View Full Version : I did it!!

Amie Marie
04-07-2013, 12:12 AM
Just have to share with everyone my great news. I couldn't take it anymore so I sit down with my gg/gf and told her everything. She already knew I wore panties and shaving my body was so she could "kiss on me better". I was so nervous about doing it but I took lessons for different posts about the subject. I opened up about what I do start to finish, the fact that I love her, I am not gay, etc................... She took a breath and after hours (ok 5 seconds but it felt like hours) she ask me if it made me happy. I told her yes and tried to explain the best I could that part. She smiled and told me she probably couldn't see me dressed up at least for now but if I was happy she was happy and I wasn't hurting anyone. I told her a little about Amie's wardrobe and what it had in it and told her some other things. She ask me for 2 favors, 1 was access to look at Amie's stuff when she was ready and If I ever wanted to go out in public to let her know. I told her neither was an issue and had already put those items on my "rule" sheet also. After a few more serious things and telling her about my new friends and this forum I told her I also learned what she gets out of this. I then tried to recite "Advantages of having a cd bf". Sorry Jessica Who, I know I butchered your speech but it got the point across. She was laughing and telling me she loved me more then ever and this was just a small bump in the road and nothing more. She then giggled at me and said she wasn't joking the day before about the next time she gets a pedi that I should get one too that it was very relaxing. I ask why she was giggling and she replied, she will have to pick out 2 colors of polish, one for her and one for me. I had to leave for a bday party but after went and picked her up and she went to dinner with my daughter and I. My daughter made a comment about a pink blouse that was hanging in a window and directed it at me. My gf whispers in my ear "it is cute and about your size". :c9:

04-07-2013, 12:17 AM
Oh, how wonderful, Amie! Doesn't it feel so much better to get that out in the open?

Take it easy with her for awhile. Don't rush things, let her get comfortable with the idea. And always, always tell her how much you love her and appreciate her for her acceptance and support. :)

- Amy

Amie Marie
04-07-2013, 12:26 AM
Oh, how wonderful, Amie! Doesn't it feel so much better to get that out in the open?

Take it easy with her for awhile. Don't rush things, let her get comfortable with the idea. And always, always tell her how much you love her and appreciate her for her acceptance and support. :)

- Amy

It was such a relief as soon as I was done talking. I told her up front that when she was ready for each step then I would be ready to open up to her. Because of my daughter living with me Amie's stuff is locked up. I told her where the key was and when she is ready to look I wasn't hiding anything. She loved the idea of me being honest to the point of not saying I'll do it but here it is when ready. Also I told her how special she was and how much I loved her more today then all this year.

04-07-2013, 08:09 AM
Isn't it great when our fears are proved baseless... Her acceptance can be the basis for a very strong and lasting relationship.

04-07-2013, 09:52 AM
What a great start!

04-07-2013, 10:03 AM
Nothing like getting that load off your back, eh? Congratulations. Keep up the discussion and minimize the doing for a time.

Beverley Sims
04-07-2013, 10:14 AM
You are getting good advice here,
now that the cat is out of the bag, go easy and listen to what your GF has to say.
Try and stick to her rules and you should get on like a house on fire.
I wish you well.

04-07-2013, 10:21 AM
Nice job! I too, told my gf when we started to get serious... that was 25 years ago, a year before we got married. Makes things SO much better.