View Full Version : Came Out On Facebook.

04-21-2013, 03:18 PM
I'm 25 years old now, and recently came out on Facebook and got overwhelming support from friends and family. I told all my direct family, my whole fraternity (aka extended family) from when I was in college, and a few other friends over years while going out before this, so I felt more prepared knowing I had at least some friends, but I was surprised by just how much support I got especially with some of the more redneck friends I have going out of their way for sincere congrats on comfort in being me and acceptance of it as part of my uniqueness as a person.

I work in trades in the Newport News Shipyard which has a policy protecting gender identity and expression (bunch of trans people there actually). They know I'm bisexual there, but except for a couple friends who don't work on my crew or in the same part of the yard, I haven't told anyone there about me being a crossdresser, but don't care much either way now honestly since I have a low opinion of blue collar social attitudes which don't hold college grads in high esteem either.

I was holding off on coming out in hopes of getting in the military still (more recently trying the reserves), but two years after college I've finally resigned myself to the cuts and sequester screwing my chances of getting in (no waivers being done, even for having taken ritalin well over 7 years ago). Anyway, might as well take advantage of my situation right? I'm looking to get more involved in LGBT activism in my area.

Has anyone else come out and totally in the open about their crossdressing? What was your experience coming out?

04-25-2013, 05:35 PM
Wow congratulations you're very courageous. I am 30 years old and I am so deeply closeted that I haven't even CD'd in several years so I think I'll never be as far along as you.

And I don't get why they wouldn't have you in the military, you're obviously courageous and intelligent, they shouldn't be turning away people like you.

04-25-2013, 08:33 PM
Thats fantastic, good on you! I'm very envious, thats a big move to make and I'm glad its all gone well for you. I have often considered this myself, but I feel in the long run (for me anyway) it may do more harm than good. I have found out recenty that alot of people have been asking some of my friends questions regarding me dressing, so I guess it wont be long before something ends up facebook.

Your very brave and I wish you all the best!

Beverley Sims
04-26-2013, 06:11 AM
I read your post recently but only now do I reply.
Working where you are I think that you took the high dive and it has been successful.
I wish you well in your further endeavors.
I don't think you are an underachiever either.