View Full Version : Finding crossdressers attractive

03-13-2013, 06:23 PM
so I am very much straight. in fact, part of the reason i like to dress up is because i think i could be pretty if i were a girl. occasionally when i see a guy who can pull off looking like a girl really well, i almost become flirty!
i dont come across other people who cross dress in person very often. but i think it would be so fun to have a friend who was just as into it as i was!
do you girls find yourself becoming attracted to another?

03-13-2013, 06:26 PM
Yeah, actually, that's also been pretty recurring for me. Is it a sexual attraction? Perhaps. I'd say that it's an admiration of beauty more than anything else.

Maria 60
03-13-2013, 06:36 PM
I don't know about the sexual part but I would believe it would be fun to have a male friend to dress with, almost like having all the male friends on this site.

03-13-2013, 08:23 PM
YES. I DO!!!! I have seen MANY that I find ATTRACTIVE!!!

03-13-2013, 08:39 PM
A quick pop over to the pics section in guy mode proves I am turned in by cd's.

03-13-2013, 09:09 PM
Not in a literal way. There are any number of members here who, in my estimation are genuinely pretty, even beautiful by any standard. And we're programmed, male and female, to respond to beauty. but that's where it ends. I see lots of attractive people in real life too...some of them are my friends. That doesn't meant I'm sexually drawn to them. Its part of maturity to recognize the difference between finding someone's appearance attractive and "desiring" them.

03-13-2013, 10:06 PM
Not in a literal way. There are any number of members here who, in my estimation are genuinely pretty, even beautiful by any standard. And we're programmed, male and female, to respond to beauty. but that's where it ends. I see lots of attractive people in real life too...some of them are my friends. That doesn't meant I'm sexually drawn to them. Its part of maturity to recognize the difference between finding someone's appearance attractive and "desiring" them.

I agree, and to add to it. When I was much younger happened to end up at a few nude beaches.
Great place to find out that 99% of the population looks better with at least some clothing on.
And if you dress to the 9's even a guy can appear to be an attractive woman.
Clothing and make up can do a lot to enhance sex appeal doesn't matter what's tucked or not tucked if what your eyes see is in your mind attractive. Once the clothing comes off, your mind might want to say, Oh or OMG that's a dude, cute but no sale.

03-13-2013, 10:14 PM
I like girls; That said, I like to dress up like a girl. Now I am smart enough to realizes
that I will never be as pretty as most girls. But just dressing like they do lets me feel like
a girl even for a few moments. I see any average girl walking down the street, and I get
to wondering.... Just what are they thinking of????
Some of the members here can appear so natural dressed as a girl, only their mothers
know for sure what they are. I admire them, I could only wish I could look as good as
they do. But when you have the "Body" to look good, by all means use it.

03-13-2013, 10:28 PM
I'm a man in a dress. A big masculine lug of a man. I don't think I could be attractive to anyone physically, or find another person that looks like me sexually or physically attractive. But I think I could be best friends with another CD like me because we could talk about things that I can't even express to my wife--because as understanding as she is, she can't yet understand what I feel. It would be nice to have a kindred spirit to hang out with and have some "girl" time. I would be attracted on a friendship level to a fellow CD in that situation.

03-13-2013, 10:38 PM
Sure I am, for the right person. But that's not any different than my attraction to any other groups of person...

I am attracted to some CDs. I am attracted to some men. And I am attracted to some women.

So, I guess I could become attracted to the right person of any type, just as long as they were my type.

Of course, it does help if that person likes to wear high heels! (:

03-13-2013, 10:58 PM
I have been attracted to several CDs and female impersonators over the years- even dated a few(not the campy drag queens, but the beautiful REAL looking one) I do not consider myself attractive in drag or en femme. I have had a few folks though that found me attractive due to my voice. That is a start!

03-13-2013, 11:10 PM
One of my best friends, who is married and has two daughters, finds me very attractive. He knows this side of me, and is rather fascinated about my transgender side.....sometimes a bit more than I expected.

