View Full Version : Wanting more

03-21-2013, 08:37 AM
My wife knows of my dressing and is some what supportive as long as I dont go out or wear wig. Now my problem is I want to go out I have done it before going to a bar and stores she doesn't know of it.How do I go about telling her this is what I really want? I also would love to meet friends here and to be able to go out dressed this is what I really want how do I tell her? I just want to express my self in woman hood and I really want it some times I think of writing her an Email would this be the right way to do it?

03-21-2013, 09:02 AM
Thereis a fine line in the world of cding where what we want and what we have. I respect the values and condition that
my wife and i have agreeded on. There are some things that, with carefull reconsideration and commincation
we have have agreeded on. Change and the new ideals that i seek are met with disdain and confusion.
If you respect yourself and the relationship you have with your wife you will need to talk FACE TO FACE
and show her the same consideration you wouls ask of her.
It was 27 years before i could figure what i wanted or could live with in CDing before i could tell my wife.
Now we live with a new understanding and love for each other.
It is better to live with love and a little less than to die alone with everthing.
My best to you, Wonderwho

Kate Simmons
03-21-2013, 10:18 AM
When I told my wife years ago just what you said, it was pretty counter productive. Some women just do not want to be married to another woman but have a need for their husband to be a "man", whatever that means. As it was, I couldn't really become myself until she decided to leave me.Now, I've found a woman who loves me for who I am. I hope you make out better with your wife than I did My friend. Good luck.:)

Beverley Sims
03-21-2013, 10:22 AM
Email and other forms of communication for a subject like this with a SO would be a slap in the face and impersonal.
You have to talk to her face to face and be compassionate.

03-21-2013, 10:28 AM
Sit down with her and talk to her, tell how you feel and what you would like to do. Explain that you wanted her to know and hope that she will maybe help you with this, tell her that you'd like her involvement if possible in this.

I Am Paula
03-21-2013, 10:42 AM
Sending an Email would be like dumping someone by text. 21st. century absolute faux pas.-Celeste

03-21-2013, 10:51 AM
I agree, the email idea is lame and disrespectful. be an adult and set aside some talk time. Communication is key to any good, healthy relationship no matter what the subject is.

Jenni Yumiko
03-21-2013, 11:17 AM
Face to face, no email, txt or morse code. If you set boundaries and compromises then maybe wait until renegotiating time?

03-21-2013, 11:18 AM
Find a local support group.

Then talk to your wife and tell about how your needs/feeling have changed in this area. Don't tell her it is something you want to do, but feel you need to do. And a local support group may be more acceptable to her, as she's not likely to worry about others finding out.

Invite her along.