View Full Version : Do you get dressed in front of your spouse?

Meg East
01-24-2013, 10:01 AM
Does anyone else have my problem?

To my wife I have been out of the closet for the last twenty years but I still am uncomfortable getting dressed in front of her. Once dressed I have no problems with being around her. She doesn't have any problems with me being dressed so it isn't like I have to hide my crossdressing from her. I don't have any problems with changing out of my skirts and putting on my drab work outfits.

2B Natasha
01-24-2013, 10:13 AM
Does anyone else have my problem?

To my wife I have been out of the closet for the last twenty years but I still am uncomfortable getting dressed in front of her. Once dressed I have no problems with being around her. She doesn't have any problems with me being dressed so it isn't like I have to hide my crossdressing from her. I don't have any problems with changing out of my skirts and putting on my drab work outfits.

Meg. You could not of stated better. The act of dressing in front of my wife is just plane wierd to me. Being dressed is not a problem. And yes. Being and getting dressed on my man clothes is no issue.

I have no logical reason why this is. I'll put on fashion shows regularly. Meaning that I go through my closet and try stuff on randomly to see what goes and what doesn't after expanding my wardrobe.

01-24-2013, 10:20 AM
no problem here about dressing in front of wife The very first time 21 years ago she saw me transform from male to female every step of the way and just blew her mind. So i had to wait more than 20 years before she accepted my dressing and now she helps with my wardrode and she is always amazed at me changing to MaryBeth. She sometimes says you gonna wear that lol and then i know she wants me in something else

Carol A
01-24-2013, 10:46 AM
Oh yes but of course, after 49 years she is used to it as I am dress most everyday.

Meg East
01-24-2013, 10:53 AM
Meg. You could not of stated better. The act of dressing in front of my wife is just plane wierd to me. Being dressed is not a problem. And yes. Being and getting dressed on my man clothes is no issue.

I have no logical reason why this is. I'll put on fashion shows regularly. Meaning that I go through my closet and try stuff on randomly to see what goes and what doesn't after expanding my wardrobe.

With my stuff all over our bedroom looks like the women's changing area of Nordys after a weekend sale.

01-24-2013, 10:54 AM
Same thing for me. My wife is totally accepting but it still makes me feel strange to dress in front of her. Once dressed I am okay but still feel weird sometimes. I do prefer to dress when I am alone, my wife doesn't care either way.

01-24-2013, 11:10 AM
I have dressed in front of my wife but only as an incedental happening to me getting dressed anyway. She may walk into the bedroom or dressing table to do something and I just continue on --make-up, undergarments, whatever. Felt funny at first but not now.

01-24-2013, 11:16 AM
I have to admit I fall into this description. When I am fully dressed, I still feel a bit odd (let's face it, cross dressing is a bit odd) but I am comfortable in front of her. I do not want my wife to see me "in between" states. I don't want her to see my male body and head with makeup most of all. Second to that I don't like her seeing me in a dress (particularly with forms) and no makeup/wig. I can handle the second case a little better when it is "just clothes" I am showing her. There was only one time that we put on our makeup together, but I had my wig on and I was dressed and really just finishing my eyes and lips. I wouldn't like her to see me go through the whole process but would allow if she asked.

I think the fundamental issue for me is that I do not want her to see her "husband" any other way than as a guy. When I am fully transformed, I feel that I have less confusion going on in front of her.

01-24-2013, 11:24 AM
My wife has seen me dressed three times in our 40 plus years of marriage. The first time she asked me to do it. The second time I got dressed and walked into our living room. I thought she had gone to work but she was napping on the floor. I quickly left and got changed. The third time she walked in on me. Thought she had to work later. I had gone all the way that evening with my transformation and really looked great (compared to what I normally would). She wanted to talk and we did so with me dressed all the way. It was really good to talk to her. She didn't think so and a few months later she filed for divorce. We later reconciled and got back together. She insisted that I go for counseling to get the 'cure'.

Kate Simmons
01-24-2013, 11:27 AM
Never did in front of my wife. I have in front of my GF. She's known about me from the get go though. She is not only okay with it but frankly amazed about how quickly and easily I can do it. She says she wishes she could get ready that fast. ;):)

01-24-2013, 11:30 AM
yes! of course... she helps me with my corset, makeup, zippers, whatever

01-24-2013, 11:34 AM
It has never been a problem for me. I usd to get dressed in front of Jean all of the time.
Usually, we don't see each other dress now. She gets dressed in her dressing room and I get dressed in my dressing room.:thumbsup:

01-24-2013, 11:34 AM
Just have gotten comfortable with being around wife dressed. Dressing in front of her probably not going to happen unless requested. She has no problem with it, it's me that has the problem. Beside, making an entrance is sort of fun. :battingeyelashes:

01-24-2013, 11:39 AM
in the old days with my GF, I had no problem getting ready in front of her (nor she me, but sometimes the getting ready got sidetracked).