03-13-2013, 11:21 PM
not if "another" is a guy. Regardless of his state of dress. That's kind of one of the basics of being straight.

Beverley Sims
03-13-2013, 11:21 PM
It is hard not to find someone that presents as absolutely gorgeous, attractive.
I let a guy kiss me goodnight very passionately, once.
He looked prettier than I and the other girls just called us lezzies.
I then gave the other girls a good kiss goodnight so as they didn't miss out.
I was not going to miss out.

Kelly Smith
03-13-2013, 11:30 PM
do you girls find yourself becoming attracted to another?

Yes. Some of you girls look HOT!

03-13-2013, 11:56 PM
not if "another" is a guy. Regardless of his state of dress. That's kind of one of the basics of being straight.

Oh, I'm plenty straight, Jenni. That hasn't stopped me from finding the occasional extremely fem trans, attractive. I don't have to have sex with every woman I find attractive. Why should it be any different with trans?

03-14-2013, 12:12 AM
Funny, I've found myself quite attracted to some of the better CDs!!

A little anecdote: I'm a member of a few of the Flickr groups. Last week, I was using my iPhone at work and happened to switch to the Flickr app, which was on the last picture I had looked at: very - no, totally passable CD standing in the bathroom doorway dressed in a silky cami and knickers, looking over her shoulder with the "CFM" eyes. A fellow who was with me happened to see it and said something to the effect that he would "nail her senseless". Thus far, I haven't had the heart to tell him the truth.....

03-14-2013, 03:26 AM
I consider myself to be a very straight, woman loving man who loves to crossdress, I have never been attracted to men and I love the female form, but yes on this site there are many of our friends who look every bit a woman, they dress in the most gorgeous outfits and have the most exquisite make up and they look stunning and gorgeous and yes I love to admire them and enjoy how they look

I am not attracted in a sexual way at all, but I admire the girls greatly to be able to look like they do and I am happy to give comments along those lines

03-14-2013, 04:03 AM
I'd say that it's an admiration of beauty more than anything else.
That describes it very well I think. An appreciation of feminine beauty, like admiring a lovely painting :)

Some people are too wrapped up in what's between the legs! If a totally hetrosexual manly guy had two people in front of him:
1) Very pretty crossdresser in every way looking like a beautiful women.
2) A very big and butch women, short hair, muscles and looks and dresses like a man.
Who would he find attractive? Remembering at this point he doesn't know what the plumbing's might be!

As the average hetrosexual man is attracted to the female form he would pick the crossdresser everytime, that doesn't make him gay!! We are not talking about if he would have sex etc just about basic attraction.
If your not comfortable with that, then stop trying to look like a women.

Jenni Yumiko
03-14-2013, 05:08 AM
I see some that I find very attractive but I'm not attracted to anyone.

03-14-2013, 05:15 AM
Definitely attracted to pretty. Sometimes forget a lot of people here are male they're so gorgeous.

Rogina B
03-14-2013, 05:20 AM
That describes it very well I think. An appreciation of feminine beauty, like admiring a lovely painting :)

Some people are too wrapped up in what's between the legs! If a totally hetrosexual manly guy had two people in front of him:
1) Very pretty crossdresser in every way looking like a beautiful women.
2) A very big and butch women, short hair, muscles and looks and dresses like a man.
Who would he find attractive? Remembering at this point he doesn't know what the plumbing's might be!

As the average hetrosexual man is attracted to the female form he would pick the crossdresser everytime, that doesn't make him gay!! We are not talking about if he would have sex etc just about basic attraction.
If your not comfortable with that, then stop trying to look like a women.
Very well put and I will add that some people are "straight" until they aren't!

03-14-2013, 05:27 AM
i really htink that the confusion is between attraction and admiration,there are a whole lot of girls here that carry theirselves like a total woman and are attractive enough to be taken as real girls,my self even tho i dress in female clothes i more look like a construction worker in a dress.not to say that there are not some construction workers that are not attractive.there are a few on here that i think carry their selves as total women,i myself thank that confidence is what carries those girls thru.just my humble opinion

Erica Marie
03-14-2013, 05:54 AM
Being bisexual I too am very much attracted to other attractive cd's. Not in a personal relationship way though. Because I know once the cloths come off we are still two guys and that just doesnt interest me, sexually yes but personally I can only see being with a female, but only one that can accept this side of me.

