View Full Version : An Alternate Reality

12-15-2005, 12:34 PM
A frequent complaint I hear from GGs is that high heels, pantyhose, girdles, dresses, etc. are uncomfortable. Related to this is women's not wanting to feel like they have to dress up when they don't want to, not wanting to feel obligated to wear traditional "feminine" clothing.

Okay then, what if the "powers that be" were to say to women:

"Not only will you NOT HAVE TO wear such garments, but you will NOT BE ALLOWED TO wear them, EVER."

Would that be a more desirable situation? Would that be better?

If your answer is "yes," well then, I guess I wouldn't have a response.:confused:

But if you answer is "no," I say to you, "Welcome to my world. The world of a true fashion straightjacket.":(

12-15-2005, 12:43 PM
You're allowed. :)

12-15-2005, 12:57 PM
You're allowed. :)
That depends upon one's definition of "allowed."

Sure, there's no law against my wearing such attire, but my employer forbids it, my wife forbids it. (And the young males with their baggy pants and shaved heads, who drive around my town in their custom Hondas and Acuras, might very well send me to the hospital were I to appear in public in ladies' clothing!)

12-15-2005, 03:26 PM
That depends upon one's definition of "allowed."

Sure, there's no law against my wearing such attire, but my employer forbids it, my wife forbids it. (And the young males with their baggy pants and shaved heads, who drive around my town in their custom Hondas and Acuras, might very well send me to the hospital were I to appear in public in ladies' clothing!)

That is exactly why there are friendlier and less friendly areas where we can express ourselves. Sidney, love, you are getting frustrated. You need some outing in friendly place. Plan some trip. Give yourself a break.