Now I do not like letting people I care about seeing me without makeup or wig. It is just I want them to see "me" and not the other person I was. Others, I don't care if they watch or not. It just doesn't matter if I have no emotional attachment

01-24-2013, 11:47 AM
With my stuff all over our bedroom looks like the women's changing area of Nordys after a weekend sale.
Wow, I thought that I was the only one.:D My wife doesn't have a problem with me dressing at all.

01-24-2013, 11:47 AM
Not a problem, but she doesn't really care either way. I make up in front of the bathroon mirror, door open. She goes about her normal activities, may peek in, may not. She likes to see me when I'm fully transformed, and I like that - she's usually complimentary, and I like that.

01-24-2013, 11:48 AM
I feel the same way you described Meg most of the time. But when we are dressing together, at the same time it doesn't bother me at all. I suppose I can't get comfortable feeling like I'm being supervised or watched.

01-24-2013, 11:54 AM
No problem here wih getting dressed in front of my girl.,its usually a fight over who gets to use the bathroom first to do our makeup that gets more attention lol.

01-24-2013, 12:17 PM
Yes getting dress or putting my make up on, just can't do it, fine after I have dress.

01-24-2013, 12:30 PM
Me too, no problem once I've got everything on.

Beverley Sims
01-24-2013, 12:39 PM
I dress and wear both male and female clothes in front of my wife.
She also washes and irons all my clothes as well. Me I share by doing other chores.
There is no use in being coy about anything, just do it and don't ask or mention what you are doing if it is unnecessary.
Respect your wife's sensitivity if she is not happy with it.
You can destroy 5 years of progress in 5 minutes that way.

01-24-2013, 12:45 PM
I've noticed that many GG's are also shy about getting dressed, even in front of thier husbands or boyfriends. Maybe we're uncomfortable in "halfway" mode?

01-24-2013, 12:52 PM
Nope. My GF and I talked and she said that she did not want to see me dressed. I told her that I would dress and she is ok as long as she doesn't see Kat. I was going through an anxiety attacks and it was difficult that I couldn't tell her. Ok with doing in secret. She knows that if she finds a dress or panty that isn't hers, to know that I am not cheating :).

01-24-2013, 12:56 PM
Wife doesn't want to know about Rachel, so I don't dress or change in front of her. I wish it were otherwise.

01-24-2013, 01:19 PM
My SO has no problem with me being dressed in front of her, after all she was there when I have bought most of my wardrobe, but I try to keep it limited. I do not want to push this on her but she has had nothing but compliments :) Still, I do not get dressed or undressed in front of her. Like yourself, it just feels too awkward. Maybe in time that may change but it is what it is for now.

Jenni Yumiko
01-24-2013, 01:28 PM
I wont put tights, leggings or panties on in front of her.

? - Do you think that letting your SO see you as you change 'roles' to speak has any kind of affect on them? In my mind I feel that if she sees me changing, that it breaks the 'guy' she married. Not sure if that makes sense, not sure how to put it into words, maybe make her feel like she married less of a guy? hmmm... I think you get what i'm trying to say, either way does anyone else feel like that?

01-24-2013, 01:37 PM
I get changed in front of her, and she does in front of me. I have never dressed fully, or used makeup, but she has said she'll help do a transformation if i want, may try that one day, just to see. The only reservation she has EVER shown, is that she asked me to tell her first if I want to come to bed dressed, or in full on lingerie, fair enough. She is quite open about her own sexuality, which is straight, but she never asked to explore her own potential for Bi, or Lesbian behavior, so if anything is going to prompt that, she wants to think about it first.

cathie pantyhose
01-24-2013, 01:44 PM
never got dressed fem in front of my wife and she knows but doesn't understand...blah blah blah...I wear pantyhose almost every day and I can't even get comfortable with her seeing me put them on. She has seen me in wool tights but I wear those mainly for skiing or winter walks but again she's never seen me put them on either.

01-24-2013, 02:03 PM
Yes when I first came out to my wife a few years ago I could not have her watch me dress like you once dressed no problem as time passes though I am becoming more comfortable with her watching.

