View Full Version : Losing weight

Maria S
01-23-2013, 01:23 PM
I have decided to go back on my diet. Last year I lost 3 out of my planned 4 stone. I weighed myself today and I have since put on 1.5 stone so my target is now 2.5 stone. I am hoping that because some of the weight has not been there that long I can shed it easier. I find doing a lot of cross dressing gives me more determination to lose the weight than when I only dressed occasionally. Once the currently brought food has been ate Weight Watchers Online here I come again on Monday.


01-23-2013, 02:28 PM
Stone = 14 pounds.

Target = 35 pounds

Forget diets, eat as healthy as you can, doesn't mean low fat, but try as hard as possible to control sugar ( and all sugar equivalents corn syrup etc ) and GET ACTIVE!!! Walk at least, ride your bike to work, swim, golf, gym....WHATEVER, just get the blood pumping and pump some air in and out. I did not diet last year, but ramped up my activities, not a lot, but noticeable, dropped 25 pounds without even trying.

Good Luck!

01-23-2013, 02:53 PM
That's the key. Don't overeat and get active. More active you are the more weight you will lose.

Kimberly Renee
01-23-2013, 03:06 PM
I lost about 15 pounds last year, mostly with watching what I eat. I replaced most breakfast & lunch with meal shakes and snacked on raw veggies. I was outside a lot during the Summer instead of sitting inside my house.
Today I started a free week at a local fitness center (they have a lap pool!). Will most likely join in March after my February trips. I enjoy swimming as an exercise. At 47 years of age I hope to get back to a 35-36" waist. My fantasy is to have the 32" waist I had in college.

01-23-2013, 04:03 PM
I do not believe in dietary crazes. It does not take much research on the Internet to figure out what to eat and what not to eat. Years ago I looked at the label of a beer can and a soda can. Hmm.. 170 calories +/-. How long does that take to burn off? Too long. My recommendations are (1) portion control, (2) ditching all soft drinks, diet or regular (I read a recent article condemning all sodas that are zero calories. It seems they can be worse than sugary soda, because, the zero calorie sodas do NOT give you a feeling of being full. Therefore, you end up eating more., (3) ditch the high fructose corn syrup because it iis NOT used by ALL cells of the body as Glucose is and it gets needlessly stored in the liver.

It takes discipline. Yes, one of my goals is to look better as a male and more womanly when en femme. Another goal is to make sure glucose levels are OK. I would recommend, if you are overweight and consume a lot of sugary foods, having an A1C test done as well as a fasting glucose level. You may be surprised to find out you're pre-diabetic or diabetic and don't know it.

Anyway, so much for beibng Dr. Stephanie. I wish you luck on your effort Maria.

Jenni Yumiko
01-23-2013, 05:47 PM
Thats great that your motivated to shed the pounds! Those pounds lost aren't going to put you at an unhealthy risk will it? If the avatar is you, then I would worry about trying to drop 35 lbs.
I do agree with stephanie, dietary crazes are just that. losing weight shouldn't be about 'losing weight' it should be a whole entire mindset and way of life, on eating healthy, exercise, breaking unhealthy habits and a proper and balanced diet.
The problem I see with SOME of these online diet sites is there is no real way to judge, its easy to cheat and no real doctor who can give you a physical and test you for optimal nutrition and exercise patterns. Although I do admit i'm addicted to my fit buddy!
Either way, good luck! See a doctor first, and here's to a new you!

Jodi Anne
01-23-2013, 09:48 PM
It can be hard to diet, I no longer diet after many ups & downs. I just told myself if you want to look like a thin girl you have to eat like a thin girl, really small portions. it has worked well this year I have lost 20% of my goal for this year. Stay active this will help also in many ways.

Julie Denier
01-23-2013, 10:16 PM
Good show! I've lost about 70 pounds and hope to eventually lose about 30 more. The key for me has been portion control, increased exercise and keeping a record of my calories so I'm constantly aware of the choices I'm making. The web makes that a remarkably easy task.

01-23-2013, 10:40 PM
The doc told me to "eat less...move more"... pretty simple but darn hard when you're addicted to food. I have this great... err not so great metabolism that lets me eat over 2000 calories a day and never feel bad. That ends up to get me a pound a week and over 50 a year. With a little bit of will power and some Rx, I'm down 50 pounds and still losing... but as you get close to your target it gets harder....

Good luck girl.....


