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View Full Version : HAD THE TALK (Sort Of)

02-18-2013, 12:31 PM
Hi all.
So my wife and I had the talk on Sunday. Background on Saturday we went out to celebrate Valentine’s Day she had planned time for us to go get pedicures and I encouraged her to get her nails done. I was even able to get clear polish on my toes while she got a sparkly blue polish. We then went to a movie and dinner.
On Sunday we got up and I started to clean the fridge so we could make the necessary grocery list. As I was doing that she sat at the table and we talked. I mentioned that I was jelly that she had gotten color one her toes and I wished that I could have done the same. That started the ball rolling her response was that Men don’t get color on their nails I asked Why what is it about me wanting to have color on my nails or to wear women’s clothes that is so bad it’s not like I am a child molester, alcoholic, drug abuser, wife beater or pedophile. She stated for her that it was a no go that she married a man and the thought of me wearing women’s clothing horrified her. She also said that if I wanted to go down that road she wouldn’t leave me but our relationship would become platonic.
Our conversation then rolled on to the fact that she knows how I feel as I told her before we got married (I don’t remember the conversation) and that at the time it was a non-issue. I was in the Marine Corps and bathed in testosterone as well as being a newlywed and that made my CD’ing not prominent. She also reminded me that we have talked about it on and off over the years (damn I must be getting Alzheimer’s I only remember 1 conversation). She told me that my shaved legs, nylons, long hair and earrings were ok but barely especially the shaved legs and nylons. She told me that she is still really having problems coping with our daughter who is a lesbian it took her a year to tell her mom.
We then started talking about what I wanted from this I told her that I did not want to have a sex change that I have come to realize that I like being a man to a point but that if for some reason that portion of my anatomy where to fall off I would not miss it as long as I could pee. Her response was thanks a lot. (Oops) She then told me that she believed that I had been born hermaphrodite which due to a vestigial penis at birth secondary to severe Hypospadias is a plausible concept at the very least I did not get enough testosterone in utero which is held up by my current labs which have my testosterone as very low normal despite treatment. I told her that I wanted to underdress and possibly have the occasional private time to dress. She asked if that would be enough. I told her that I did not know and was afraid that it could be a slippery slope and that I might want more. The conversation then continued on how I felt like an oblong in a round and square world. I also told her that I was hoping that counseling would at least help me come to a null point where this need was balanced out however that may happen.
We left the conversation with her still refusing to let me dress but agreeable to continued conversations which I must initiate as she won’t bring it up. She did at least not insist that I stop doing what I am doing and she agreed to let me indulge in jewelry which she likes just as much as I do. (We are going to get matching toe rings) She also admitted that she felt like she was not being very accepting of me on this she felt that it was impossible for her to “lie” or hide what I might do in private she totally understands what I am going through with not being able to be open about this. So long story short at least we talked and the door to talking more is open.

Amanda M
02-18-2013, 12:59 PM
Samann, that is exactly the way it has to go. She is surprisngly open to pedicures and matching to rings! Main point is that you have broken the ice - just make sure you don't fall through the hole.

As to the equipment - you said you would not miss it. Consider for a moment what that means to her - that it's ok to be around, but in truth, she is no longer desired?

Try the shoe on and see how it feels. This woman is going to need love, tenderness, affection as much as you do, so please, work at it!


02-18-2013, 01:04 PM
At least there is some kind of a small compromise.
Its nice that you two can have a civil tqlk about your wanting to dress. Gonna be alot of baby steps and may take a while seems like. But most have been there.

02-18-2013, 01:19 PM
I know that this must be hard, but TRY to keep taking things slow. It's so, so good that you two are talking about this and that you are able to indulge in buying toe rings/get pedicures together. It sounds to me like she is honestly trying very hard to understand...but, if you push too hard, you run the risk of her resenting CDing AND you. I don't have the magic formula to figure out when or if she'll be okay with seeing you dressed, or taking any next steps...but, I do know that showing your appreciation for what she is doing now and respecting her boundaries is infinitely better than the alternative approach. So, indulge where she is willing to, be there to answer her questions, let her know how much it means to you to have her in your life, and take things slow. Just based on other members experiences, it seems like your wife is a bit more open to certain parts of it...but, it's pretty obvious that she is still uncomfortable with it. So, the best you can do is not push her and respect her boundaries...when stuff starts getting thrown on the table about entering a "platonic" relationship, you know the conversation has gone too far. There's no need to be having that conversation about toe nail polish, in my opinion. So, since the conversation got taken to that level, I would try to let things sit until she brings it up again. And, when she does, try to address her feelings on it. Honestly, with CDing, it seems like a lot of the "talks" focus around the CD with trying to figure out WHY. But, I feel like many people here really can't begin to answer that question. When you made the comment about it not being bothersome if you woke up without a penis, I'm sure that freaked her out. She is probably worried that if you explore too far down this road, you'll get SRS. She is probably very afraid of losing her husband. You need to assure her that you are there for her and that you really aren't trying to make her uncomfortable. But, that's just my advice.