I Am Paula
01-24-2013, 02:04 PM
My wife sees me dressed everyday, and in a nightgown at night. I don't like her seeing me in bra and panties, or doing make up. I can't explain it. The underwear thing might be body image, don't know. As for make up, if she starts doing hers, or her hair while I'm doing make up, I grab my stuff and go to a different bathroom. We have a double vanity, so it's not space. The way I look at it, if this is the only problem we have, I don't need to over analyse it.-Celeste

Alice B
01-24-2013, 02:40 PM
My wife has no problem with me dressing and has become comfortable with me being dressed in her presence. But, she is not truly comfortable watching me get dressed, so stays out of the bathroom at those times. There have been a couple of times she came in while I was doing make up and that was OK. Once she came in while I was in only underwear, bra and my boobs. She noticably averted her eyes while carring on a conversation.

01-24-2013, 08:03 PM
My wife has seen me dressed and I guess really has no problem with it. But changing in front of her, I am not ready for that yet, Maybe never. :daydreaming:

01-24-2013, 08:11 PM
I'm beginning to feel like I am the luckiest "CD" of all. I don't have any limits with my SO - she's fully supportive. In front of her - not in front of her - together - whatever - it's all good. I have no issues doing everything I do in front of her and neither does she. I brought her into this realm and at first there was a bit of hesitation and then it became a wonderful thing for her - it just all seems so natural for us. I'm telling her all the time now how lucky I am to have her. I cherish her with all my heart... thanks babe for letting me be.

01-24-2013, 08:34 PM
I used to dislike being seen by my spouse in an "in-between" state, but now getting dressed feels normal.

01-24-2013, 08:39 PM
I have been out of the closet for the last twenty years but I still am uncomfortable getting dressed in front of her. Once dressed I have no problems with being around her.

Meg. You could not of stated better. The act of dressing in front of my wife is just plane wierd to me. Being dressed is not a problem.

My SO felt the same way. S/he felt hugely uncomfortable having me see him/her in the "in-between" stage, because he had spent the major part of his life hiding his softer self from everyone including, I believe, from himself to a degree. So the only way to give himself permission to be her was to construct two different and separate states: him and her. "He" was not feminine, and "she" took on a different persona than "him". When I first met my SO, she hated even having his guy stuff in the same room as all her feminine things. We'd go away for a weekend dressed, and she'd have to put the guy clothes that he had driven in, in the trunk of the car. And he didn't keep any of "her" things in his bedroom at home, which was always his guy place.

My SO doesn't do this anymore, she made an effort to integrate everything, but I think that she still feels uncomfortable when I walk into the room while she is putting on her makeup, even though she won't say anything.

01-24-2013, 09:04 PM
my wife has seen me both dressed and while changing.....in fact my wife is the one who helps me with the ties in the back, etc. My wife has no problem with me CDing at all.

01-24-2013, 09:47 PM
No issues here at all. I'm very lucky.
I even have one red peplum style dress that she has to zip for me.

01-24-2013, 10:47 PM
My wife is totally accepting but it still makes me feel strange to dress in front of her. Once dressed I am okay but still feel weird sometimes. I do prefer to dress when I am alone, my wife doesn't care either way.

Same with me. My transformation process takes a couple hours minimum so she wouldn't hang around that long anyway, but I actually prefer doing it alone. Once dressed no I have problem being around her.

01-25-2013, 06:23 AM
I am more uncomfortable about it than she is. My wife has seen me dressed a few times. Two weeks ago, she had me trying on tops. She has been very supportive and goes shopping with me. She would be fine with me dressing in front of her. I have just never done it. I guess I am still a "work in progress."

Jillian Faith
01-25-2013, 06:52 AM
I guess I'm the odd girl out here, oh I'll admit at first I was a little embarrassed about transforming in front of my wife but now we are just like two girlfriends dressing in the same room fighting for the mirror to do our makeup

Cheryl T
01-25-2013, 11:47 AM
I guess I'm the odd girl out here, oh I'll admit at first I was a little embarrassed about transforming in front of my wife but now we are just like two girlfriends dressing in the same room fighting for the mirror to do our makeup

Not that odd Jillian.
When I first came out to my wife and started dressing without restriction in the house it felt very strange to be in the "in between" stages within her sight. Perhaps it was all the years of hiding and never having anyone see me that made it so.
It took a little while and a bit of encouragement from her, but now it's just us girls getting ready, balancing bathroom and mirror time and helping each other with zippers and such. It no longer matters what stage I'm in when dressing, she's my BFF and we share the entire experience now, as we should have long ago.

Sarah Doepner
01-25-2013, 01:33 PM
It took a while but eventually my wife was in the room for most of the process and didn't mind. She did say she was a little uncomfortable when I only get the job partly done. She prefers to see me fully committed in one mode or the other and having looked in the mirror, I have to agree with her. That in-between stage is more than a little bit of a challenge to look at and appreciate.

andrea lace
01-25-2013, 02:41 PM
I have only recently told my wife but she is supportive and watches me get dressed and helps me with make up etc. at first I felt uncomfortable while en femme a little exposed and open to be hurt but I am starting to feel more comfortable lately.

