View Full Version : Do you always wear a slip?

12-12-2005, 10:13 AM
I'm a girl who loves to wear a slip but I think many GG's don't wear them any more. I've been wondering why and think I may have found the answer.

The only time when I'm en femme and don't wear a slip is when I'm wearing pantyhose anda lined skirt. If I'm wearing an unlined skirt or wearing stockings then I simply have to wear a slip. Now most GG's seem to wear pantyhose most of the time and most skirts are lined so is this why slips aren't worn very much?

It would be nice to hear when other ladies wear a slip and also what other GG's have to say. As for me, I'm wearing a lovely white waist slip right now and feel more feminine as a result.

Girlie hugs,


Angela Burke
12-12-2005, 10:36 AM
I always wear a slip whether my skirt is lined or not.
Pantyhose or stockings, the same, a lovely slip.
Slips are such wonderfully feminine garments.
What's the male equivalent of a full slip in silk with a lace hem ?
I love slips.

Love Angela XX

Stephanie Brooks
12-12-2005, 10:44 AM
I *always* wear a slip - full slip or half slip and camisole. Whether the dress or skirt is lined is irrelevant.

12-12-2005, 10:55 AM
I, too, am a big slip lover. Often, when I have a bit of time to dress at home, I'll just wear a bra, panities, slip, hose and pumps. Mmmmm, just dreamy. Tammi

12-12-2005, 12:47 PM
The tactile benefits from wearing a slip beneath your dress are surely to be appreciated. I, myself have gone a bit further I think. Lately I've taken to wearing multiple petticoats under some of my silky girly skirts. Oo wee! Try that . You are sure to like it. Lovey kisses, Darlena

12-12-2005, 12:57 PM
oh, yes, it is a must with a longer unlined skirt or dress. MHO:o

12-12-2005, 01:38 PM
I always wear a slip, whether my skirt is lined or not.

12-12-2005, 01:58 PM
I am also a slip lover and I have been ever since I was a young tgirl... so naturally I always wear a slip. The sensation of a slip sliding across my panties and nylons is very erotic.

12-12-2005, 02:18 PM
Always. Short slip for skirts, long half slips for long skirts, regular slips for dresses, and long slips for long dresses. Many for some evening gowns, I would not wear a slip, but that would be the exception.

Foxy Lady
12-12-2005, 02:21 PM
I prefer half slips, even worn them to ber under a night gown.

12-12-2005, 04:56 PM
I always wear a slip, even if the skirt/dress is lined.
I wear also some kind of 'underlining', like a plain half-slip made with
lining fabric.
these are my (very restrictive and conservative) rules:
Lined dresses: at least one full-slip and underlining/half slip;
Unlined dresses: couple of full-slips and underlining;
Lined skirts: at least one slip/half slip and underlining;
Unlined skirts: couple of slips and underlining or full, half and underlining.

12-12-2005, 05:12 PM
i like slips to even under my drab clothes they are easyer to tuck in than camys

12-12-2005, 05:54 PM
Years ago when I was drunk I was wearing a slip under my drab clothes.
Unbeknownst to me the slip had become untucked and was very visible.
I never did go back to that bar.
And yes, I would not even think of wearing a skirt or dress without a slip.
Hugs, Christine

12-12-2005, 06:06 PM
I adore slips especially vintage. I am building up quite a collection. My favourites include Van Raalte and Vanity Fair. Georgina.

12-12-2005, 06:54 PM
I always wear a slip with a dress but camis feel so nice!!!

Tina Dixon
12-12-2005, 08:23 PM
Always, it was the first female clothing I ever wore a long time ago.

Vivian Best
12-12-2005, 11:25 PM
I always wear a slip of some sort when I'm dressed. I feel I would not be properly dressed if I didn't have a slip on. Doesn't matter whether the dress or skirt is lined or unlined. And another thing, I always wear panties under my pantyhose and a girdle to hold my hose up.


12-13-2005, 01:08 AM
I always wear a slip unless the skirt or dress is lined with an in-line slip. I just like it better that way. And if the sun is shining, one can see right through a thin dress or skirt. I'm a proper lady, not prone to exhibitionism. If you're going to look right through my clothing, I'd rather you see a lacy underlayer instead of, well, me.

12-13-2005, 01:12 AM
Hi I always were a slip when I'm dressed. I think it complets the whole package and besides they feel soo good.

12-13-2005, 01:21 AM
uh guess im odd grrl out ...I never wear em ...perhaps if my skirt was very thin but honestly... I own 1 thats it... it hangs in the closet ...not on me lol

12-13-2005, 07:03 AM
Lovely to see how many girls have responded to this thread. Looking at the original It may seem that I don't favour wearing a slip with pantyhose and a lined skirt. Nothing could be further from the truth; I love wearing a slip with those garments, it is just that those are the only things I would wear if I wasn't wearing a slip. I'm a silly girl!!

