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View Full Version : Thanks, crossdressers.com

Kalista Jameson
03-14-2013, 11:28 PM
Thanks to this forum, I've been able to organize my thoughts, gain a deeper understanding of myself and find out just how much of an obstacle to myself I have been.

I just got off the phone with my best friend since 1982, and confidently, without so much as a raised pulse, share with him fully about my crossdressing since grade school. He was totally cool with it and didn't even see it as a big deal and will even hang out with me enfemme. He simply doesn't care.

I had him youtube several of our own Jessica Who's videos and he laughed with me and thought they were cool. Special props to Jessica for those.

This marks the second full disclosure conversation that I have had in less then twelve hours. The first one was with my brother (he's known for years, but not much discussion until today) who completely mirrored the support of my friend and is helping to plan a Vegas trip with me while I'm enfemme and will take pics and videos of us together. These guys are beyond awesome.

My confidence is also bolstered enough to tell my mom and sister, both I believe to react similarly. I'll keep my fingers crossed as I finally come clean to my sister about what really happened to her ballet outfit back in 1980.

By leaps and bounds I am moving forward and wished to give props where it is due. Thank you, crossdressers.com and all my TGirl sisters. You all are the best.:D



Beverley Sims
03-15-2013, 01:39 AM
Good for you in overcoming the heebie jeebies and getting out.
You have had two good responses and may you have many more.
Be careful though as some, especially those may have reservations.
I certainly hope not, and I am being a damp squid here, please be careful and considerate to others.
I am pleased as any one that you are making progress and I wish you well.
It is good to know that you have gained some of your confidence from this forum.

Kalista Jameson
03-15-2013, 11:13 AM
Good for you in overcoming the heebie jeebies and getting out.
You have had two good responses and may you have many more.
Be careful though as some, especially those may have reservations.
I certainly hope not, and I am being a damp squid here, please be careful and considerate to others.
I am pleased as any one that you are making progress and I wish you well.
It is good to know that you have gained some of your confidence from this forum.

Hi Beverly,

Naw, you're not a damp squid unless you watch too much Spongebob. :) No worries, I am very conservative about who I am telling at this point and giving each person a mental interview as to how it effects both me and them to know. There is a list of people, like my daughter, that don't really need to know this about me at this time for reasons that benefit me or them.

I'm only telling people that are very inner circle and I believe would be okay with it. Each person gets a lot of consideration before I open my mouth. Appreciate the concern and advice, as always.



03-15-2013, 01:51 PM
I totally agree! this website has made me realize that im not crazy, I just have a unique hobby!
I only started looking deep into it about a week ago, and im already becoming a lot more open about my secret.
congratulations on all of the family support by the way!

03-15-2013, 01:52 PM
Yep this site is great! Simple is, as simple is put.

Rachel Murphy
03-15-2013, 03:32 PM
I'd like to add my thank you to the site and those who make it so wonderful.

Everyone needs support and for some of us, me for one, this is the only place and the only people that can meet that need.

Thanks to all.

03-15-2013, 03:34 PM
My thanks as well. I've only been on a short time, but learned so much! :)

27th Jennifer
03-15-2013, 06:46 PM
I agree! This forum (and all of you wonderful ladies) has helped me understand and come to terms with who I am.
Best of luck to you!


Kalista Jameson
03-16-2013, 03:43 PM

Just got off a two hour phone call with my mom who now knows everything about my crossdressing and was wonderful about it. She is actually offering me to look at and pick out some of my grandmother's jewelry to keep and wants so see my photos I've shared here. I know not everyone is as blessed as I have been in sharing with family and friends as I have been so far, so I really do appreciate my situation. I would never have known how much if it were not for the resources here to embolden me to find out. Again, thanks crossdressers.com!



Kalista Jameson
03-17-2013, 04:46 AM
Thanks for the feedback, Snow. I'm sorry for Tara's loss and that you never got the chance to meet her. She sounds like she was a wonderful mom. I can relate to that. My mom has always been really accepting and proactive in my life and with my brother and sister as well. I am truly blessed. Thanks for sharing a bit. :)



03-17-2013, 06:42 AM
Hi Kalista, This is such a wonderful forum no mater what your question is some one will have an answer for you.
It really sounds like this forum has let you find the real you.