01-25-2013, 04:33 PM
I only wear pantyhose in front of my wife...all other dressing is DADT. But even though she's seen me in pantyhose countless times, her walking in on me putting them on in very unnerving to me. She's only done this a handful of times, and I can't get comfortable in front of her.

The first night when she first discovered my 'hobby' she asked me to dress up for her, so she could see for herself, since she still couldn't imagine her manly husband all dressed up. I dressed from the neck down, no wig or makeup. She was actually not as repulsed as I thought she'd be, and she later told me that for some reason, seeing my male face made it easier for her to stomach everything else. However, we tried that (me dressing up for her) one more time the next night, and that was it. We quickly became DADT.

01-25-2013, 05:09 PM
No problem dressing in front of my wife, she helps me buy the cloths and put on the makeup. i sometimes feel a bit awkward walking in the high heels but overall I am very comfortable as Ann in her company

Luna Nyx
01-25-2013, 05:15 PM
I get shy if my wife walks in on me changing. Its almost like a " im not decent" moment.

01-25-2013, 05:34 PM
Yes, all the time. We are totally over the uncomfortable part of any of it. Life is very good ;)

S. Lisa Smith
01-25-2013, 06:22 PM
Nope. My GF and I talked and she said that she did not want to see me dressed. I told her that I would dress and she is ok as long as she doesn't see Kat.
My wife knows, is even very helpful in other ways but does not wish to see Lisa...

01-25-2013, 08:27 PM
I wish I did have your problem, as at least you can dress in front of your wife and be dressed around her! What a wonderful wife and relationship you both must have.
Since she is so accepting, perhaps in time, it will all become easier for you. Good luck to you both!

01-25-2013, 08:34 PM
Yes everyday. I dress in the morning, put my frilly apron on and make us coffee and breakfast. I feel like Mrs Cleaver. It feels natural to me. My wife and I shop for everything from Makeup, to Bras and panties and everything else in between. I feel blessed and I don't take her for granted.

01-25-2013, 10:28 PM
Does anyone else have my problem?

To my wife I have been out of the closet for the last twenty years but I still am uncomfortable getting dressed in front of her. Once dressed I have no problems with being around her. She doesn't have any problems with me being dressed so it isn't like I have to hide my crossdressing from her. I don't have any problems with changing out of my skirts and putting on my drab work outfits.

I would have to raise my hand for all of the above and I have no explanation for it. It's like on some level I'm embarrassed, but I don't know why. That's my only guess. And, as far as my wife is concerned, she has been nothing but supportive. She even likes it when I dress as she's always feeling me up when I wear a skirt. So, it is my issue; not hers. If someone figures this out, please let me know!!!

Rogina B
01-25-2013, 10:55 PM
My SO doesn't do this anymore, she made an effort to integrate everything, but I think that she still feels uncomfortable when I walk into the room while she is putting on her makeup, even though she won't say anything.
Well it sure seems like you have made a huge difference in your SO's life!

01-25-2013, 10:58 PM
My wife dresses me from head to toe..... I love it

Janice An
01-26-2013, 04:31 AM
I am up in the morning hours before my wife and thats when I get dressed. So when she gets out of bed there I am in my outfit for the day. My wife "tolerates" it but doesn't like me dressing. My wife prays for me and says that I will give up cross dressing in 2013. Maybe someday she will understand it is part of who I am and it will probably never go away.

01-26-2013, 07:03 AM
I normally dress in the bathroom, in private, but that's mostly for convenience. I wouldn't mind if my fiancee were watching, except she might not be comfortable sitting there for the time it takes for me to transform. I usually get undressed in front of her, and I don't mind that. (She likes the view. ;)) And after I am fully Amy, she will usually have me come out and show her, so no problem there.

- Amy

01-26-2013, 12:47 PM
Even though my dressing evolved with her being there all the time, I have to admit that in the beginning it was very awkward to put on my bra and forms. Nothing else was a problem. It didn't last all that long though and now there is nothing under wraps.

01-26-2013, 01:01 PM
For the most part she dont mind seeing me get dressed in front of her, it used to be a little strange but now we both have gotten used to it.

01-27-2013, 10:38 AM
My wife has seen me dressed and I guess really has no problem with it. But changing in front of her, I am not ready for that yet, Maybe never. :daydreaming:

This was my original post to this thread. But just yesterday I was getting changed back to drab, And my wife walked into the room and sat down. She did ask if it was OK to come in. Afetr she was in, I said not really, but that didn't stop her. I proceeded to get changed as I really had thing I needed to get done.

No big deal in her mind I guess. :daydreaming: