View Full Version : Why it's fun being a girl

Katie Russell
05-28-2013, 05:23 AM
I saw this advert and thought 'that's why it's fun being a girl'. Imagine a male version - jeans, t shirt, suit .... err. Girls have so many options.


Beverley Sims
05-28-2013, 06:55 AM
I am always deciding what to wear as a girl.
As a guy dressing options are easy.

05-28-2013, 07:20 AM
Great commercial and i think it hits it on the spot -- being a girl allows you so many option. Dressing as a guy there is but one - especially when it comes to work. the only option available is what color tie.

Donna Joanne
05-28-2013, 07:50 AM
Great commercial. Loved the quick changes, but seriously, who hasn't had a morning like that? LoL

linda allen
05-28-2013, 09:22 AM
Great commercial and i think it hits it on the spot -- being a girl allows you so many option. Dressing as a guy there is but one - especially when it comes to work. the only option available is what color tie.

Dressing as a guy isn't that bad. When I was working (once I was inside at a more or less desk job), I organized my slacks into black/grey, blue, and brown/tan. I organized my dress shirts by color and the same with my ties. Actually, I had several sets of matching ties and suspenders. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday were black grey or blue days, Tuesdays and Thursdays were brown/tan days. I had shoes to match also. Black and brown.

I had a female assistant and one day we were standing and talking to a co-worker when she bagan laughing and giggling. I asked her what was the matter and she pointed to us. We had accidentally dressed alike in tan slacks and dark green shirts.

But - It's true, there are a lot more choices as a female and it's fun sometimes to plan what I will wear the next day, even knowing that it will only be around the house.

05-28-2013, 05:10 PM
I saw this advert and thought 'that's why it's fun being a girl'. Imagine a male version - jeans, t shirt, suit .... err. Girls have so many options.

I wonder if it really IS fun being a girl… :thinking:

I’m guessing it can be, or not, depending on one’s circumstances, all things being relative. At this point in time I’m firmly in the camp of “It’s so cool to be a boy!” Just think – I can be a boy, and yet dress up as a girl now and then, strictly for pleasure, no strings attached, and nothing heavy weighing down on me. Also, if I’m allegedly somewhere betwixt and between, in gender terms, any expectations I am obliged to fulfill do not apply. Ah, it’s heaven, I tell ya…

Ceri Anne
05-28-2013, 05:54 PM
That pretty well nailed it for me, love the style and variety.

05-28-2013, 08:03 PM
I would tend to agree, but boys have options too.... I just got back from wallyworld and the M/F crowd is a lesson on what NOT to wear... boy or girl. Saw one with a t-shirt, pajama pants and flip flops.... and it was a GG. Then there was this guy with a wife beater t-shirt and straight leg jeans. UGG. I say if you want to dress stylish it takes a little work. A little more than just throwing on any ol' t-shirt and sweats.. ... breathe.... okay rant over.

However, in the end, I still prefer to dress female.


05-28-2013, 09:32 PM
I do agree with you. I'm a huge fan of fashion, whether men or women's. I constantly read both magazines aimed at both genders. I try my hardest to dress very stylishly as a man or a woman. I even have trouble deciding what to wear as a guy but women just have so many more options that it's almost mind-boggling to me.

05-29-2013, 06:11 AM
I think it's fun being a girl! I love shopping and see all the styles, pattern, and colors.

Claire Cook
05-29-2013, 06:38 AM
There's no comparison! Just look at the floor space stores devote to women's clothes vs. men's clothes. Dresses (all sorts), skirts, capris, shorts, all sorts of tops and oh yes slacks. Then compare the space given to lingerie vs. boxers and undershirts. I never considered shopping for male stuff to be fun ... but women's stuff? You bet!

Maybe "DRAB" says it all....

05-29-2013, 10:42 AM
I tend to agree with dressing as a woman. Women, in general, have all their clothing options plus men's clothing and no one bats an eye if you see a girl in gym shoes and jeans or slacks and loafers. they even have a clothing line for women called "Men's Wear" where as it feels like guys have a more restricted level to chose from. We get weird looks if we are dressed in women's clothes, even if fashionable correct... Ok I am ranting a little here but on the lighter side, I am going to say it is much more fun to dress as a woman then a man :)

Anita Luken
05-29-2013, 10:44 AM
Most of the time I just hate dressing in guy mode. I am so dull, boring, normal. Dressing in girl mode takes lots of thought and preparation, all of it exciting. Even thinking of what to wear and when can make my day. So many choices, colors, styles. SIGH

05-29-2013, 10:50 PM
Who wouldda thunk that it was for a car instead of women's clothing?

Alaina Ann
05-29-2013, 11:12 PM
I really enjoy my time as a girl. Just love the pretty clothes and being girly. My wife is very happy with me as a girl and as of late has double dated with me. I love her but I have started loving other men as well.

05-30-2013, 12:48 AM

Hmmm.....try being a female .well women then. i think you may find out its a lot different . & that could be where its different wether your a male or a female.& how you see it,

Dressing to impress or dressing because you are a woman. a girl to me of cause is between 10 through 25. & some have no dress sence so not being a girl i dont dress as one , as a mature woman thats different & yes i have a large amount of clothes to choose from even though i make many myself,

Being like a girl I think i can give that a miss. though maybe fun for some.


05-30-2013, 01:31 AM
I truly hate male clothes. I don't hate being a guy, however...just the clothing. I agree with some of the posters here...women have a lot more awesome choices, AND male clothing(more or less), while I'm usually stuck with boring t-shirts and jeans(as I have zero interest in men's clothing or shoes beyond basic utility). I'm also one of the biggest shoe-lovers ever, and I'm envious of all the different types of shoes women can wear.

Heck today, I was practically drooling at Steve Madden's shoes on television, especially with some nice capris...