View Full Version : Hardwiring?

05-12-2013, 05:55 PM
Confessed to a good friend of mine the other day who's also a counselor with some experience in CD.

He said, "God or Evolution is just trying to reward you. You can't reproduce, replicate, multiply, produce offspring and have children without a female / femininity around. So God has hardwired you in such a way to enjoy the thought, the concept & feel of femininity so that you will enjoy females! You just have a strong affinity towards femininity to a point where you'll do anything to have it near you (dressing). If you don't believe in God, than you can call it nature or "hardwiring". Your body has been "hardwired" instinctively to know that femininity is good (because it allows you to reproduce / fertility / all the other good things of being female etc.) and you experience feelings of pleasure when that is near to you. Even if it's simply just you dressed in the clothes of the other gender."

I wrote down most of what he said. Thoughts? I think that may apply to me.

Beverley Sims
05-12-2013, 06:00 PM
That is a quite unique outlook from someone who is a counselor.

05-12-2013, 06:45 PM
Hay, he's a counselor. Go with it! ;)

Cheryl Ann Owens
05-12-2013, 06:54 PM
WOW! That is a very positive affirmation to embrace the "hardwiring" that many of us possibly have. I love all that is feminine and disregarding what the societal inferences are about societal expectations judged by the things between our legs. I'd lead a happier life with or without them.


Kate Simmons
05-12-2013, 06:55 PM
It could also be simply that you have a female spirit.:)

05-12-2013, 06:57 PM
I guess thats why God made me this way! I have two lovely daughters that I understand very well.

05-12-2013, 06:57 PM
The most basic prgramming for MEN [compliments of Evolution] is to impregnate as many females as possibles whcih gives us the best chance to pass on our genes. Men's VISION is undisputedly the foundation of most all CDing regardless of what letters one might choose to use to describe themselves. Men's VISION is the reason for the multi billion dollar porn businsess. Remove the sound from the porn and what percentage do you think would quit watching? How many millions or billions are spent on "men's magazines? The ones with "scantily clad" women? These very Forums offer undisputable proof of ^^^.

Men can "get ready" very quickly. 15 or 20 seconds. Compliments of their VISION. Very handy to be ready to copulate at the drop of a hat. Or a shoe. Or a certain wiggle or a jiggle. Nothing but an elegantly simple solution in how best to meet their programming.

Femininity has NOTHING to do with it. MOST men can be "turned' on quickly merely by looking at pictures of body parts. Boobs, a$$es, legs. Few women's brains work this way. Goes against THEIR programming. Few will even get turned on by merely looking at men's bodies... which again best suits THEIR own programming.

You'll also notice that the small percentage of people who water here that have NEVER had "one" while dressed...are often attracted to men and [I am merely guessing] not turned on by looking at women's bodies/body parts and maybe the dressing part for them is at least partially to be more attractive to men.

The popularity of the P&V gallery and the type pictures that get the most attention also offers more proof. I have yet to see a thread there of "show us your best granny dresses and flats" but maybe I missed it?

Many people want to believe FALSELY, that they have FULL control in picking their partners/mates and have some kind of control of what they are attracted to. EVOLUTION is not going to allow that and the ever escalating divorce rate is only further proof of so many bad decisions that people make in choosing partners, a lot of it UNCONSCIOUSLY controlled.

Helen Fisher is probably THE authority on these matters if you want to read more. She has been doing it for a very long time.

05-12-2013, 09:12 PM
You are without a doubt correct on how most men are attracted to sex and sexual things..The theory this Counselor has holds water for some but not as much for all.. I agree with some of this theory because I do find the attraction in women and certain womens clothing or apparel .I am also attracted to long soft hair on women as well as the make-up that enhances the facial features of women ( many women don't need it and over do it sometimes IMO)..There is a difference between wanting to feel femme and wanting to be femme so this theory doesn't sit well with others..

05-13-2013, 11:15 AM
Its as good an explanation as any. I'm perfectly happy with what nature's hardwiring has done for me. I suspect that its more than simply appreciation of femininity that draws me to dress. I suspect that to some degree, I have a gender identity that is substantially female.

