View Full Version : Tried something yesterday

04-05-2013, 10:43 AM
In an effort to get myself out of the BLAAA mood I seem to be in of late, I got busy and got femme including makeup for the day. Not overboard, just blend in everyday femme.

My wife who never seems to have a problem with me being the way I am seemed a little perturbed with the makeup yesterday which surprised me. I underdress daily and that is a non issue for her and never has been an issue so the addition of some subtle makeup causing her to be a little perturbed was a surprise.

Nothing big as a response just a comment that my foundation was too light for me which I took as a helpful comment at the time.

This morning before getting ready for the day I asked her if I should use a slightly darker tone of foundation and she said the makeup was drawing my face down.

Maybe this is because I haven't worn makeup for 3 years or so and she's just not used to it anymore??? Anyway, I guess I'll have to talk to her about it and see what the problem is.


04-05-2013, 11:37 AM
Hi Denise and welcome. I'm guessing she was able to put the underdressing out of her mind, but seeing you in make-up brought everthing back to her. I suggest going slow and keeping the lines of communication open. Good luck.

Beverley Sims
04-05-2013, 01:45 PM
I see a slight negative response here and would suggest you tread carefully.
probably take a step back and try a little makeup without asking for comment on it.
Sometimes my wife does not mind things but does not want to talk about it.
If you get negative responses then back off a little.
I assume you dressed as well. That is also ok just tread carefully.
I would be pleased to hear of progress you may have.

04-05-2013, 02:10 PM
I don't think I know what "drawing my face down" means ?

04-05-2013, 04:21 PM
I don't think I know what "drawing my face down" means ?

I'm just curious about how the wife feels about the impending transition. If she can't deal with makeup, how is she gonna deal with boobs?

Kathryn Martin
04-05-2013, 05:39 PM
Can you enlighten me what "femme" is?

If this is exactly what you wife said, then listen to her it probably very, very true. Your foundation is too light and the makeup draws your face down. Your conversation should be about how to it right, not whether she has an issue. She bothered to tell you, didn't she?