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Gemma Rhodes
12-13-2005, 06:43 PM
That my time en femme would go as slow as the time I spend at work. Have just spent another lovely evening in (its getting on for midnight here) and it only seems like a few minutes ago that I got in from work.

Time seems to go so damned quick when Im en femme in the evenings and so damned slow when Im at work. If only it was the other way round.

Gemma xx

12-13-2005, 06:55 PM
that there was a gg in my life that i could dress for ,with or just hang with e-fem

12-13-2005, 07:00 PM
My "One Wish?"

I wish I can step outside my house wearing my skirt and tights and feel as accepted as I would in a pair of jeans.
I just can't tell you how I feel wearing a skirt and if too chilly (like tonight) a pair of tights too.

THAT my girls... is MY ONE WISH. :)

Sarah Smile
12-13-2005, 07:01 PM
Like erica, I wish I knew I gg I could be en femme and do "girly" things with.

12-13-2005, 07:16 PM
You are so right GIRL. Time does fly when we're in our all togethers. I moan every time I have to drag out those butch outfits and actually wear the restrictive things. It's like forfitting your freedom to go into prison,for me. I spend almost all of my time at home in my preferred attire. For me it's not really a sexual thing but staying in close contact with the femme me. I'd rather be beautiful than macho. There's nothing wrong with that mind you. Different strokes you know. I just happen to be a sissy and loving it. Kisses GIRLS! Kisses from Darlena :rose2: