View Full Version : This Is The Year

04-08-2013, 10:28 PM
After thinking long and hard about this, I have decided that this is the year that I come out of that closet a lot of us are in. I've been in "hiding" for too long. For me I feel as if it's unfair to me that I have to hide this part of my life just to gain social acceptance. But lately i've gotten more and more courage to come out.

My first step to coming out was deciding to finally join this site and get to know all you lovely girls and hear all of your stories. I attribute my courage to all of you! You've shocked, awed, and inspired me to be myself! (in all the best of ways!) I posted my first pics ever on here with complete confidence and felt good afterwards! I am more out than i've ever been before and I owe it to you all!! :) Thank you all so much! You've helped me better understand myself in ways other people wouldn't! You've helped me develop a sense of knowing that i'm not alone in the world!

Along with a few other girls here, I have taken a pact that if I ever got into a relationship with someone that I would tell her about my CDing from the get go and not down the road. Maybe not right away but after a few dates in where we get close and see how things go. Sorry a bit of ranting there lol.

I have told a few of my friends ranging from the close ones to the ones I know somewhat well and they've been nothing but supportive. Even some of my fraternity brothers know and they're totally cool with it. I've even been posting pics on my instagram where A LOT of my friends go through and a pic on facebook and its my most liked photo! So I have nothing but confidence with this whole thing. Its almost as if the cards are laying right in front of me and I'm one card away from getting that Royal Flush!

CD Checklist
Join a networking site with other CDs :thumbsup:
Talk to other CDs and hear their stories :thumbsup:
Take and upload photographs of myself in drag :thumbsup:
Tell some close friends :thumbsup:
Go out in public full drag :thumbsup:
Upload photo to social networking site (FB) :thumbsup:
Tell Parents
Tell Everyone

Theres just two things left of my list and then i'm free!

Any suggestions you girls have for me would be fantastic! I would love to hear from you all and hear your opinions on this subject. :)


04-08-2013, 10:32 PM
I am so happy for you. Best Wishes and Congrats. HUGZ@monique !

Barbara Maria
04-08-2013, 11:20 PM
Hi,Monique.All I can add is,if you're ready now,go for it! I fought and denied my female self so many years that just coming out to myself and the girls on the forum is a major breakthrough.You go,girl,life's too short to put this off.Barbara

Beverley Sims
04-09-2013, 03:55 AM
A lot of us have crossed off the list like you.

Those last two are real biggies to get over though.
Tell parents = High Brick Wall.