View Full Version : Finding normal in our newly empty nest

03-27-2013, 07:23 PM
My wife and I have had a wonderful time, now just two and a half months into empty nest life. While I love my son dearly, it's so nice to just be ourselves around home. There are so many possibilities, and not just for me and CDing.

We knew this would enable me to enter gal mode as much as I want, and that exiting and re-entering our home would be greatly simplified. With no external limits, it's now a matter of finding an equilibrium among my need to CD, my wife's need for me in guy mode, and my own need for guy mode. I think we've found this equilibrium for now, and we both seem to be content with it. I share this for those of you who also seek your equilibrium, though your situation will certainly influence your results.

I've retained, and intend to retain my chest, leg, and armhair - for my wife and myself. The styles I've chosen cover these quite well, and my wig covers my nearly bald head nicely. My makeup, including a good beard/moustache cover, is effective - largely thanks to my wife's assistance and advice.

I can and do wear my nightgowns whenever I want around the house without makeup and wig. She says she doesn't even notice the difference between these and my usual shorts-and-tshirt. In bed this is about half the time, and then generally with nighties that provide access to my chest hair.

I dress fully en femme once or twice a week, especially now that we've enhanced my wardrobe with a set of tops in wide-ranging colors from Goodwill. On most of these occasions I also go out for a bit, with and without my wife, to build up my 'technique' and confidence - always reinforced by her. She prefers me to go 'all the way' when dressing up to avoid the disturbing mismatch, and I'm happy to oblige.

I'm now comfortable and relaxed when en femme at home and away, and she also enjoys being with me. Our little secret gives us something to share in private jokes, gestures, and comments, even with company. Most importantly, I am her man all the time (even when dressed) and ensure that I exhibit her man frequently and with effect.

There are coming events that will affect this equilibrium, but we can shift to adapt. Soon we intend to share this secret with some very close friends, but only after ensuring confidentiality, so my wife has someone else to talk with. Summer brings weekends at a campground, where gal mode will be difficult or impossible. Finally, we've agreed (with her encouragement) that I will attend SCC in Atlanta with others in our support group. This doesn't count the "unexpected", but we'll cope with that. The tale never ends.

Wishing you the best in finding your own equilibrium.


03-27-2013, 07:32 PM
Glad to hear that the two of you have found a happy medium !

03-27-2013, 08:15 PM
Hi Miriam, We are almost 10yrs. empty nesters but they live close by and the grand daughter pops in from time to time too.

So I limit my Orchid time early AM or later in the evening I would never tell them that they can't come over .

03-27-2013, 08:37 PM
Hi Miriam, I doubt I'll ever have empty nest as I will probably have grandkids by the time the last one leaves, so I've had to include my kids - and for now 1 boyfriend, in my alternative life style in order to keep my equilibrium. winter is comming and I think my daughter going to book me in for a leg wax for my birthday

03-27-2013, 10:50 PM
On the down side. Enjoy it while you can.
With the economy the way it is, many children can't make it w/o living with mom & pop.

Beverley Sims
03-28-2013, 05:13 AM
You do have to learn how to work around unexpected visits.
Otherwise you seem to be doing quite well.