03-14-2013, 08:11 AM
If I saw a lot of the girls here at work or the mall or on the street, I would look at the "pretty woman" without knowing their gender. Lets face it some girls here look really beautiful because they try.

hugs rita

Lynn Marie
03-14-2013, 08:34 AM
I'm quite fortunate to have a number of gorgeous CD girlfriends. I'm constantly reminding myself that down deep they're still men in dresses. Lovely, attractive, men indeed.

03-14-2013, 09:59 AM
I think Becky's on to something here. Men are visual creatures and a pretty girl will get them excited if they're straight. So it makes sense that a pretty CDer would have the same effect. Seeing that Cder in guy mode wouldn't be interesting. So I say bravo to the girls that can pull the illusion off so well! If you are comfortable with your own sexuality of being straight it won't be a big deal. You know what they say about homophobic guys or the lady doth protest too much.:)

Oh and who cares if somebody is gay, Bi or straight? Just be yourself.

03-14-2013, 02:00 PM
ive been having some weird thoughts lately! i see a boy (probly around late teens) that has sort of a girly face, and dressed from the neck down. i can mostly tell that they are a guy, but seeing how they look in girly clothes just makes me think they look so cute! of course i wouldnt go as far as to be gay with them, but sometimes i am tempted to approach them and tell them that they pull it off really well.

03-14-2013, 02:05 PM
I don't know about the sexual part but I would believe it would be fun to have a male friend to dress with, almost like having all the male friends on this site.
I think that just about says exactly what I feel too Maria. I wear kilts, women as a rule like men in kilts and if I find a CD or trans who also likes men in kilts then it would be nice to just go out or be there to appreciate them when they dress. After all, a big part of dressing for most people is to look nice for others who we enjoy being with. Its def not about sex. By the way you have fantastic legs Maria.

03-14-2013, 03:51 PM
!5 years ago I would have said no way. Today, I dont mind at all. Its fun to have girl friends, and theres nothing wrong with being found attractive, or seeing others who are likewise. Its certainluy opened up my horizons.


03-14-2013, 04:03 PM
Oh, I'm plenty straight, Jenni. That hasn't stopped me from finding the occasional extremely fem trans, attractive. I don't have to have sex with every woman I find attractive. Why should it be any different with trans?

Sherry, the OP was clearly of a sexual notion. Saying someone is "attractive" and "being attracted to" are very different. Having sex is just an act. Sexual attraction to the same sex is what then OP referenced and to which I suggested that is not "straight."

Jodi Anne
03-14-2013, 04:39 PM
Yes I definitely do, and they do not need to be 100% passable. Yes I have the morals of a drunken hooker.:heehee:

03-14-2013, 04:46 PM
I definitely am sexually attracted to other crossdressers and find it is exciting to know they feel inside as I do. I also love that men, not necessarily cds are attracted to me when I'm dressed and have had sex with them when I'm dressed. Ironically I'm not attracted to men if I'm not dressed. Funny but that's the way my mind works.

03-14-2013, 05:05 PM
Sometimes I have find pictures or videos of passable crossdressers to be arousing but I think in real life, it would be too difficult for me to ignore all the other hints (voice, big hands . . .) that it is a guy in a dress for me to be sexually attracted to a crossdresser.

For me the last thing I look at is what is in between the legs. I find little in that area that is visually attractive whether it is male or female.

03-14-2013, 06:14 PM
I don't have to have sex with every woman I find attractive.

Yeah I don't have to either, but I want to! As far as crossdressers... some are attractive enough to make a sexual encounter tempting. Should I start naming names? LOL

03-14-2013, 08:56 PM
Yes, I find many CDs attractive. I too am straight...but I find myself attracted to CDs (and TSs) who of course are "passable". I like to think of it as being "attracted to the female form" and would likely venture into an experience with another if given the chance. I accept that of myself.

