View Full Version : cross dressed and public restrooms, do we have to only use single stalls while enfem?

04-07-2013, 02:52 AM
I had to use the restroom at department stores and clubs a few times while in female mode. I used the womens room. no one minded at all. what are we soppose to do, use the mens room while were trying to pass as women?? NEVER1 WELL GET BEAT UP most men just assume we are ALL GAY. as we appear less of a threat to women while dressed, they really dont mind me using there restroom. i dont make it a habbit. im always near coffee houses and they all have single stalls

04-07-2013, 02:57 AM
I had to use the restroom at department stores and clubs a few times while in female mode. I used the womens room.

Yeah, that's the right call. Even if they pass those stupid laws in Arizona, what're they gonna do, deputize a "potty patrol?"

04-07-2013, 03:06 AM
Yes and besides, even for those of who like women, it isnt wise to eYe women or even men if we like men as well, point is, i never have an issue while out. women complemted me while in the restroom LOL on shoes or something, just politley said thank you n went about my business. i never make eye contact, but aware of my surroundings and whom ever may be watching me i glanse now n then, EVREYTIME women are the first to smile at me and innicate a conversation, whatever if they see right trough me or if i REALLY PASS LOL ;

04-07-2013, 08:03 AM
Outside of Arizona, I would use the women's room:)

04-07-2013, 08:08 AM
Some states have laws that you use the restroom according to the attire you are wearing. Massachusetts has this law which makes it easier for sure. Either way you're not going to get in trouble with law enforcement or anything but store personnel might be a pain in the ass.

04-07-2013, 09:05 AM
I've never been to Arizona and have no plans to do so. However, when en femme I'd use the women's washroom always. I believe the risks of being caught en femme in the men's room to be far too great, the women's room is way safer.


Kate Simmons
04-07-2013, 09:16 AM
Don't usually have that problem as the LGBT club I frequent has unisex rest rooms. In public you may have to make a choice. I have heard stories of crossdressers who used the women's rest room being arrested because some women who "made" them said they were peeping toms. It's a calculated risk in public but if you go in, keep quiet, do your business and get out most likely you will have no problems the way I see it. There is no law saying you have to engage in conversations with other women in rest rooms. Common sense is the "rule of thumb" mostly. :)

Lynn Marie
04-07-2013, 10:01 AM
The rule here in Washington is that you use the facility that coresponds to your presentation.

04-07-2013, 10:08 AM
.... as we appear less of a threat to women while dressed, they really dont mind me using there restroom.

That is not exactly right. In another thread asking about this issue for the women only to answer, one theme was consistent: women are trained from the time they are little girls to fear a male in the restroom. One women posted that the "pass ability" of that cross dresser has an affect on the reaction. When presenting as a woman, use the women's rest room, but women will be on edge if they encounter you and read you.

Beverley Sims
04-07-2013, 10:20 AM
There are some rules in force here.
In some states use the restroom appropriate to the gender you are presenting as.
I try and use unisex toilets and not push the issue.
Women are very private in their toilet habits and seeing a man in the area does make them suspicious, so be mindful of this.

04-07-2013, 10:48 AM
I use the woman's restroom and don't look back! Your a girl!

Angela Campbell
04-07-2013, 11:13 AM
I don't think I have seen a public restroom that did not have separate private stalls except in Japan maybe.

Kaitlyn Michele
04-07-2013, 11:37 AM
That is not exactly right. In another thread asking about this issue for the women only to answer, one theme was consistent: women are trained from the time they are little girls to fear a male in the restroom. One women posted that the "pass ability" of that cross dresser has an affect on the reaction. When presenting as a woman, use the women's rest room, but women will be on edge if they encounter you and read you.

right..you are not a woman..you are basically a guest..
its not fair to just assume women are ok with it....

you probably don't pass, especially up close... so if you run into people, its likely they "know"...thats ok, be respectful and if someone gets upset just reflect calmness and get out of the situation..otherwise just relax, smile and do your business

its unfair but the better your presentation the more people will accept you anywhere you go, including restrooms..

talking in generalities is easy...each situation is different..mostly its no issue, many times nobody is there..lots of women dont care...some do...if teenage girls walk in, run away!!

04-07-2013, 01:24 PM
I've been going out en femme for about twenty years and when I need to go, I've always used the women's room, and I've not had a problem yet. However, I am in and out quick and I don't hang out in there looking around at others.

04-07-2013, 01:26 PM
I have/would only use the women's room if I'm out presenting as female. As long as you are being respectful of those there I can't imagine running into too many problems, I certainly have never had an issue.

04-07-2013, 02:31 PM
I haven't had any issues using restrooms here, but most of the places I frequent are LBGT friendly. I guess I'll be on the lookout for the future Potty Patrols if that silly law passes.

Tara D. Rose
04-07-2013, 02:41 PM
I have gone into multi stalled women's room. A lady said hi to me. Get in and get out mostly. But going into the men's room as Tara, would definitely be someone will get hurt, probably me. Of course it's easier to avoid it altogether, but if a cd must go and is away from home, use the lady's room.

04-07-2013, 10:11 PM
When I am in a stall no one is in there with me checking my personal plumbing, I feel safer in the ladies room than in men's and I will continue to sue them when out dressed as a woman. I travel to Phoenix AZ to Senza Pelo Med Spa and while traveling even as the bearded lady I use the women's room or special family needs restroom. Never had a problem, I am a veteran of the stand in line and wait club, and agin no problems.

04-07-2013, 10:29 PM
Outside of Arizona, I would use the women's room:)

Outside of Arizona and Texas you mean. Well, I do anyway. As others have said, in, take care of business, out. Ok, ok, I have stopped for the lipstick check.

04-07-2013, 10:36 PM
I'm glad I don't live in Arizona because of the bathroom Nazis as of late.

I live in New Jersey (...hopefully not forever), and legally the magic words for using the womens' restroom are gender expression. I can present as a woman , and not have a hoo-hah, and use the womens room legally.

I have had no problem in New York, or Pennsylvania either.