate. After turning down a couple of deep discount offers, and playing off a guy's pleasant approach, I caught a cab back to the hotel. The cabbie and I had an enjoyable guy-to-guy discussion about the folly of betting when the odds are against you. When he stopped at the hotel's taxi station, he jumped out, ran around the cab, opened my door and said, "Enjoy the rest of your evening Ma'am".

I love being treated like a lady ;)

Beverley Sims
01-20-2013, 04:47 AM
At least you got compliments in the ladies room, you did go out, how do you know it was a bad makeup job?
Don't be over critical of yourself and as our UK counterparts would say, "Even a two shilling hooker passes in Vegas."
You did not have a bad time, even the black person hit on you and not unflattering either.
Lighten up and keep trying, don't over think the situation.
Think of the positives and the negatives will take care of themselves.

Amy A
01-20-2013, 05:33 AM
I agree with Beverley, look at the positives, you did so many things that the very thought of would just terrify me! And next time you'll likely be more organised, so you'll enjoy yourself even more. :)

01-20-2013, 08:44 AM
Im sorry to hear about your first day here girl. Its nice that the second day was alittle more nicer. The ladies here will suprise you and compliment you when you least expect it. Now didnt I tell you about The Lv lounge, not one of the nicest places here in town. Dont know why maybe cab drivers get a kick back but everytime Im in one going home they ask me if Im going there? I live like 1 1/2 miles away.
Hoping your next cisit here will be more pleasant and If schedules match, well go have a drink.

01-20-2013, 08:57 AM
Sometimes a bad time will be a bad time no matter how you are dressed. Focus on this: we're all jealous that you got to go have an adventure in Vegas and were able to do it en femme! I'd kill for a mediocre night out in a dress some day :).

01-20-2013, 04:46 PM
So that's how it's done!


Kelly Smith
01-20-2013, 10:04 PM
The pics are here.


01-21-2013, 01:01 AM
Kelly, I think you look great. I'm just jealous that I wasn't there with you!

01-21-2013, 01:42 AM
Maybe that should be a bumper sticker..."Even a bad day out en femme is better than a good day out in drab!"

Besides, I think you looked great, and it sounds like you had a good time despite everything. So what's to knot your hair over? :)

- Amy

Kelly Smith
01-22-2013, 04:48 AM

The post that started this thread was written in four installments. The first draft was much more negative than I felt. That's when I titled it. Unfortunately you can't edit titles.

I had a great time.


01-22-2013, 11:52 AM
Glad you had fun in vegas

01-22-2013, 07:26 PM
There are places that are for crossdressers makeovers etc
here in town.
Plan a little ahead and you could have a real good time next
trip. There are a lot of shops that are for perfomers drag queens
that will also work with non pro's