Tara D. Rose
03-14-2013, 08:59 PM
Yes Dee, name some names. I agree that there are some very attractive cd's on here.

03-14-2013, 09:47 PM
Yes Dee, name some names. I agree that there are some very attractive cd's on here.

Tara, you for one are sizzlin'! LOL And I have a crush on Marleena's blouse :)

03-14-2013, 09:50 PM
LOL And I have a crush on Marleena's blouse :)

Sounds like I should give Tara my blouse then.:)

03-15-2013, 02:14 AM
I find passable CD's (or close to passable) a huge turn-on! I've never even spent time with another CD, much less experimented with one, but I'd definitely be open to it!

03-15-2013, 08:58 AM
Saying someone is "attractive" and "being attracted to" are very different. Having sex is just an act. Sexual attraction to the same sex is what then OP referenced and to which I suggested that is not "straight."

"Attractive" and "being attracted to" can't be very different since they are both based on the same word "attract". I would agree that there is a difference between "attracted to" and "attracted to sexually", but the OP never mentioned "sexually".

03-15-2013, 09:08 AM
Yes Dee, name some names. I agree that there are some very attractive cd's on here.

Oh boy you put Dee on the spot there Tara.:)

Tara D. Rose
03-15-2013, 03:28 PM
Oh boy you put Dee on the spot there Tara.:)
Yes, I guess I did. I just smiled when I posted it to her. Both of you are sweethearts. And I'll take all the blouses you can send. Dee, I love your new avatar, and Marleena, you are very attractive, and have some very nice shapely legs too.

03-15-2013, 03:49 PM
Thanks Tara, I think Dee should just take the Fifth now. I know I would.:D

03-15-2013, 04:06 PM
I can't imagine not being sexually attracted to other sexy cd's but that me.

03-15-2013, 07:23 PM
Too many to list ladies and I wouldn't want to leave anyone out. Thanks for the compliment Tara!

03-16-2013, 06:24 AM
To apply some metrics to this, I would say most of you are not attracted to other CDs. I find this so strange cause I'm very attracted to other CDs. However, I am bi, so for me there is over lap between my sexuality and my gender. Is a CD who might desire another CD sexually a threat to "straight" CDs? I get a certain vibe of that.

03-16-2013, 06:35 AM
Definitely attracted to pretty. Sometimes forget a lot of people here are male they're so gorgeous.


Geneva Lake
03-17-2013, 07:50 AM
I love a good look, a sweet face, great lips, wonderful voice, nice legs, beautiful feet, teriffic shoes and clothes, and witty personality ... no matter what the gender. I'm straight, but I find some CDer photos here so very, very alluring. Thanks to you all for just being here. :)

03-17-2013, 08:18 PM
It's not my fault you girls are gorgeous. :)

03-17-2013, 08:43 PM
I find myself attracted to feminine people rather than genetic gender. A choice between looking at a feminine male and a masculine women is no hands down the man. I do not consider myself gay but I would take home David Bowie and leave Susan Boyle any day. Having said that if the odds were more even I would choose Pink say over Robbie Williams. I guess that makes me bi but with an attraction towards effeminate people.

03-17-2013, 09:55 PM
i dont come across other people who cross dress in person very often. but i think it would be so fun to have a friend who was just as into it as i was! do you girls find yourself becoming attracted to another?

Yeah, it would be fun; in fact the only type of male who would interest me would be a MtF crossdresser! I like males who ditch their inherent masculinity and wrap themselves in a feminine frame of mind, complete with the appropriate clothing. I would be attracted to such an individual, because we obviously might think a little bit alike, even as we retain our blessed individuality, of course...

