View Full Version : Argh!

Sophia Rearen
12-14-2005, 09:40 AM
My wife and I are going to a Christmas party this Saturday. She just found out the other women are wearing a dress to the function. Now she is pissed she has to wear one. She just said, "damn, now I have to go out and get a new dress". I told her I'm just as upset as she. "Whys that", she asked. I told her I'm pissed that I can't wear a dress there. To appease my sadness I offered to go help her with her shopping. Talk about Irony!:)

Julia Cross
12-14-2005, 09:52 AM
Be a loving husband and offer to wear the dress instead!


Sophia Rearen
12-14-2005, 10:40 AM
I tried that. She said, "you can't":(

We just had another exchange.
She was blow drying her hair and "ugh, I can't believe I have to wear dress", and then, "maybe I can buy some nice shoes and wear my nice black velvet pants?"
I replied, "I can't believe we're having this conversation"
She, "what, that I don't want to wear a dress?"
Me, "well, they you don't and I do". "Don't you see the irony in this?"
She, "I don't have to like wearing a dress because I'm a woman"
Me, "I would love to and told her that was one of the reasons I wanted to go to the triess Christmas party"
She, "what to get all dressed up?"
Me, "well, one of the reasons, yes"
She, "well, you're just weird"

I then offered her to wear my dress, this one:
She's is considering it. That would be soo cool! My wife wearing my dress.:thumbsup: I'll have to live vicariously through her. It's the best I can do.:)

You can find more photos of the dress here: http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18993

I feel like I'm running an ebay ad! LOL

Julia Cross
12-14-2005, 10:45 AM
It's ironic, I agree. My exwife did the same and worse. She hated hose, dresses, really anything too overtly feminine as she felt it was man's way of controlling women. Imagine the compexity of our marriage, I could not wear those things as she greatly disapproved and she refused to wear them as well so I could not even live vicariously through her.

Since then, I have had several girlfriends, some who loved dressing and others who also hated to dress up and would do anything to remain in their jeans.

I feel your pain.

By the way, you are very pretty in your photo.


12-14-2005, 10:49 AM
The interesting thing is that more and more women are wanting to dress up less and less. Given enough time the only people out there who will be wearing nice dresses will be male to female cross dressers :eek:

Julia Cross
12-14-2005, 10:51 AM
Maybe then they will make dresses that fit our form better!


Vivian Best
12-14-2005, 10:54 AM
If there is anything I've learned in this life, don't try to understand GGs. You can't! My wife is like many GGs, blue jeans and tee shirts! She can't understand why I want to wear bras, pantyhose, girdles and etc. She says they are so uncomfortable. She says I'm weird in wanting to do so. I think she is weird for not want to. Now ain't that a hoot.


Sophia Rearen
12-14-2005, 10:56 AM
Thanks for the compliment.

Vivian Best
12-14-2005, 10:58 AM
Sophia, I missed your picture the first time reading this thread. You are beautiful. I love that black dress. If I looked as good as you I don't know what I would do. Wow!


Julia Cross
12-14-2005, 10:59 AM
I guess we are all a little wierd! I have actually educated a few GG's on how to pick the right kind of hose so that they will enjoy them. Read the package, understand what the features are and which are best for your body shape and they will fit well and be very comfortable. Or you can do as my GF does, and just ask me to buy them for her.


Sophia Rearen
12-14-2005, 11:01 AM
Thank you for the compliment. You certainly know how to make a girl feel great about herself. Wow, thanks again, I think I might be blushing but I can't tell through my three day beard. LOL
I can find nothing uncomfortable about wearing a dress or skirt. And I'm trying to understand their pain. About the only negative I've discovered is the lack of pockets. But, that's not a comfort issue.
BTW, of course, she has complained about having to wear hose as well. Now panty hose I might understand. However, how can you complain about a garter belt and stockings:confused:

Phoebe Reece
12-14-2005, 11:08 AM
My wife actually likes to wear nice dresses for church and special occassions. She wants a new one for Christmas Eve and is mad because there are so few in the stores in some of the malls around here in her size (16W). Once again, the problem is created by fewer and fewer women wearing dresses. I would loan my wife one of mine, but my size 20 dresses are a bit too big for her. We are going shopping together again today to try and find something she likes.

