View Full Version : Do you know the steps to becoming a transvestite, this guy figured it out!

03-19-2013, 11:32 AM

And, apparently, there are seven steps in this process, so don't despair, you can do it too!

This is an example of the nonsense from crossdresserswives.com. Dated 1969, this is cited under current academic research! What strikes me as quite amazing, is the ease with which he generalizes. Most researchers try for objectivity. He interviewed 7, yes, seven, transvestites. And with that level of detailed research he was able to write this "academic" paper. It's really quite a funny read as he is really writing a confirmation of the common belief at the time.

So, according to him, I am not a transvestite. Back to step one, doh!

03-19-2013, 11:35 AM
Darn, I have to start taking classes again to keep my certification?

03-19-2013, 11:41 AM
That site is an excellent example of exactly two things:
1. What does a dysfunctional codependant relationship really look like?
2. Sometimes staying together is, in fact, worse for everyone.
It's toxic.

Beverley Sims
03-19-2013, 11:57 AM
You will just have to stop smoking that stuff whatever it is.
You can write a thesis with only 3 points of view.
If you plagiarize it of the internet these days, with electronic lodgement of essays you can be caught out.
Some of those other sites is why I am sitting here reading what you have to say.

03-19-2013, 01:05 PM
Interesting! That URL got me rite back to your OP, Jenni. I guess that's the answer to what causes transvesticism? A complete and continuing circle!? Nice!

Rebecca Watson
03-19-2013, 01:34 PM
Oh, science. I like science. Let's take a look...

The first thing I notice about this paper is that it's published in a not-so-good journal Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes (http://guilfordjournals.com/loi/psyc): it's ranked C in the Australian ERA system (the lowest possible rank). To put this into context for non-scientists, at job interviews, I highlight how I don't have any C-level publications. Papers in this category are often "crank the handle" papers; academics simply need to publish papers (good or otherwise), or they will lose their jobs, and C-level journals are where these papers are published. However, in some cases, good journals have been mislabelled C-level journals, and good papers are sometimes submitted to C-level journals. Also, to be fair to the author, the ERA ranking did exist when this paper was published. Note also that the author was a master's student at UC Berkeley at the time this research was conducted.

This paper would have been peer-reviewed and appears to be properly referenced, so it's extremely unlikely to have no scientific merit whatsoever. We also need to put this paper into the appropriate context: Firstly, this is not a mathematics paper; claims made should be assumed to be general in nature, and specific counter-examples should be expected.

The author's data sources: (a) an in-depth study of 7 transvestites, (b) a survey of 262 transvestites, and (c) supporting references. A sample size of 7 might seem small, but there are practical hurdles to overcome: e.g. (a) finding transvestites who are willing and have the time to do an in-depth scientific study, (b) the time taken to conduct these interviews. Moreover, this number is reported: if one feels that different conclusions could be reached by a larger sample size, then one can design and conduct their own interviews with a larger sample size, and publish the results. This is how science grows.

So, here's the proposed major steps to transvestism (quoted verbatim; but emphasis mine):

- In most cases, although not absolutely all, the first step in becoming a transvestite comes between the ages of about five and fourteen from the association of some item of feminine wearing apparel with sexual gratification, usually through masturbation.

The first step is backed up with numerical evidence from the survey, and subsequently confirmed by the extended results in Prince and Bentler, Survey of 504 cases of transvestism (http://www.amsciepub.com/doi/abs/10.2466/pr0.1972.31.3.903), Psychological Reports, 1972, 31, 903-917. One would be hard pressed to contradict this (although, I find the link to masturbation a bit shaky, since the age range contains prepubescent children).

- The second step in becoming a transvestite comes when the youth perceives some heterosexual difficulties, which may come from low libidinal energy or from a lack of the stable sense of self esteem needed to switch into heterosexual functioning.

- The third step in becoming a transvestite is the blockage of the homosexual outlet.

- The fourth step in becoming a transvestite involves this elaboration of masturbation fantasies into the development of a feminine self.

- The fifth step in becoming a transvestite involves fixing the gratification pattern in the identity of the transvestite.

There's not much to support the last four claims (importantly, there is no numerical evidence to indicate how reliable these claims are). Presumably, the author is basing these on the in-depth study results.

I'd have to disagree most strongly with the third step (or, at least, the way it's phrased), since it sounds like the author is suggesting that transvestites would preferably choose a homosexual lifestyle. Unfortunately, I do not have hard evidence to contradict this claim.

