View Full Version : Interactions with the Mail Momma.

05-28-2013, 10:04 PM
While I was away on my last trip, my wife told me about a chat she had with our female mail carrier. My wife was sitting on our large front porch chatting on the phone when the mail carrier reached our house on her route. She stopped her little van out front, grabbed a few packages out the back of it and came huffing across the lawn with them. The exchange went something like:

"My word," the mail carrier remarked when she reached the porch. "You order more clothes than I ever seen."

"It ain't me," remarked my wife. "It's my husband. He shops for me."

"But, those are girl clothes . . ."

"Yes, they are."

Long pause.

"So . . . . did he pick out what you're wearing now?" the carrier asked.

"He sure did," my wife replied.

Another awkward pause. "OK. Well, I have to say he's got good taste. Tell him I'm a 1x and I take hand me downs. New stuff , too."

They laughed, chatted some more, then the carrier left. I asked my wife why she felt it necessary to tell the carrier I bought the stuff when all the packages had her (my wife's) name on it. She said the carrier asking made her nervous.

"More nervous than telling her I ordered them?" I quipped.

"Didn't think about that until I had already said it," was her reply.

Wonder if I'll be the first to be innocently outted by a nervous spouse. :noidea:

05-28-2013, 10:16 PM
I have just started ordering some things online. The stores lately haven't had that much of a selection as the stores online do. I ordered this $52 order from forever21.com. Some where along the line, something is messed up as I entered my male credit card, it also put the package addressed to me instead of my SO and I know I put her name on it. I contacted customer service and they confirmed that it's coming in my name but must have missed the point that I wanted it in my SO's name. I am at the point that I just don't care now but I don't know how they ship, if their name is all over the thing and we have a female carrier too. Should be interesting.

I doubt you are the first (if it happens) to be outed by a innocently nervous spouse and I doubt you'll be the last too lol My SO let's a bunch of slips out alot since she was told about this, Usually she talks about me in the third person and another name other than Joanne but whatever. If she can take the heat so can I ;)

05-28-2013, 10:20 PM
I want to know how she knew that they were clothes. And then girl clothes on top of that? Everytime I have ever ordered something from online it comes in either a plain box, or a box with the company on it. And if your wife said "He shops for me" why then did she ask about them being girl clothes? I would hope if you shopped for your wife... It would be girl clothes. Lol. People are nosy.

05-28-2013, 10:24 PM
Mail carriers know more about what goes on in the neighborhood than you might think, but at the same time they have little interest with spreading rumours and gossip. That being said, I wish that our mail carrier was female, I would be inclined to have her meet Patti.

05-28-2013, 10:49 PM
I want to know how she knew that they were clothes. And then girl clothes on top of that?

You know, THAT is a really good question lol I must be tired because I let that get past me where I would normally catch it lol Is your mail carrier opening your packages MissTee?

I don't care how mine comes now because forever 21 does carry a men's line ;) that just supports greenie's question BTW lol

05-28-2013, 10:59 PM
MissTee - Don't worry. Mail carriers and UPS delivery people drop off tons of packages and they really don't care as long as they can get rid of the box they have to carry.

05-28-2013, 11:43 PM
Guess my Mail Momma doesn't have to ask my wife. I've been outside in tee shirt and bra when she has come by several times. She has never said anything so I guess it doesn't cause her problems. I usually just walk over and she hands me my mail. Sometimes we talk.

05-29-2013, 12:09 AM
When I first told the woman who became my first wife about my cross-dressing, I made sure she realized that she and my mother were the only ones who knew. I told my 12 step sponsor shortly after. She loved me enough at the time that she was happy to keep my secret. Later, when we moved to another town, she began letting it slip to her friends, and I started sharing with my new 12 step sponsor. Later, as she began wanting out of the marriage, she threatened to blackmail me with it. She threatened to tell my grandparents, my father, and even threatened to tell the Judge if I tried to leave her or have an affair.

Eventually, we moved back to Colorado and I found a new sponsor. I shared about my dressing and he suggested that I go public. He asked me to do my inventory while dressed and to share it with him while dressed. He saw that there was something different. I was more confident, more honest, more happy, more accepting, and less argumentative. Eventually, he suggested I come up with a name for the feminine version of me, and then asked when we would meet her. It was August and I told him "Halloween". He said "That's a start", and told me to buy enough clothes for at least three additional outfits for the days after Halloween.

It turned out that he was very wise. My wife and I finally went to couple's counseling and the therapist realized that was transsexual. He also realized that Leslie had no bisexual or lesbian desires. He suggested a continued platonic marriage, an open marriage, or a divorce. I chose platonic, my wife chose the lover on the side, and when he wanted to marry her, we decided to divorce.