Sophia, I think if your dress will fit your wife, it's a fine idea for her to wear it to a party. You may have to coach her on what to say about where she got it when she gets complimented on it - and I'm sure she would be, as it looks so good on you.

12-14-2005, 11:08 AM
Hi Sophia

Iv had this chat last night with her in doors!! We are of to a party on Saturday but a tranny do
We have both agreed to go in the same skirt which we got last week and tops
I never thought she would ever go out with me soom time back and now she,s
trying to out do me shes got no chance!!!!!!!!!!:la:

12-14-2005, 11:14 AM
Sophia, I think if your dress will fit your wife, it's a fine idea for her to wear it to a party. You may have to coach her on what to say about where she got it when she gets complimented on it - and I'm sure she would be, as it looks so good on you.

I wonder how the ones commenting will react when she says, "Why thank you, it's one of my husbands." :thumbsup:

12-14-2005, 11:16 AM
it's the choice thing ",the grass is greener on the other side of the fence" they" girls" can chose what they want to where most of the time we "males" have no choice pants " its the fact that she feels she "Must" where a dress that rubs her wrong, as for hose and heels ect they ll go together so they hate them as well its just the flip side of what we do , they have choises we dont ,when they dont have a choise they hate it we live with it ( and crossdress )

Kim E
12-14-2005, 11:21 AM
Ahhh Sophia, the bitter irony of it all. I think you would look lovely wearing your dress to the party. :) Its amazing, the world over, how much women take for granted. Simple things like clothing and the rituals of getting ready to go out. How many of us would change places and relieve them of all their feminine burdens in a heart beat. ;)


12-14-2005, 11:25 AM
The little black dress is a success on you deary! And way, way to go with the matching open toes. It's always so refreshing to see a real lady with that kind of style and elegance. I must have that DRESS! Love & kisses,

Sophia Rearen
12-14-2005, 12:03 PM
The little black dress is a success on you deary! And way, way to go with the matching open toes. It's always so refreshing to see a real lady with that kind of style and elegance. I must have that DRESS! Love & kisses,

Thank you for your sweet compliments. And your so funny. I think the only other time I've been called deary is by diner waitresses!

Hi Girls,
I had to step away and vaccuum the house before my wife gets home. More irony. Not because I waited 'til the last minute, I do that all the time, I am part man as well.

Thanks for all your compliments. While vaccuuming I was thinking of my latest rant for my other thread. If you want to reply, you may do so here [URL="http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19187&page=5"]

Donna, What makes that funnier its a room party full of contractors.
Kim, I could definitely help relieve their burden.
Erica, there's so much snow on the ground here. Maybe that add's to my confusion:D
Michelle, don't you dare let her do that!
Phoebe, Any chance you could go down to a 16? How great would that be? You and your supportive wife sharing clothes?

Thanks again. I'm off to rant.

12-14-2005, 12:16 PM
I must say you look very passable and that is a lovely dress
you got that Sandra Bullock look nice

12-14-2005, 12:24 PM
I also have heard the complaints from GGs about how uncomfortable dresses, nylons, and heels are. (In fact, since I got married a little over ten years ago, my wife has worn a dress only one time that I remember--to a funeral.) But here's what I'd like to ask a GG (and maybe I should start with my wife):

You don't like to be forced to wear dresses, nylons, and heels, but what if you were told that not only do you NOT HAVE TO wear them, but that you would NEVER BE ALLOWED to wear them? Would you like that better?+?

By the way, Sophia, great dress! I WANT ONE!:thumbsup:

Sophia Rearen
12-14-2005, 12:24 PM
I'll definitely take that compliment. Tha'ts cool.

Hi girls, I'm back from ranting. Whew! That feels better.

Wendy me
12-14-2005, 12:30 PM
veary nice and even cooler if she told every one who she got it from....