02-18-2013, 01:23 PM
Sure, having a civil conversation concerning a very serious issue is great. All it means is the parties do not raise the decibel level or throw things. You're pushing an issue that she apparently wants no part of. I read into the 'civil' conversation that she does not appreciate shaving the legs and wearing stockings. She may be of the opinion she really gave in already. I suspect pushing the cross dressing issue will ultimately have a detrimental effect on your marriage. If she is telling you that you must bring up further conversations, her position seems to be fairly entrenched.

From the description of the positions you and your wife have I think both of you would benefit from gender counseling. And, if that alleviates any fears or misconceptions your wife has, you need to establish mutually acceptable boundaries. Pushing your agenda against her wishes will ultimately destroy your marriage.

02-18-2013, 01:28 PM
Samann, that is exactly the way it has to go. She is surprisngly open to pedicures and matching to rings! Main point is that you have broken the ice - just make sure you don't fall through the hole.

As to the equipment - you said you would not miss it. Consider for a moment what that means to her - that it's ok to be around, but in truth, she is no longer desired?

Try the shoe on and see how it feels. This woman is going to need love, tenderness, affection as much as you do, so please, work at it!


I could not agree with you more Amanda. Had those words been said to me...I would have been crushed. If I had spent the last 20+ years as a partner that felt that way I would have withered. How can the relationship be anything but plotonic already if you think that way....she had to pick up on that. It was so easy for me not to question his desires for me....because the intimacy was there...for me...as a woman.....it doesn't matter what is being worn....it's there. Happy the conversation door is open.. If you want the options with this woman to grow in regards to a relationship with you as a cd'r/husband then she needs to know you love her and just like you want to be "wanted"...so does she.


02-18-2013, 01:33 PM
I'm glad you had a fairly wide ranging conversation. One of things I noticed is that she's fairly aware and in some ways, actually quite accepting. But I also observed that she has a fairly full plate. She has tolerated your feminization to some degree already and seems aware that you have some developmental factors that impact on your gender identity. Add to that, dealing with her daughter coming out.

Frankly, she's handled it pretty well. she's been honest, she expresses a bit of regret for not being more accepting, and expresses an understanding of your perspective. I think its a pretty good place to be right now. My god, she even committed to staying with you through transition....I find that a pretty solid commitment to you. So, from here on, just keep the conversation going. And find out what elements of femininity she can adjust to beyond those you've already expressed. maybe the two of you could try some simple experiments to see what feels comfortable.

Beverley Sims
02-18-2013, 01:44 PM
At least she does not have a closed mind. Keep chipping away at it slowly.

02-18-2013, 03:17 PM
Thanks all of you for your input my wife is the best person to be in my life and I cannot imagine life without her. Over the last 25 years she has owned some. It is very slow progress I do not want to hurt her and fully plan on going slow. I unfortunately do have a very bad case of foot in mouth disease and knew the.comment about the equipment was wrong.as soon as.the words came out of my mouth. In the end it was a good conversation and will lead to the next one for now I will try really hard to be content with what I have in time I hope to have more but only as.she is ready for it. Where I struggle is the mixed signals I get so I try to tread lightly. I love her more and more each day. As Weaser said in Steel Magnolias " you know I love you more than my luggage". Wel. I love her more than life itself and do my best to show her that every day.

Tammy Nowakowski
02-18-2013, 03:49 PM
just take baby steps and one day at time

02-24-2013, 01:58 AM
How can the relationship be anything but plotonic already if you think that way....she had to pick up on that. It was so easy for me not to question his desires for me....because the intimacy was there...for me...as a woman.....it doesn't matter what is being worn....it's there.

I agree with this. Most hetero wives can accept a wide range of behavior if deep down they feel loved, not only emotionally but physically as well. When just the emotional bonds are there, the relationship is still very close and can still be satisfying, but really is no different than being sisters or best friends. That one component that elevates the relationship above all others is missing, for most hetero GGs.