Once I was faced with divorce, I went to transition therapy. My therapist have me assignments that required me to go out at least 3 nights a week, to different environments, with different groups of people, to help me learn where I was comfortable.

Being outed may not always be innocent, but often it is an act of love or a need for someone else to understand. A normal person hasn't prepared the way we have, to keep such a special secret. As a non-transitioning transsexual, I always felt like I was a Jew hiding in Nazi Europe. I knew what I was, but I didn't dare let anyone else know, because I knew that terrible things would happen if I was discovered. But these were lessons I had learned starting as young as 5 years old, and were often reinforced with actual physical violence. These lessons continued until I was a Junior in high school. I had also experienced threats and persecution that included threat of job loss.

Fortunately, when I came out of the closet, I had therapists and support who helped me deal with consequences such as job loss, divorce, and obstruction of visitation rights.

05-29-2013, 06:53 AM
Greenie and Joanne, I order online from Redcats companies (Roamans, Woman Within, OneStopPlus, etc.) All items including shoe boxes are shipped in a medium gray thick plastic (almost tyvek) bag - sized to fit order. They are not in boxes in the bag (except shoes) but rather individually wrapped as clothes. Not much on the outside of the package to out me, but any mail carrier with any reasonable amount of time on the job could figure out they're clothes by feel of the package.

BTW, I doubled checked with the wife. The carrier didn't ask if they were clothes. She just knew.

Beverley Sims
05-29-2013, 10:45 AM
The mail man in any neighborhood knows what goes on as he chats with the locals.
They feed him the gossip and he keeps it to himself.
That includes the female of the species as well.

05-29-2013, 12:21 PM
Female mail carriers are pretty familiar with the more popular female clothing shippers. If you are ordering from Lane Bryant, Avenue, Deb, or Joyce Leslie, it doesn't take a lot of intuition to figure it out.

More and more, privacy is just an illusion. We are monitored through credit card activity, GPS and cell phone activity, cameras at ATMs, stop light cameras, EZ-Pass, and dozens of other ways. 99.9% of the observations are ignored. If there is a crime in the area, the extra material becomes very useful to police, especially for eliminating suspects.

Even homeland security is only interested if there are a specific combination of "Interesting Events", like purchasing the ingredients for C4 and posting Jihadist Muslim extremist speech and promoting acts of violence on web sites or chats.

05-29-2013, 12:34 PM
Hi Miss Tee, We have a Lady mailman and I would never tell her anything that I didn't want spread around the neighbor hood.

Amy Lynn3
05-29-2013, 01:06 PM
I have a mail momma and I love her. She is a person who knows everyone in the neighborhood, but she only has a few people she tells things to. Like it does not get out then. She has come to me several times, seeking information about certain people or what is going on in that building.

I get a number of packages, however, I get lots of guy things to, so if she suspects anything I have a good story to tell her. I'll say they are mine, because the box has my name on it. She really is a cool lady and I like her and would show her Amy, if she ever wanted to meet her.

05-29-2013, 01:15 PM
Greenie and Joanne, I order online from Redcats companies (Roamans, Woman Within, OneStopPlus, etc.) All items including shoe boxes are shipped in a medium gray thick plastic (almost tyvek) bag - sized to fit order. They are not in boxes in the bag (except shoes) but rather individually wrapped as clothes. Not much on the outside of the package to out me, but any mail carrier with any reasonable amount of time on the job could figure out they're clothes by feel of the package.

BTW, I doubled checked with the wife. The carrier didn't ask if they were clothes. She just knew.

well that explains that then :D I didn't know companies did that, shipped in bags but it doesn't surprise me, anything to save a buck. Going through the sorter at the post office has the potential to just about ruin anything you may get. Hopefully forever21 ships a bit better or I'll be returning at the store.

05-30-2013, 06:28 PM
I'm usually wearing a skirt when I pick up my mail from the post office, so I kind of think the people there know.

I don't know about the carrier who drops the junk mail off on my doorstep.

But who cares? In 20-30 years I'll probably be pushing up daisies, and will beyond caring what people know or think.

05-31-2013, 09:07 PM
Guess I never paid serious attention to the labeling, but had another package come today and I examined it closely. It listed the shipper on the label, Woman Within. I never noticed that before. My wife said, "Well, just think about that name for a minute: Woman Within. What might one think?" A wry smile or two later she told me not to worry about it.

Genny B
05-31-2013, 10:28 PM
I remember coming home from work once and my wife handed me a package and let me know how embarrassed she was that the post women brought the package to her saying it was a package for her husband and it was obviously from Lane Bryants. I could only laugh and the wife got upset with me. I then opened the package and handed her new swim suit to her... I was lucky that time!