View Full Version : Second night out!

Suzanne F
04-09-2013, 01:12 PM
Saturday night was my second night out. I have only been out to my wife for / months and we have now been out together twice. This time we went to a restaurant in San Francisco recommended by AllieSF. A male friend went with us that is fully supportive of my journey. It was a lovely dinner! I did notice that I tried too hard to make it all perfect. I feel like Cinderella when I am out knowing it is for such a short time. I hope I can relax more and not feel like I have to make everything perfect. Still even with my control issues I treasured the experience and can't wait to go out again. I once again want to acknowledge how great and supportive my wife is and that she has helped make my dreams come true! How great it is to have a trained Mary Kay rep as a supportive wife!

04-09-2013, 01:37 PM
Allie is THE authority on where to go! The more you go out, the more comfortable your wife will become and you too. When I was out in SF with my wife just a month ago, she commented that she kept forgetting I was dressed. take care,

04-09-2013, 01:47 PM
Yes, some people have all the rotten luck, like having a supportive wife, then having a supportive friend and then having that same wife who is a Mary Kay rep. Congratulations on your second time out and may there be many more. I truly believe that the more you go out the more comfortable you will feel with your own presentation skills from makeup to clothes to accessories, the more you will relax and the more fun that you will have. Keep your success stories coming, because I always enjoy reading them.

Suzanne F
04-09-2013, 02:21 PM
It is the little things that feel so great. I went up to the counter by myself to pay at the parking garage. There was a line of about 8 people and it was a moment of courage. I smiled and waited my turn. Then I reached in the purse I had bought and pulled out my debit card and paid the man. It just made me feel like I belonged for that moment just the way I was! I think you all know what I mean. Thank you everyone for your stories of courage!

04-09-2013, 02:25 PM
Lovely story Suzanne, thank you for sharing, and please report on your progress. Your story is very heartwarming.

Beverley Sims
04-09-2013, 02:27 PM
Suzanne, I have eaten at Burger King in San Francisco dressed and Allie did not advise me, does that count?

Good for you and yes it just gets sooo eeeeasssyyyy, after a while.

I agree with Allie, some people do have too much support.
As you progress you will find new areas to concentrate on as far as presentation is concerned.

04-09-2013, 02:34 PM
Speaking of Burger King for a number of years either just before or after the Chicago Gay Pride Parade moi with 2-3 others partook of the meals served by the BK on the 3000 block of North Broadway. I was very nice and other proud members also enjoyed. A Double Whopper and fries was always my choice back then, now I watch my figure somewhat better.

04-09-2013, 02:38 PM
It is the little things that feel so great. I went up to the counter by myself to pay at the parking garage. There was a line of about 8 people and it was a moment of courage. I smiled and waited my turn. Then I reached in the purse I had bought and pulled out my debit card and paid the man. It just made me feel like I belonged for that moment just the way I was! I think you all know what I mean. Thank you everyone for your stories of courage!

Did you get that thin older Asian man at the parking garage pay window? He knows Rachael and I quite well because we have had to ask him for a special expensive favor to get our car out after the posted closing time! Expensive because they charge you the overnight rate ($50) then and there with a real receipt (money not going into the worker's own pocket) plus whatever you owed for parking. Saved me from having to leave my car overnight and then going all the way out to the suburbs and then back the next day, without a car! Being nice to everyone really can have some great benefits when you really need them.

Bree Wagner
04-09-2013, 03:32 PM
Congrats on the building confidence and the fun outing Suzanne. It sounds like you've got a great support structure in place and a bright future in front of you.

I feel like Cinderella when I am out knowing it is for such a short time.

I don't doubt that there are a lot of us that feel this way. We treasure the moments even more knowing how short they are and/or how long we've waited for them to occur!


Suzanne F
04-09-2013, 05:08 PM
Yes it was the thin Asian man. So you see you had already blazed a path for me. He treated me just like another girl.

Leah Lynn
04-09-2013, 05:39 PM
Congrats on getting out. I was able to get out a few times with my wife before she passed. It's a great feeling to just be another girl like that. Enjoy those moments!
