View Full Version : Has any one went out in female mode after FUN NIGHT drinking in guy mode?

04-21-2013, 12:09 PM
How many people do we actually fool in our guy mode selves with a hangover?? I thought this would be a fun tipic to discuss as we try to be en fem hung over :) :)

04-21-2013, 12:29 PM
I don't understand the question. Are you hungover?

I Am Paula
04-21-2013, 12:44 PM
No, but I saw a drunk drag queen. Didn't know if I should laugh, or take pity.

04-21-2013, 02:40 PM
the question was, let me re word it in the reply. Has anyone been hung over while out en fem? I HAVE :) I really dont care as much and i feel more free. Id prob laugh at me to if i was the other person that saw me and wather if you laugh or take pitty, WHO CARES? RIGHT? Im a little hungover i just mowed my grass. I want to dress but i dont know if i present as jeff or jen? I just want to get a hoodie and tank top. That would look gbood on me as jeff or jen :) with my womens nikes. I did that look before as jeff. NOT A SINGLE EYE BROW ROSE :)

i DONT HAVE TO WORRIE MUCH WHO IV SLEPED WITH. Im just not appealing that way o people but its allright is what it is I LOVE MY SHOES :) :)

Beverley Sims
04-21-2013, 02:59 PM
I take this to mean that your mind is all befuddled and you are really X dressed half male and half female trying to mow the lawn.

Have you not been warned about the demon drink.

Who did you sleep with last night.

That would be one question I would ask.

Is someone likely to be with child in thirty six weeks.

That is a question for later.

04-21-2013, 03:08 PM
Yes. Sometimes if it's been a particularly heavy night of drinking, I'll wake up still a little buzzed and cannot wait to get dressed. It's an odd but exciting feeling. I think it has to do with waking up not quite feeling "yourself" and finding it easy to slip into another persona. I think that's what you're getting at.



04-21-2013, 03:11 PM
EXACTALLY ELIRRA and your HOT :) i finally figures out im BI SEXUAL TRANSGENDER ALSO :) i like GG women and she males. I think I would go more with one that has already transitioned ;)

Lisa Gerrie
04-21-2013, 03:30 PM
Are you hungover?

My guess is "not yet".

04-21-2013, 04:50 PM
just one of those days. I am dressed, but presenting as Jeff. Im just in womens sweats, uggs old navy long T shitt and unisex sweatre jacket IM COMFORTABLE :)

04-22-2013, 04:11 AM

Seems to me the drink is a talking. well i dont drink because im the driver, i dought ill be able to do a guy mode though i tryed does not work. as to fem seems no probes there, .

Though id be a bit concerned for a female whos a bit tipsy, & where that would end up. even being a female i do look after my women folk .they are to importaint to me,