03-17-2013, 10:38 PM
personally i do find other crossdressers attractive, usually to the point of being envious but also i do feel some sexual attraction as well but that's because I've recently discovered in the past year or so that im pretty much pansexual. :)

03-17-2013, 10:50 PM
While I'm not attracted to them in a sexual or romantic way, I do appreciate a beautiful trans-gender woman when I see her.....and as others have said, there are many such individuals here! :)

03-18-2013, 01:49 AM
I'm not really into men, sometimes I find them attractive but it's they usually have a feminine quality about them. CDs who are passable and especially pre or post op girls are a huge turn on for me, I think the fact they were born as men makes them try harder to be feminine. I love the whole feminine form and I think that's why I cross dress. Women wear much more comfortable and sexy clothing than men do.
"As the average hetrosexual man is attracted to the female form he would pick the crossdresser everytime, that doesn't make him gay!! We are not talking about if he would have sex etc just about basic attraction."
I think you hit it spot on Becky, most men are more attracted to the way a woman acts and dresses rather than what's in between their legs. I think that morw men than we think would be with a CD or TS than we think. But I think it would be more of a one night stand type deal than an attempt at a relationship.

03-19-2013, 08:32 PM
im starting to see cross dressing like cosplay.
I love going to conventions where there are amazing costumes all around! its so amazing to see how much work people can put together to create a whole new character for themselves to be for a day. (I wore a few to Blizzcon's but they werent all that great haha)
Cross dressing is just casual cosplay. I highly admire when i see a guy that can make a "girl costume" look really good and convincing, and i want to do the same!~

03-21-2013, 08:31 PM
There are definitely a lot of beautiful cd/tg out there. Part of finding it attractive is that it's a beautiful women but the other part is admiring them and being a bit jealous of them which is sexy.

03-23-2013, 12:19 PM
I do find other girls attractive. Somebody said it right with "male or female, we are all programmed to react to beauty"
i love dressing and getting dolled up.

03-23-2013, 02:12 PM
Yeah, it would be fun; in fact the only type of male who would interest me would be a MtF crossdresser! I like males who ditch their inherent masculinity and wrap themselves in a feminine frame of mind, complete with the appropriate clothing. I would be attracted to such an individual, because we obviously might think a little bit alike, even as we retain our blessed individuality, of course...

That sums it up for me perfectly. So she wouldn't even have to pass for me to appreciate and be attracted to her. There is such a drastic softening of their masculinity when dressed that is very appealing to me. It's like in the INXS song Need You Tonight-- "You're one of my kind"!

03-23-2013, 02:40 PM
I try to be sexually attractive to men when I'm presenting as a female, but I am most definitely Bi-, so I'm not sure that fits the OP question. I've been to quite a few GNO's at alternate bars, and there is a definitely section of the group which attends mainly so they can hookup with other crossdressers. Oddly, I'm not particularly attracted to other crossdressers except when I'm presenting as a male. The brain is a weird thing.

03-30-2013, 02:30 AM
Yes. Some of you girls look HOT!

I totally agree! :)

03-30-2013, 02:34 AM
I guess that I might if I met one who looked decent. Most every one I know is either overweight, old, and/or has an odd facial problem. I rather like genetic females though.

03-30-2013, 05:34 AM
Yes, I find passing CDers sexually attractive. I have never had a gay experience, but I would not rule it out from ever happening. The movie "The Crying Game" brought it all home for me. I saw the movie without knowing the "twist", and, like the lead character, I was attracted to Dil. My "come to Jesus" moment came when thinking about this movie. There is NO QUESTION when she revealed herself, after the initial shock, I would have immediately gone for it. The closest I have come to admitting any bi/CD etc. thoughts to anyone close to me involves this movie. All my best friends, my last three girlfriends, and my daughter ALL know my feelings on this, as I have openly expressed them. I also told my daughter, after watching a local performance of "La Cage", that one of the "women" was insanely hot. We stayed after the performance to talk to the actor, who thanked me for the compliment.

The idea of a hot woman being a man underneath is actually a turn-on for me. I've been there and done that with women.

03-30-2013, 05:00 PM
I'm sorry, but I crack up at CDers who want to come across as all macho. Nothing personal, but...