05-13-2013, 12:25 PM
I think I am hard wired; its called my motherboard. Makes sense to me. Norah

05-13-2013, 12:58 PM
Interesting. I've always thought of it as being more a matter of software,soft-wiring,rather than hardware, or hard-wiring. We've simply been produced with the incorrect software for our model. Therefore certain upgrades need to be performed for us to gain functionality.
As for his continuous referencing towards a females reproductive system. Is that all he thinks females are about? Sounds like a typical male. There is more to being a woman than reproduction. Which incidentally he seems to forget that females don't have a corner on the market in that department. As far as I know a male (sperm)is still required.
Your counselor needs some counseling to figure out "Why he has such a low opinion of woman?"
It used to bother me when I heard the women at the homeless shelter in Omaha, Nebraska, refer to themselves all the time as "female" when talking to one another. Like "Where does he think he's going with that female?" and "Who does that female think she is?" And the guys would talk about woman like that too. Saying such things as " She's just another female." and "I have to wait for my female to get here."
It is degrading towards women to be referred to like their only purpose in life is as a reproductive receptical and nothing more. Shame on all of us!

As for our "Basic programming need to impregnate as many woman as possible to propagate the species"? As human beings we have the ability to discontinue those old sub-routines and focus or efforts on evolving far beyond the code of our original programmers.

Brynna M
05-13-2013, 07:35 PM
Truth be told I'm not a big fan of evolutionary psychology. It works ok at the highest levels but with a more complex behavior like cross dressing it seems like and incomplete solution.

That the evolution component out of it and its a workable model. You are attracted to femininity and you feel happiness when femininity is around you; be it a companions or your own.

The evolution angle seems an over complication that poses more questions than it answers. If femininity is good to men why do men generally dislike feminine surroundings? What evolutionary advantage does acting feminine confer when females look for a masculine mate..... ?

I think there is a biological component to the various flavors of gender expression. But the component seems more like being tunned more toward female mental patterns despite physical sex than it does an expression of a truly male evolutionary behavior.
But just because I'm not in synch with some definition of how I was supposed to evolve doesn't mean that my behavior is morally wrong.

I guess what I'm saying is that I'm not sold on the evolutionary psychology angle but I don't need an evolutionary explanation for it to be ok to be me.

05-13-2013, 08:06 PM
That's not any advice anyone can use. I'm guessing he is an unemployed counselor as no reputable counselor would utter such nonsense. While I am convinced that cross dressing is in our genetic makeup, like homosexuality, or red hair, etc., the rest of the commentary is gibberish

05-13-2013, 08:16 PM
I'll never understand how so many folks can have such a hard time with this wiring/programming business.

True or False?

Females in general have a much harder time having an orgasm than men? I'll just throw a #out there. How about 95%? Probably closer to 99%. Some females can't have them with men and some females can't have them at ALLLLLLLL. Lots of men, especially if young, could go from flacid and asleep to going at it and done in a couple of minutes. Where do you think the term "Slam, bam, thank ya m'am" came from?

The correct answer is TRUE. Not very FAIR is it, for Os to be so easy for men but much more difficult for the vast majority of women?

Certainly people don't think it's simply bad luck? There MUST be some biological reason for it.

Well there IS of course.

It's also no accident that for Humanity to continue, MEN must have Os, but it's totally uneccessary for women to have them at ALL to become pregnant although new research is showing that a females O may help guide the sperm to the correct FT.

Without MEN's Os, Humanity fails. Period, end of story. Of course a female with viable eggs is also neccessary for Humanity to continue but an O for HER is not.

It's quite likely that [the "difficulty" of] FEMALE Os have evolved to become a screening mechanism according to some of the experts.

Which makes perfect sense. IF anyone has a better theory... I would LOVE to hear it.

Denying any of it ^^^ isn't going to change it.

Alice Torn
05-13-2013, 08:31 PM
Maybe that is the sad reality, that women can live without men, just fine, but men have a tough time without women. A very sad lot for many men. Crossdressing may well be one way, or a major way many of us loners cope without positive , supportive, attractive femininity close to us. As Thoreau wrot, "The masses of MEN lead lives of quiet desperation." Women tend to do just fine without men.

Dawn cd
05-13-2013, 08:34 PM
Are men and women different? Sure. But do you really believe that transwomen have female genes? If that were the case we could diagnose GD by examining a person's DNA. No, I believe like Dawnmarrie that it's a difference in software rather than hardware. It's in the mind but not in the genes.

05-13-2013, 08:43 PM
I like the software idea, we're running Linux in a Windows world. I definitely have a different brain. Not quite male, not sure if it's female as I lack any personal frame of reference. Probably closer to some kind of bird.

Better stop before I get my ASCII kicked.