View Full Version : Shoes too small

Maria S
03-30-2013, 06:08 PM
Not sure if this is the right place for this post but here goes:

I'm always experimenting with my wife's clothes and shoes. Some of her shoes fit me but some are a squeeze. This evening I was sitting watching the telly with my bare feet up when I noticed something on one of my toes. Closer inspection showed that I have cracked a toenail not vertically as you would expect but horizontially. I've never had this happen before and it took me a while to work out why. The only thing I can think of is where I've tried to fit a quart into a pint pot, bent a toe/nail and the nail has cracked. It does not hurt at present but I'm guessing I'll lose the nail.


03-30-2013, 06:29 PM
I think, as with pants, shirts, or any other clothing articles, different brands and/or styles fit in different sizes. I would reccomend buying your own shoes, as then you know they will fit juuuuust right.

My issue, shoe wise, is the styles for me are very limited, as I wear a 13 men's size.

03-30-2013, 06:37 PM
I've had something like that happen, but with a ski boot. I ended up losing the nail but it grew back. Are you having a hard time walking with it?

03-30-2013, 10:18 PM
One of my big toe nails rips horizontally. My nail tech just used some powder and super glue to basically glue it back together to protect it and prevent more ripping until it grows out. It has happened twice before and that technique worked, one time needing a second treatment. It has recently happened again, so I just keep applying super glue, extra thick and am hoping that it grows out quickly. Try it, you have a great reason for a good pedicure too!

03-30-2013, 10:39 PM
i too wear shoes too small for me, being a size 12. but somehow i fit into a size 8 red patent peeptoe pumps, a size 10 black suede keyhole pumps, and a size 8.5 strappy sandal wedge. i have bent and broken a few nails but everything regenerated. i saw a vid on youtube from michelle phan on how-to stretch tight shoes by filling a bag with water slipping it into the shoe and freezing it to stretch it out a bit. i havnt tried yet but will soon my size ten qupids are tighter than my size 8's. go figure. good luck Maria

Sara Jessica
03-31-2013, 07:50 AM
I'm always experimenting with my wife's clothes and shoes. Some of her shoes fit me but some are a squeeze.

Does she know you are raiding her stuff? Squeezing your flippers into her smaller shoes will ruin them for her. Best to get your own and then the other problem is also taken care of.

Beverley Sims
03-31-2013, 01:15 PM
Now you have experimented try shoes that fit.
No more foot damage.

03-31-2013, 02:36 PM
I'm always experimenting with my wife's clothes and shoes. Some of her shoes fit me but some are a squeeze.

That's probably true for her too, Maria. Many women find shoes they just love, only to find out that the only size they have in the store is one size too small, etc. You're just supposed to pull up your big girl panties and get used to the pain, perfectly normal, it is why women take off the more uncomfortable shoes the second we hit the door.

But you really should not be wearing her clothes unless you have her complete and total permission. Go shopping, girl!


Maria S
03-31-2013, 04:06 PM
We have a kind of agreement that we share clothes. I do have my own wardrobe of clothes and shoes but she understands money is short so when she buys clothes she buys them with us both in mind. When it comes to shoes she buys them in various sizes depending on what she can get that she likes sometimes in charity shops or ebay. Most of her shoes don't fit me except for her boots which she buys in a bigger size due to having large calfs.


Jenny Gurl
03-31-2013, 07:02 PM
First, if your feet are too big for her shoes it will stretch them and they will not fit her correctly, so you should not do this to her. Second if you want a pair of shoes because they are just too cute, but are a half size or so too small you can use a shoe stretcher. You spray them with alcohol and put them into the shoe. Over a period of time you slowly screw the stretcher out and let it sit for a period of time. The stretchers should come with instructions as far as exact time. You will not be able to stretch more than 1 size up. The stretchers also have tabs that you can put into holes that are drilled into the stretchers at places where people normally get bunions etc.

A google search came up with several links, here is one. You want a stretcher that stretches front to back as well as stretches the toes out. I got the ladies shoe stretcher.


03-31-2013, 08:16 PM
Shoe sizes can be tricky. Be careful too small can lead to other problems besides cracked nails. You can get bunions too.
Found out I can wear some of my wife's shoes too. Especially her tennis shoes.

04-01-2013, 12:43 AM
Whatever u do, DON'T put hydrogen peroxide on the broken nail. I did that with a torn cuticle once and didn't sleep that nite!