View Full Version : A littl light CD humor

04-19-2013, 05:35 PM
I bought myself a couple of body breifs yesterday and, of course, tried them on immediatley when I got home. Decided to wear the white one with the lace. It has an underwire, so I just slipped my forms in place and continued to get dressed. I had been going about my business for about an hour or so and something just didn't feel right so I checked myself in the mirror and sure enough, my forms had slipped about six inches.

Almost started to get a little discouraged until I realized that for woman my age, that's probably about right... :heehee:

Had a nice chuckle and then added a pretty lace bra under the body breif and enjoyed the rest of my evening.

Just thought I'd share. hugs :hugs: and smiles :) to you all.


Megan b
04-19-2013, 10:03 PM
Hey Shelby, thanks for sharing. I needed a little humor.

04-19-2013, 10:45 PM
That's why the shoulder straps are adjustable, the shorter the straps, the lesser the sag, and it always works for me.

04-19-2013, 10:48 PM
It is all because of that pesky thing called Gravity.

Ciara Brianne
04-19-2013, 10:51 PM
Almost started to get a little discouraged until I realized that for woman my age, that's probably about right... :heeh:



Barbara Ella
04-19-2013, 10:52 PM
Oh my, and now I am going to go to bed with that picture in my mind.....(nevermind I get it when I look in the mirror...lol)


Tracii G
04-20-2013, 12:19 AM
Well you fixed the problem and enjoyed the rest of the night I call that a win.

04-21-2013, 01:08 AM
That is so funny! I had an experience i found amusing the other day, it goes like this: I have some knee high stockings i wear to work under my pants and socks. well of course they need to be washed every week and as usual i stuffed them in the intimate bag with my wife's stockings. I normally make sure i empty the washer, but this time i forgot and my wife emptied the bag. seems fine right? Nope. My wife does not own any knee highs. I was doomed to be exposed, i thought. I found them in her intimate drawer, but, one pair was missing! OMG! I'm dead for sure I thought. What happened was she was wearing the missing pair thinking they were all hers! Now how to get them to put them on?

Beverley Sims
04-21-2013, 03:33 AM
Well you learn from experience.

Claire Cook
04-21-2013, 08:10 AM
LOL! I wonder how many of us have had experiences like this? I'll share two (which I may have posted before, but my memory is increasingly faulty). #1 -- I stopped in to say hi to my GG barber friend and when we hugged she whispered in my ear "one of your boobs is sagging!" #2: I was in drab but wearing forms. A GG friend of ours was helping us plant some bushes in the yard, and umm, one of the forms fell out. She saw it and all I could say was "I guess one of my boobs fell out." She didn't miss a beat: "No, you don't want that to happen!":bonk:

So is this one of those things GG's learn about?

Kate Simmons
04-21-2013, 08:39 AM
I usually had to also use a bra when I wore an under wire one.:)

Leah Lynn
04-21-2013, 10:39 AM
I was visiting an old friend in a nursing home when we heard a woman start hollering. We found out that she let the elastic waistband of her pants snap and caught the "girls" in it. At least it won't hurt if we snap the elastic on forms.