01-24-2013, 01:15 AM
Diets don't usually work. U must change the way u eat if u want to keep it off. Don't try to lose too much too fast. Lose a pound every week or 2. U can do that by small, gradual changes. For me, these worked:

Switched from beer to wine. Lost a quick 8 pounds. When I do the rare beer binge at a party, I know I'll be a few pounds heavier in a day or 2!

Drinking lots of tea. Hot in the AM and PM and ice tea at lunch. Lemon, no sweeteners! Great way to lose pounds and feel healthier. Not an easy habit to develop, but I actually like it now!

Smaller portions at lunch. Good thing! I eat mostly crap, fast food food then!

Only lean meat and veggies/fruit for dinner.

Stopped working out. Helped reduce my muscle definition and curb my after work out eating binges!

Come up with your own plan to eat better, Maria. You'll lose weight, feel better, and u can develop habits that will last the rest of your life!

By the way, I never worry about putting on pounds by overeating on holidays, special occasions, and during winter. Because I know by using a few diet tricks, I can lose those pounds in a week or so. Then, go back to my regular eating pattern. Anyone should be able to diet for a week or 2. Even me!

Tracii G
01-24-2013, 03:36 AM
Portion control worked best for me and walking every day, a few miles is easy to do.

Beverley Sims
01-24-2013, 06:13 AM
After my holidays to wherever I usually lose about a stone 14lbs.
Takes me from a 14 to a 10 usually.
Laziness then takes over and 12 months later I am back to 11 stone.

01-24-2013, 06:21 AM
A TS friend of mine said loosing weight was one of the most feminizing parts of her transition

01-24-2013, 07:12 AM
I few things have helped me start to lose weight (without too much effort).

Firstly I stopped drinking alcohol (for now!), then I started drinking green tea (no milk or sugar). I now eat small regular amounts of generally low fat food throughout the day (so I don't feel hungry) and I try not to eat after 6 pm (but not always).

I walk wherever I can, do a few basic exercises each day (mostly stretching) and treat myself once or twice a week to something sweet.

I'm losing at least 2lbs a week eating MORE and not working hard at it, so it's not a chore:)

But any weight loss regime should be tailored to how your own body responds to changes.

Just stay positive and think about that 'tiny' black dress you could fit into:heehee:

Lady Catherine
01-24-2013, 10:48 AM
I lost 38 pounds last summer by simply eliminating fast food soda and riding my bide for one hour three times a week. Men seem to lose weight easier then women. One of the few perks.

01-24-2013, 11:39 AM
My understanding is that if you burn 3500 calories more in a week than you eat, you will lose a pound a week. Whether you do that through more exercise or less eating. The other factor is that in a given time period, say 3 hours, your body can only use a certain amount of calories. If your caloric intake in that period is more than it can burn, the rest goes into storage .... which is fat. This is one of the reasons they say to eat 5 or 6 meals a day spaced about 3 hours or so apart. This is also why eating any foods that have high caloric content and that get processed by the body quickly (sugar stuff) gets turned into fat more than anything else. It is too many calories too quickly and so ... gets turned to fat. I find myself doing longer cardio sessions more times a week and as someone else said, doing a lot more walking. I try to eat 5 small meals a day and as someone else said, not many calories at night. Personally, I don't want to give up lifting weights because I still play hockey and having some muscle is one of the best ways to avoid injury. This has helped me to lose about 30 lbs and I would love to lose 10 more but those last few lbs are VERY hard to lose. The other big factor is whatever mix of exercise and diet you choose, it needs to be sustainable and you need to cut yourself some slack sometimes. It's better to cheat a little than quit altogether. I have to say, the guy (or girl) that invented the mp3 player should be nominated for sainthood because that is the only way I get through all the cardio.

01-24-2013, 03:06 PM
All diets are 'fad' diets, because no one really knows what's good for us and what isn't. Basically, each person's health is a little different than another's. One thing we do know, is that Dr Atkins proved that eating fat doesn't make you fat; eating carbohydrates does. So unless you're one of those who suffer from hypoglycemia, if you want to lose weight and become slim, the atkins diet is the only one guaranteed to do it without you're ever feeling hungry. It's really simple; you can eat as much protiens and fats as you want, as long as you eat zero carbohydrates. Ever see a fat lion? NOPE. And they sit on their ass 95% of every day and sleep. And eat as much antelope as they want.

01-25-2013, 08:49 AM
... I find doing a lot of cross dressing gives me more determination to lose the weight ...


Maria, you look beautiful btw and you don't really look like you need to lose any weight at all. I understand though, that we look at ourselves differently than others look at us. I have to agree though, the more cross dressing I do, the more I have the drive to get rid of that last 10 lbs or so I see hanging around on me.