View Full Version : No more plans for spring

02-21-2013, 02:31 AM
I'm not one to go out on a rant but. My son and his girlfriend has moved in with us. Thats going to cut WAAAAY down on my dressing time. I was just getting comfortable and venturing out of my room and driving around at night. But now here I sit in my room again with just my top and stretch pants on. Afraid to even put lipstick on. With all the pretty spring clothes coming out. I was looking forward to going out and buying my first spring dress. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH. Ok now I feel better.

02-21-2013, 06:08 AM
Turn about is fair play. Since they have cut into your privacy, make sure they don't have as much privacy either. This would get them to start considering moving out.

Erica Marie
02-21-2013, 06:51 AM
Amanda I know your pain. About two years ago my daughter moved in with me after graduating high school. I had many years of partial time to myself and that tome went to nothing overnight. Next spring she leaves for her third year of college and time may again be mine. Mean to say but I cant wait. Be strong.

linda allen
02-21-2013, 07:44 AM
Who allowed them to move in with you? Why? Could you have not said "No"?

02-21-2013, 08:34 AM
Hi Amanda, Just think someday when you get old you may need to move in with them and ruin their fun.

02-21-2013, 09:34 AM
Hi Amanda, Just think someday when you get old you may need to move in with them and ruin their fun.

There's always the future to look forward too! But seriously, mmmm, how would you characterize your relationship with your son and his GF? Ever thought of coming out to them? Worst case scenario, they go screaming from the house. Best case, you have your freedom of movement returned. Of course, there are a range of other possibilites, some not so good, some not quite so bad.

Sara Jessica
02-21-2013, 10:02 AM
Geez, I wonder what any of us do who have children in the house. I'm glad that I am not a prisoner in my own home despite having kids. Never have been, never will be. All it takes is some creativity.

02-21-2013, 10:31 AM
4 1/2 years so far of my mother-in-law living with us...

02-21-2013, 10:45 AM
4 1/2 years so far of my mother-in-law living with us...

My heart bleeds for you, it really does!:eek:

02-21-2013, 10:49 AM
..... I'm glad that I am not a prisoner in my own home despite having kids...

I do empathize with the situation. Once free, then restricted. I faced a similar situation a couple of years ago. My youngest step daughter moved back in to save some money after finishing an associates degree. I restrained my dressing for a while, but then decided it was time to come out to her. She took it in stride and so did her friends that met me en femme after that. Our relationship has never been better.

02-21-2013, 02:07 PM
Just make sure you charge them enough rent and food costs. If you make it a free ride, they will be there forever.


02-21-2013, 02:28 PM
I am with Jessica on this one. Where there is a will, there is a way. Now you just need to determine the "way"! On another note. Why question why she is letting her kids back in her house? What a stupid question! She loves them of course and is willing to sacrifice some of her independence to help out her own kids. Geez! I had to do that twice for my grown son. Yes, I wish that he would have been able to stay out there and continue to live on his own and give me my well earned right to my own privacy. However, I love him and he needed my help and I was more than ready to give it to him. He is now happily married and out of the house.

02-21-2013, 03:07 PM
That's just it. They needed my help and who else are they going to turn to. But I seen a lot of good advice so far. Thx ladies for your feed back. Some people and even some of my kids know about this part of me. It's mostly my girls that know and accept me. But it's different when it's your sons. And then you have the girlfriend. I know how my wife just loves it, yeah right. Anyway thank you ladies for all your support.

Beverley Sims
02-22-2013, 01:53 PM
I know how you feel but at least you know where where the two siblings are.
Family is very important, I know you realise that but it is spring and they could have arranged it better... AAAAHHHH!
I know you feel better, now, look towards what is in the future when you have your home back.

02-22-2013, 02:30 PM
Amanda you don't really talk about the circumstances that have them moving back in with you. It sounds like they needed help and you decided to help them.

Now it just sounds a bit selfish on your part. Maybe you should tell them you value your privacy and maybe they might go away for the weekend or something like that.

02-22-2013, 03:33 PM
Since they are imposing on you by moving-in, you could come out of the closet to them and then you would be able to dress as you please. It is not fair to change you routine to accommodate them.

Nikki A.
02-22-2013, 03:40 PM
My son moved back in with me after graduating college and he got a job nearby. While it has cut into my dressing time on one hand, it is company and he helps with the bills so it's a good trade-off.
I just need to plan better now.

02-22-2013, 03:53 PM

Consider yourself lucky. I have a 35 y/o daughter and a 45 y/o son WITH his wife living at home.

Ellanore G.G.
02-22-2013, 04:34 PM
As parents we tend to forget WE too have a life.
I know I have to word this as to not offend, but lol
I have spent over 30 years rearing children, and I as a mother love mine to death.
BUT, now is my time, and my H time to do as he wants in life with no restrictions from one another.
Some day they will be our age, and I have more behind me that before me , so to speak.
Having said that , I will try and be there for them in any way I can, BUT , its always BUT , my H had a lifetime of not being himself
because of various reason, like when the children were young etc.
This is our life now, and I managed , and my look on it is sometimes we have to allow ourselves,
be what we are regardless of our parental nature. These days my h is my first in line, as my children were , until they became adults. x

02-22-2013, 04:40 PM
Keep some perspective. It's temporary, they ARE your kids and you love them. So while dressing around the house may be impacted, you might find the freedom to venture out as a result.

Ceri Anne
02-22-2013, 05:09 PM
Sorry to hear, as Jennifer said above, it should be a temporary thing, and you get to enjoy them (for a while before welcome is worn out...lol) My daughter goes to school in Minneapolis and we live in Kansas City. The has talked about transfering to UMKC, and I had the same thoughts go thru my mind.......persevere!

02-22-2013, 09:35 PM
My heart bleeds for you, it really does!:eek:

Suzy, hope your heart can bleed for me too.My mother comes up from Florida for the summer and part of the fall.Great as she is,when she's around too much I get testy,esp. when fall comes(cd season)!!:straightface:

02-23-2013, 10:06 AM
That's just it. They needed my help and who else are they going to turn to. But I seen a lot of good advice so far. Thx ladies for your feed back. Some people and even some of my kids know about this part of me. It's mostly my girls that know and accept me. But it's different when it's your sons. And then you have the girlfriend. I know how my wife just loves it, yeah right. Anyway thank you ladies for all your support.

I think a small investment for movie tickets and burgers would be a good deal; in another town...