It would be nice to have some GG posts to let us know their views on wearing slips. i.e. Waist slip or full, wear them always or not. Perhaps some SO's would like to contribute and make us slip lovers more informed ( and happy)

Right now I'm wearing a deep blue waist slip with a 4" lace hem and it feels absolutely gorgeous, especially where my stocking tops end.


Rachel. XX

12-13-2005, 08:59 AM
hello girls :) yes most deffinately i all all the time thigh length or knee lengh ,and they have to match my bra and panties .in black white or a camell shade

12-13-2005, 02:08 PM
hi i just love to wearslips under my dresses or skirts lined or not they feel so nice and look so finelove laurie

Tamara Croft
12-13-2005, 03:30 PM
I don't wear slips because they are for grannies :p Oh I know, I heard it all before too.... but most skirts these days have lining, no point in wearing a slip too :p and besides..... there's nothing sexier than a slightly see through skirt :eek: oh I know, I'm so gonna get :slap:

12-13-2005, 08:50 PM
I ****always**** wear a slip when dressed. Wouldn't dream of dressing without one ---- just would not feel right to me.......

Randi Girl
12-13-2005, 09:31 PM
Girls these days don,t wear dresses therefore no slips. They don,t know what they are missing.XXrandi

12-14-2005, 01:18 AM
Well I love to wear a slip when wearing skirts and dresses, but I thought I would go ask my wife for her opinion.

She says that you wear a slip for two reasons (if you are a GG) and that she thinks we CDs have a third reason.

Reason 1: Sun shining through skirt is unladylike, and at least in her case and mine, she doesn't tolerate that. (we have an understanding that she accepts my dressing but I in turn respect femininity by acting and dressing like a lady. So far it seems fair to me! :-) )

Reason 2: When the wind blows a slip will keep your skirt from tucking between your legs (also unladylike). This can be really bad if you are a CD that hasn't quite perfected tucking!

Okay, so the 3rd reason is that nice slips are frilly, lacey and feel oh so good. She says GGs don't care much about that but I am not sure I completely believe her. After all, GGs have hogged all the good feeling materials for decades and relegated males to whitey tighties!

Since I couldn't get her to sign on and write her responses to this, I hope that my rendition of what she said helps here.

12-14-2005, 10:21 AM
Hi, I'm Penny, Rachel's sister and she has asked me to reply to her thread onslips because Im a GG. I wore slips as a child because my mother told me to. When I was a teenager all my friends wore 1/2 slips (mostly white) under our school skirts. We discovered that the boys liked a 'flash of lace' so began wearing lips with a nice deep lacy hem.

When I left school I stopped wearing slips for a while because many girls didn't wear them but after a while I started wearing again. Why?

1.Wearing a slip means you don't have to have your skirts cleaned as often.

2.On a windy day when the wind gets under your skirt then you still have some modesty left.

3.On a sunny day men see something nice and lacy not the outline of your legs.

4.Most skirts and dresses hang better over a slip then over pantyhose.

5.I feel better wearing a slip. Changing rooms in stores are better when I wear a slip.

6.Men still like to see some lace.

7.Slips are warm in winter and a cotton slip is cool in summer.

8.I usually wear a waist slip inder a skirt and full slip under a dress.

9.Colours. White is classic, black is sexy, burgundy is more sexy still. I hate skin coloured slips.

Guess why Rachel likes slips!!

Penny. XX

Angela Burke
12-14-2005, 06:12 PM
I'm sure lots of grannies wear slips (may God bless them , yours and mine).
But my idea of someone in a slip tends more towards Anne Bancroft (Mrs.Robinson) in the seduction scene between her and Dustin Hoffman in the film "The Graduate".
She's wears a black full slip, stockings and suspenders as she procedes to reduce Hoffmans character to a blabbering idiot!
Have a look at the poster for the movie, that must be one of the most iconic slips ever! (I wonder where it is?.... Nah it probably wouldn't fit me anyway!)
Now I'm never going to look like Ms. Bancroft (more like Ms. Backoff!) but I can wear a beautiful slip, panties, stockings and suspenders and dream on.
I love slips.

Love Angela XX

12-14-2005, 06:30 PM
I think slips are beautiful and some times like to waer them with out the dress to sit and relax in and a half slip and bra is a sexy combo.

12-14-2005, 06:55 PM
I too always wear a slip when wearing a skirt wether it be lined or un-lined.
I do not feel right with out one, and i also find that a slip under a skirt, also makes it hang better and also feels so much more femme.
Like Gina Faye, i most often wear a slip under my drab clothes, as I find the tuck in and hold better than a cami. I have a couple of short full slips I do use for that purpose. In the cooler months, i fully underdress most of the time as you can hide a lot under a bulky sweater.
In the warmer weather, I will wear a half slip, under skirts, and also wear one with a skirt at all times as if the wind is blowing I find they help maintain your modesty.