- Becky

03-19-2013, 01:57 PM
Jennifer, I think you have touched on a great idea for a new niche business. Lets start a new school program, we can have real classes and also offer on line degrees in "becoming a transvestite". At the end, of course, we will have to give out diplomas, and every one will have the option to come to a big ceremony where they will walk across our stage! Hmmmmm.... what will I wear.....

03-19-2013, 02:36 PM
I figure this is why I've always classed myself as a Crossdresser

I cant possibly be a transvestite as I simply don't fit the necessary criteria stipulated in this magnificent piece of work

Back to the Labels argument anyone

03-19-2013, 03:01 PM
OK, read the article. I was disappointed - given a title "The Transvestic Career Path", I was really hoping for job advice for a beginning transvestite!

What a load of codswallop.

Favorite bits:

It is possible that such an adaptation is characteristic of societies which have extremely strong cultural masculinity demands, such as American Indian, where being a warrior creates for many men the conditions conducive to transvestism.

Hey, while we're going on about gender, social and sexual stereotypes, let's go for broke and bring race into it with really poorly supported ideas!

The two phenomena, transvestism and homosexuality are analytically distinct, as noted by Kinsey (pp. 679-681) and by Brown (p. 1017),

Cool, we aren't gay!

The third step in becoming a transvestite is the blockage of the homosexual outlet. There are two reasons why homosexuality may be an unacceptable response for someone with these preconditions. First, and most likely, he may have a socialized aversion to homosexuality, as do many people within our culture.

Oh no wait, nevermind, let's just contradict ourselves a few paragraphs later. Yes we are. I mean seriously - let's start with a well documented idea that sexuality and gender are at least to a large degree independent, establish that most of the transvestite population is not gay, and then oh hell, just declare that they really want to be, but are too ashamed. Awful.

I know this is old, and the gender, sexual, social, and racial stereotypes in it are kind of par for the course for the time it was written. But still. This is just awful.

I will give him props for suggesting that electroshock therapy really isn't a good idea, and admitting that he doesn't know how to treat this either.

I stamp my high heeled pump in a gesture of strong disapproval at this article. :p

03-19-2013, 03:08 PM
I am only part way through but having a good laugh. A transvestite is someone who fails at being a man but doesn't have the guts to be gay and isn't good looking enough to get a boyfriend anyway. If this was intentionally comedic I'd post it on my Facebook.

03-19-2013, 03:11 PM
I am only part way through but having a good laugh. A transvestite is someone who fails at being a man but doesn't have the guts to be gay and isn't good looking enough to get a boyfriend anyway. If this was intentionally comedic I'd post it on my Facebook.

A perfect synopsis!

Rachel Murphy
03-19-2013, 03:13 PM
Thank you for hosting this thread Jennifer.

The article was thought-provoking. I think I'll read it again before giving my 2 cents as there's a lot of text for my pea brain to assimilate.

03-19-2013, 04:16 PM
PSYCHIATRY. Vol.: 33, No. 3. August,1970. Pp. 381-389

Jennifer, next time pick an article that is younger than you!!!!

03-19-2013, 11:03 PM
All I can say is that I'm glad that I came across this forum before I found that. I wouldn't have a clue what I am if I had. :)

03-20-2013, 10:21 AM
glad i am not a transvestite. too much hard work involved.
i will stick to just being a trans-person.


03-20-2013, 10:56 AM
A lot of this is true in my case. I've always said that I'm a transvestite.

03-20-2013, 02:58 PM
All Transgenders under the age of about 35 should be required to read that article so they'll have some kind of idea about the sorts of babbling idiots, even in the academic community, which we older folks had to endure when we were in our teens and twenties.

03-20-2013, 06:07 PM
For better or worse, some of that article rings true with me, except the whole "because one doesn't have the courage to be gay" thing (which is ridiculous.)

Angela Campbell
03-20-2013, 06:29 PM
There are only two steps.

1 Get some womens clothes

2 Put them on

Walaa! You are a transvestite.

03-20-2013, 08:31 PM
Hi Jenn, Way back in the day if I would've known it was that complicated I would never have started 65yrs. ago.

Kelly Smith
03-20-2013, 11:09 PM
A structure as imprecise as the one described by the lowly psych grad student who authored this paper can seem to fit us for the same reasons a horoscope does. With that in mind, a super accelerated version of his theory fits my brief "career". I was unable to find an adequate number of woman sex partners. In my condition it would have required the services of enough young women to staff the Dallas Cowboys' Cheerleading squad. Not having Hugh Hefner's access to such a resource, I created my female doppelgänger. The "too ugly to be gay" hypothesis is amusing.