View Full Version : Six Month Anniversary going out for the 1st time! Whoo Hoo!

Gena Gurl
01-21-2013, 05:02 PM
Have not posted in a while, but I thought since this small mile stone of six months since my first time out. Thinking back to that day I was so scared that I was going to get pulled over by a cop and then having to explain my girlyness. Well, I have been out and about to several different venues around 15-20 times (Mostly to clubs that are safe, if you know what I mean) and have not had a single problem. I have been to places where there are live bands, out to do Kareoke and some dance clubs. I now have no cualms about just getting in my car and driving to where ever I am going. My last outting was Saturday nite and had a wounderful time (Posted a few pics in the pic forums, check me out). So if you are scared to go out, just go for it and you will never look bacl, take it from me, have a blast!!!! Thanks Gena.

01-21-2013, 05:03 PM
Lovely and thoughtful post darlin. HUGZ !

01-21-2013, 05:11 PM
gena, where do you go? I am originally from Dallas and will be coming home for a visit this summer and plan on going out en femme a few times.

01-21-2013, 05:24 PM
So if you are scared to go out, just go for it and you will never look bacl, take it from me, have a blast!!!! Thanks Gena.

So I guess you don't worry that the neighbors will see you get into your car en femme? My situation is there are a family members, clients, employer etc. that live in the area. If I go out dressed, it will have to be in another town.

Gena Gurl
01-21-2013, 05:27 PM
gena, where do you go? I am originally from Dallas and will be coming home for a visit this summer and plan on going out en femme a few times.

There are a couple of places in the Gay/Lesbian area in Dallas that are very Gurl friendly(Actualy that whole area is t-girl friendly). I like a Club called Sue Ellen's, it is a lesbian club, but there's a little bit of every thing there and are super T-girl friendly. Good luck.

Gena Gurl
01-21-2013, 05:30 PM
So I guess you don't worry that the neighbors will see you get into your car en femme? My situation is there are a family members, clients, employer etc. that live in the area. If I go out dressed, it will have to be in another town.

Well, I do live in my own home am divorced and I go into my car at nite that is parked in my garage and then I pull out and get on the road. So no I do not have to worry about the same problem you have, sorry!