View Full Version : Blending in

01-26-2013, 10:08 PM
I was at a restaurant with my family and was observing the men and women there. From my prospective I did not see much difference between them. They seemed to dress in the same type clothes and wore the same type shoes.there was not much difference the the way they walked either.
The main difference i saw is that women seemed to be smiling more than men. They wore make up and jewelry. and their clothes were more colorful.
I know somewhere in my rambling i probably answered my question but Is there a real difference between men and women today and why do people make a big deal about it.

Kate Simmons
01-26-2013, 10:25 PM
The main difference is the biological one. The rest of it seems to be pretty much overblown sometimes the way I see it.:)

01-26-2013, 10:35 PM
From a high enough vantage point, we do look the same but I think at ground level, we are quite different. As to making a big deal, I don't know that anyone makes a big deal. We are different, that's it

Annette Anderson
01-26-2013, 10:39 PM
The main difference i saw is that women seemed to be smiling more than men..

I think men need to control their world,if something goes wrong they take it as hardship.And i think women more or less have this "oh well thats life,let just deal with it" attitude and move on, smiling the whole time of course.

Joni T
01-26-2013, 11:10 PM
It's becoming a unisex world. I personally don't know why women want to dress and look like men. Face it, men's clothing is boring--like we don't all already know that. I wish women would dress/look like women any more.

01-26-2013, 11:19 PM
In today's world, blending is not the point, nor is boring .VS. non-boring clothing. Generally, people are looking for simple comfort. That's why when you go into a big box shoe store there are more athletics in both men's and women's sections than anything else. That's also why almost no one makes a good leather shoe for men or women--they have to be "broke in."

Clothes are the same way. People just throw something on that is comfortable and mostly nondescript so that they can get through their day. And that's a shame. Wouldn't it be nice if professional men went back to suits & ties and professional women went back to skirts & dresses and heels?

The unisex thing is simply awful.

Joni T
01-26-2013, 11:33 PM
I remember when women would dress up just to go to the grocery store (yes, I grew up in the "Leave It To Beaver" era) and you wouldn't be caught dead wearing sweats in public. I understand about dressing for comfort but I think society, as a whole, has gone too far.

01-27-2013, 12:14 AM
Wouldn't it be nice if professional men went back to suits & ties and professional women went back to skirts & dresses and heels?

The unisex thing is simply awful.

No I don't believe that it would be nice. Men would be relegated to wearing the suit (uniform) and tie (masculine phallic symbol). Suits and ties are still forced upon some men. Since I have a very strong feminine side, I would never wear a neck tie because it goes against the gender identity of my core being.

01-27-2013, 01:19 AM
It's really pretty simple. Most SINGLE hetero females [of childbearing age] still looking for a mate, will spend a great deal of time and effort on their appearance no matter where they go and will probably use most of the many [hair, makeup, jewelry, shapewear etc.] items at their disposal because a woman's APPEARANCE is at or near the TOP of most men's lists of what they desire in a mate.

For their own good and their own protection, a MAN's APPEARANCE rarely sits at the top of most women's lists. Might not even be in the top 3 or 4.

Most men know this and the clothing manufactures aren't going to produce "flashy" men's clothes that few men will buy.

Women dressed "plainly" or comfortably most likely already have a guy or just are not all that interested in "catching" one for the time being.

Smart women will figure out that they can be "attractive" without spending a huge amount of money or time on their appearnce just by mastering the four Cs.

01-27-2013, 04:58 AM
Is there a real difference between men and women today and why do people make a big deal about it.

(1) Yes, just as there always has been. (2) Because we can't help it. We're programmed that way.

Would men and women really want to be the same? I doubt it. But assuming we did want to be the same, could we become the same? I doubt it. For one thing, given that neither sex understands the other, we wouldn't know what it was we were supposed to become.


01-27-2013, 05:28 AM
well the real diffence is that women can wear men clothes and walk on the road, where as we have to be discreet. also women can bear children and are beautiful, while men are only handsome. women can wear all sorts of clothes, while men have limited variety.

01-27-2013, 05:36 AM
It's primarily the time of the year. Way too cold to be prancing around in short shorts and tube tops.
Spring is just around the corner.

Carol A
01-27-2013, 06:38 AM
Don't really know, but I do know when out in fem a nice smile will get you by everytime.

Beverley Sims
01-27-2013, 01:07 PM
There is a wide difference in behavior and dress between men and women.
That is why I CD.

01-27-2013, 05:28 PM
IMHO your observation is not only correct but sad! Often times I have to look carefully to determine if a person is a man or a woman - and it is not a pretty sight (pun intended)!