View Full Version : holiday dress?

12-06-2005, 01:45 PM
how many girls are going to buy a new holiday dress for them self , how many wish to, and who can tell me where i can get the dress that i have on in this pick ,the ex took her stuff (and man im going to miss that dress) i wanta new one.

12-06-2005, 03:12 PM
ok try this pic

12-06-2005, 03:46 PM
Forget the dress honey... looking at that pic, she clearly took your head away !
I'd offer to give you a little head, but I think people might get the wrong idea. :D



(p.s. nice legs by the way)

Christina Nicole
12-06-2005, 06:27 PM
There's a TG formal coming up early next year. If I could finangle a way to go. I already have the dress picked out for it. I would just need to find the shoes and jewelry to go with it.

The lady at the store who was helping me thought it looked wonderful on me because it worked with my figure.

It's too bad, really

Warm regards,
Christina Nicole

12-08-2005, 01:36 PM
Wife bought me this Lovely Holiday Mini dress.
I am looking for a nice Silver Chain belt, as well as Matching Pumps & Purse...

12-08-2005, 10:12 PM
There's a TG formal coming up early next year. If I could finangle a way to go. I already have the dress picked out for it. I would just need to find the shoes and jewelry to go with it.

The lady at the store who was helping me thought it looked wonderful on me because it worked with my figure.

It's too bad, really

Warm regards,
Christina Nicole

Lovely Gown I'd wear that anyday and shave my chest hair (which hurts to do) That is Awsome, it would make a great Christmas gown if it came in red :)

12-08-2005, 10:49 PM
Hello honey
I'll give you a few catalogues I like and they have similar styles. Try some coatdresses,I just love them. Very flattering.Always wait for the end of season or clearance before buying! I just love Boston Proper(Great Capris),Winter Silks(Awesome everything!),Body Central and Newport News(Great holiday gowns and dresses!) You can find them on the internet. Happy shopping. There is nothing better than finding a beautiful dress that fits perfectly. Is there girls?..... Ok,Ok take your minds out of the gutter ladies! You're all sooooooo bad! :) Big Hugs


PS. Don't forget the shoes! An outfit without the correct shoes is like a day without sunshine! Am I a girlie girl? Is it difficult to say "Toy Boat" six times fast? Have a great holiday and New Year. We deserve it! The best of both worlds. I feel sooooo sorry for those so called average,normal people. What a drag. No pun intended!:)

12-08-2005, 11:00 PM
I just got this one, it's become my favorite. My wife loved it so much she got one for herself.


Pink Satin Sissy
12-09-2005, 12:08 AM
Try ebay. I have bought several bridesmaid dresses and ballgowns off ebay and some of them fit perfectly and are so sexy! It also depends on what size you are. Panties for men are also available on ebay, you just have to know where to look and what size you are. My favorite pair of panties came from ebay, there is a lady who specializes in panties with a man's anaotmy in mind. I have 6 pair and wear them often and they feel so sexy under my suit.


12-09-2005, 12:35 AM
the funny thing is i dont even know what to call that styl of dress, slevles ,v front tapered wast (need a shape where for tummy now) knee lanth 9its late cant spell (any time)lol

12-09-2005, 12:53 AM
I'd call it a sequined gown

Gotta love that LBD too cant ever have enough of them