View Full Version : enjoying the recent warm weather!!!

04-10-2013, 07:23 AM
At last warm weather!!! Had a great day sunday out with the wife after such a long cold winter spring is here. I got up sunday and asked wife what she wanted to do with such a beautiful day she said lets get out and do something. I said lets go for a drive and go Indy for the day. I joked and said I'll bet Grace would like a day out, she well don't just stand there go get ready. Off I went she said she would like to go to Anderson (casino and play a little) its a 1.5 hr drive and i agreed. So off we went and enjoyed being dressed and enjoying the beautiful day and suggested we also might shop while out. Well one of our favorite stores had just closed in castleton as we drove through i noticed from the car it had reopened in a new location. wife was driving and she said let's go check it out. Now here is a problem I've never been out in the day shopping. So here it is just past noon in a busy shopping center, she assured me i looked great. So off we go , the longest 100 feet to the door I've ever walked. Once inside, wife said she needed to go to rest room,oh boy!! looked around and arrow points to second floor and must take esculator that is open in the middle of store, wow!!!! its like the spot light is on me, I found where it is and sent wife over to it another test!!! she was gone it seemed like forever and when she came back she had smile on her face and said I looked great and just blended in fine. Bought a few things and never had a problem !!! What great day and wonderful wife!!!!! hugs to all Grace p.s. casino was even more fun than ever even loseing money, but thats another story.

Beverley Sims
04-10-2013, 08:43 AM
I do love accepting stories like yours.
May they develop and continue forever.

04-10-2013, 10:09 AM
Congratulations Grace on a wonderful day out.

04-11-2013, 03:00 AM
Thank you for kind the kind words Beverly and outhiking, one the best days in my nearly 50yrs. of cding hugs GRACE and LUCY