View Full Version : I FINALLY CAME OUT TO MY UNCLE1 ALL WENT WELL. what was i so worried about?>??

05-05-2013, 11:21 PM
My mom and especially my step dad, THEY DO NOT APPROVE! I came out to them in 2009. Im 34 now and we slowly drifted apart, mainly due to my attitude and ju RSENTMENTS im now living with my uncle after living on my own for 10 years due to a lay off in 2010. FINALLY as of this JAN, I have full time employment. that's a different storty. Even my co workers know, but they don't know. I didn't exactally come out to them, but IM MAKING FRIENDS I get along with everyone! now, not everyone is my friend nor I play favorites, but I do know how to get along well with everyone and as conversations like this just happen to pop up, just and joke to pass the time, I just fill in with knowledge of what I have researched and I did go to college and wrote a LOT OF PAPERS, which makes my knowledge of LGBT a perfect excuse at the work place. I COULDNT HAVE A BETTER FAM MEMBER OTHER THAN MY UNCLE, NOR THE WORK PLACE IN WHICH I AM AT RIGHT NOW

I have cross dressers.com to thank and all of my friends on here to thank for helping me to understand my self. all of you and of your posts and your experiences and my open mindedness and trough my trial n errors has really been a big help! I love you all on here and GOD BLESS :) FOR YOU NEW BEES, THE ROAD GETS WIDER :) GOD BLESS AND JUST HAVE FUN :)

I look a lot better in the mirror and in person WEB CAM OICS STINK LOL :) and how can I blend in the Adams apple? People are starting to finally accept so, maybe being 100 percent passable really wont matter> I still want to try

Cynthia Anne
05-06-2013, 01:31 AM
That's great Jsunic! It's nice to have someone close to you that accepts you for who you are!

Tracii G
05-06-2013, 02:36 AM
Having people accept you is as good as it gets I'm happy for you.

Beverley Sims
05-06-2013, 04:31 AM
Think of yourself as a work in progress.
You are improving all the time and your progress is good.

05-06-2013, 03:48 PM
I was just a little bit TIPSY is this picture. I just decided to get dressed real quick I just went for a walk at the gas station to show the girls LOL :) I didn't tell them but THEY KNOW :) they couldn't stop staring as I was walking out. they were prob like WOW!! ;) Jeff is a LOT HAPPIER now and that's starting to SHINE WELL

Barbara Maria
05-06-2013, 04:09 PM
A while back I tested the water by telling my dad,my brother,and a close friend that I'd been getting in touch with my feminine side lately.Thought I'd see how that went and take it from there.The reaction I got from all 3 of them told me that I better let it go at that.They weren't nasty or anything,but I don't think they'd accept it.You're lucky to have a family member who does.

05-06-2013, 05:02 PM
If anything, we will most likely make a host of female friends alsoI just really love SHOES anyhow and friends are good :) and this isn't the worst thing in the world. personally, I really feel lesbian in the wrong body and I also LOVE shoes :_

05-06-2013, 05:24 PM
Yay! I'm so happy for you!

05-06-2013, 08:21 PM
Glad to here that your uncle is understanding, that you've got a full time job and are making friends. Life is good!