CD does not equal macho. It doesn't mean gay or sissy or whatever. But it is NOT macho. Unless "bears" are also macho.

In my (admittedly limited) mind, "macho" should stand only for truly manly men. (and I loathe those mother****ers, by the way)

03-30-2013, 05:08 PM
so I am very much straight. in fact, part of the reason i like to dress up is because i think i could be pretty if i were a girl. occasionally when i see a guy who can pull off looking like a girl really well, i almost become flirty!
i dont come across other people who cross dress in person very often. but i think it would be so fun to have a friend who was just as into it as i was!
do you girls find yourself becoming attracted to another?
I experienced making out with another crossdresser in person and i would say that is fun

03-30-2013, 06:05 PM
I find lots of CDers attractive, I'm bisexual so its not a big strretch, but I think a lot of it comes about from being attracted to people who you think may feel the same way about things
I feel a kinship with a lot of CDers especially when I see their pics, because I too know some of the motives and desires and feelings they have which lead them to be who they are.

In a way that kinship or understanding can create a sense of attraction. An instant sense of sameness if you will.

so if i met a CDer who was into heels, horror movies and heavy metal (the 3 H's I suppose :-))

my heart might be in SERIOUS trouble.


03-30-2013, 06:30 PM
Yeah, actually, that's also been pretty recurring for me. Is it a sexual attraction? Perhaps. I'd say that it's an admiration of beauty more than anything else.

I would have to say I would have posted that, almost verbatim.

03-30-2013, 06:46 PM
You took the words right out of my mouth Erica. I am very attracted to other cd's but can only see living my life with a woman.

03-30-2013, 10:44 PM
I am very much attracted to other crossdressers its a weird sensation as i feel like i could be dominated as a woman or dominating as a crossdresser..

03-30-2013, 11:21 PM
Well I must say that a lot of the girls on this forum are indeed hot!

But the only way I could only be attracted to any of them would be if they were a 100% clone of my wife.. And that's not possible, no disrespect....

03-30-2013, 11:24 PM
but what if a gg find a crossdresser attractive

03-30-2013, 11:25 PM
If a gg liked a crossdresser I think we'd frighten her away with the sudden rush of messages.

03-30-2013, 11:28 PM
even though i like girls there would be chances where i would mess around with another crossdresser or trans

03-30-2013, 11:29 PM
but what if a gg find a crossdresser attractive

Well for the crossdresser that would be like winning the lottery.

03-30-2013, 11:34 PM
I find some other Cds Very attractive. And could maybe see something happening and by the way I have met some gg's that do find cd's attractive one is my wife.

03-30-2013, 11:51 PM
I'm a man in a dress. A big masculine lug of a man. I don't think I could be attractive to anyone physically, or find another person that looks like me sexually or physically attractive. But I think I could be best friends with another CD like me because we could talk about things that I can't even express to my wife--because as understanding as she is, she can't yet understand what I feel. It would be nice to have a kindred spirit to hang out with and have some "girl" time. I would be attracted on a friendship level to a fellow CD in that situation.

Not being the smallest guy in the room or the most feminine looking I can identify with this a lot. Having someone be attracted to me even knowing that neither they nor I am a woman can still be a potent thing for me. Not necessarily a sexual thing but more the fact the it's nice enough to be appreciated to maybe overlook the source of the appreciation.

04-01-2013, 12:32 PM
Yes, I find many CDs attractive. I too am straight...but I find myself attracted to CDs (and TSs) who of course are "passable". I like to think of it as being "attracted to the female form" and would likely venture into an experience with another if given the chance. I accept that of myself.

This post matches my sentiments. I think the right gurl would be just fine. I bet one could develop a close reltionship with the right one.

04-01-2013, 01:02 PM
I don't feel attracted to them in any way. What I do feel is jealousy because I don't look that good or because I would like waht they are wearing.