12-14-2005, 08:43 PM
I tried that. She said, "you can't":(

We just had another exchange.
She was blow drying her hair and "ugh, I can't believe I have to wear dress", and then, "maybe I can buy some nice shoes and wear my nice black velvet pants?"
I replied, "I can't believe we're having this conversation"
She, "what, that I don't want to wear a dress?"
Me, "well, they you don't and I do". "Don't you see the irony in this?"
She, "I don't have to like wearing a dress because I'm a woman"
Me, "I would love to and told her that was one of the reasons I wanted to go to the triess Christmas party"
She, "what to get all dressed up?"
Me, "well, one of the reasons, yes"
She, "well, you're just weird"

I then offered her to wear my dress, this one:
She's is considering it. That would be soo cool! My wife wearing my dress.:thumbsup: I'll have to live vicariously through her. It's the best I can do.:)

I'd really hate to see you two get into a tiff over who's wearing the dress so I think I may have an answer for ya....How about if I graciously accept the responsibility of wearing the dress? :)

12-14-2005, 09:08 PM
Sophia --
First all that dress is lovely on you and you are lovely, too. Hope your wife decides to wear it. It's such a kick seeing your wife wearing a dress that you've worn. In my house, I share some of hers, but she has yet to borrow any of mine! Not because she doesn't want to, but I am not the one who has borne four children. She's just so close to fitting into a couple of mine that I think it won't be long before I have the pleasure (and honor) of seeing her walking around in one of my favorites.
P.S. She is another GG that can't see my fascination with pantyhose and bras.

Christina Nicole
12-14-2005, 09:31 PM
Nice dress. It looks good on you! I have a dress with a plain illusion top which
I also love and wore to a party once. I'd recommend that you get a strapless bra, as I did. Bra straps just ruin the look.

Regarding your wife's outfit... Just because some of the other women are wearing a dress doesn't mean she must. Peer pressure should not be that significant for an adult.

Warm regards,
Christina Nicole

12-14-2005, 09:40 PM
This is what gets to me. I am mad about it. They got it and don't wanna do anything with it. I know a FEW women who really get into the whole dress/hose thingy. Most of the comments I hear is they hate it.


Well let us wear it &^%$*&!!!!!!!

I gotta relax.

sarahsfiona GG
12-14-2005, 10:48 PM

I skated over to the other pix you posted. Dang, girl, you got "the arch" down pat. Gorgeous pose! The hair, makeup, dress, shoes...you're absolutely gorgeous. You might try a lacy black bra with the dress... ;)


Sophia Rearen
12-14-2005, 10:57 PM
I know, I know, the bra thing. These photos were taken one day when my out enfemme plans were canceled. So, I took my time with practicing the makeup. I have a black lace bra, but sadly it was in the wash. So, I chose the next best thing, lavender. Sorry, it was the best I could do.
This past Saturday night I wore the dress out to a nice restaurant to a triess christmas party. So, I taped up my size 5 forms and went braless:D A much better look:)

More responses later.

12-14-2005, 11:11 PM
I know, I know, the bra thing. These photos were taken one day when my out enfemme plans were canceled. So, I took my time with practicing the makeup. I have a black lace bra, but sadly it was in the wash. So, I chose the next best thing, lavender. Sorry, it was the best I could do.
This past Saturday night I wore the dress out to a nice restaraunt to a triess christmas party. So, I taped up my size 5 forms and went braless:D A much better look:)

More responses later.

I never even noticed the lavender bra unitl yo mentioned . I guess I was too busy admiring how stunning you looked

Sophia Rearen
12-17-2005, 03:47 PM
Thanks for the compliments, Jenn, Fiona, Christina Nicole, Sherrie. Sweet comments are always appreciated.:D

It's 3.5 hours until party time. Doesn't look like she will be buying a new dress. So, It's either my black velvet dress, her black velvet slacks, or my Jones New York purple dress. I'll model and post that one tomorrow if all goes well. When I handed it to her she said, "Jones New York, How much did that cost you?" I bought it at Ross for $50.00 marked down from $200.00 As a girfriend once told me (c)Ross dress for less. So, any one want to bet on what she wears tonight. I say it's the slacks.:(