04-01-2013, 01:58 PM
Crossdresser are some of the hottest people I know. LOL

Tabitha Storm
04-01-2013, 02:45 PM
I find pretty ones attractive. For me it is no different than finding an pretty gg attractive. There are many gg I am not attracted to and many CDs. Just because you find them attractive does not mean you are not straight, just you find the pretty female form attractive

04-02-2013, 11:13 AM
I am finding over time that when I "check out" women, I am looking for that perfect ratio. Proportionate hips, breasts, facial features. I've come to realize that the main reason I am SOOO attracted to women is because I am jealous of them...I see a lot of bikinis down here by the beach and I'm always checking them out but not like other guys do. Other guys are always like saying gross stuff about what they'd do to this one or that one lol. But I'm searching them for that perfect shape and when I see these gorgeous bikini wearing sexy girls on the beach, I just wish I could wear my bikini and frolic around with them, looking as good as they do, being noticed by the gross guys staring at them, and me....I'm jealous of the attention they get for being beautiful. Is that crazy?? Lol
as far as finding cross dressers attractive, it's not the fact that they cross dress that attracts my attention, it's how close they come to emulating that perfect female form. I've seen some CDs that were drop dead gorgeous!! But it's because they look like women, naturally :)

04-02-2013, 11:53 AM
Attraction? No
Intrigue? Yes ... because they are usually looking better than me and I could benefit from their advice.

04-07-2013, 06:19 AM
Yeah, I find hot crossdressers attractive. Very much so.

04-07-2013, 12:03 PM
Ho yes I find CD very attractive.


04-07-2013, 06:15 PM
I'm certainly attracted to any femininely attractive person, but not enough to risk getting an STD. In fact, I think I'd only have sex if the purpose were reproduction (or if I were forced, as in rape, which I would not welcome in the least). I would also never seek intimacy before having a meaningful relationship with a lady.

04-07-2013, 06:54 PM
this is an open ended question that would have many answers, I am attracted to femme boys and beautiful women thats for sure. Zero male attraction.

04-07-2013, 07:30 PM
I'm not attracted to men, and I'm attracted to women. I find CDs attractive for a few reasons. They typically tend to present themselves in a very attractive manner. That is, often trying to look their best. Sometimes I look at women who are out and about and they're wearing sweats or their hair is tied up in a rag and I think, "Really, is that the best you can do?" I understand that women don't want to be dressed to the nines at all times, but I don't like the unkempt look. CDs, who don't get to dress up a lot, usually put in a lot of effort and it shows. In addition, there's a much different attitude. I'm in my 40s and sexuality is more between my ears than my legs now. I find that most CDs I run into have a very sexy outlook on life. Much less judgmental for obvious reasons and generally more outgoing and less uptight about sex and sexuality. I find that very attractive in any person.

04-07-2013, 07:41 PM
Ya I find crossdressers attractive for the fact that the attraction is 1) same interest as you ...likes to CD 2) sharing the magical transformation that it takes to achieve ones look 3) the idea of embracing someone else in ladies clothes and 4) the ACCEPTANCE factor of being out in dress!

Janine cd
04-07-2013, 07:56 PM
I agree with my other sisters that seeing a really feminine cd fully dressed and presenting as a woman makes me wish that I were with them.
Much has to do with womanly bonding rather than sexual attraction. I would love to be able to meet with another sister and share our common desires to dress.

04-10-2013, 01:31 PM
i think they can ether be even more unattractive then men or just as attractive depending on there passableness

Tilly Vega
04-10-2013, 03:15 PM
I've come to the realization that Im attracted to really fem guys whether in drag or drab. I love when they mix male/female styles together.

04-10-2013, 07:33 PM
this is an open ended question that would have many answers, I am attracted to femme boys and beautiful women thats for sure. Zero male attraction.

What she said------

04-10-2013, 07:44 PM
There are amazingly attractive CD/TGs girls that 99.76% of the (boring) male population would be attracted to.

04-10-2013, 08:40 PM
i have seen some very beautiful "gals", but not interested in a sexual deal. if only i could look half as good.
does this count?

04-11-2013, 05:22 PM
This is something I have thought a lot about. It is a very confusing topic for me as a CDer I don't know if I find the clothes attractive or the person.