View Full Version : Just starting out, some advice would be awesome

05-29-2013, 10:55 PM
I'm not new to crossdressing, i've just faught with the urges all my life and now just want to be happy. i've always like wearing girls clothes idk what it is about them they just call to me. One thing that has held me back is my size, i'm quite a big guy 6'6, 300lbs. can anyone give me some advice as too what to do?

Kathi Lake
05-29-2013, 11:00 PM
Go to a store that caters to larger women - Lane Bryant, etc. There you will find the clothes you are looking for. It's as simple as that. How far you want to take it and how much you want to dress is up to you and any others in your life.


Beverley Sims
05-29-2013, 11:04 PM
Kathi, has the right advice and I suggest looking around the charity shops as well.
In those you can ostensibly be looking at bric a brac and not necessarily at womens clothing.

Karren H
05-29-2013, 11:05 PM
Exercise more... eat right... loose some weight and buy a really good corset.... what I did almost 10 years ago.... much healthier now and nothing like fitting into a smaller dress size!

and welcome to the forum!

Alison Lewis
05-29-2013, 11:43 PM
Go to a store that caters to larger women - Lane Bryant, etc. There you will find the clothes you are looking for. It's as simple as that. How far you want to take it and how much you want to dress is up to you and any others in your life.


If Lane Bryant is above your price range, check out Ross and Kohl's. Macy's also has Macys Woman for large sizes, though I've found some stores have a much better selection than others. The more upscale malls have a better selection.

There's always eBay, but you obviously need to know your size beforehand, and even then, it's hit or miss. Avoid dresses from China, as they tend to be short.

Tracii G
05-29-2013, 11:57 PM
Size is no big deal as far as dressing goes Layne Bryant is the store for you.Shop on sister.

05-30-2013, 02:39 AM
Avenue.com is another web/brick store that specializes in the larger gal and I think with better prices.

You most difficult search will be for shoes.

05-30-2013, 05:01 AM
The best advice I can give is tighten the seat belts down and grab hold because this ride is leaving the station.

Really the advice the other ladies have given is very good. Don't be intimidated about shopping, the vast majority of sales associates are more than willing to help you without so much as a smirk or giggle.

Welcome to the forum

Barbara Maria
05-30-2013, 05:21 AM
I get most of mine from Layne Bryant or Catherines.You'll be surprised how many pretty clothes you can find for big girls like us.

Lynn Marie
05-30-2013, 06:16 AM
Your a big guy, and at best, dressed, you'll look like a big woman. That's not all bad these days, as much of the general population is quite large. My advice? Buy sturdy shoes!

05-30-2013, 06:58 AM
Hi Alex, If you look around you will see that women come in all sizes , just don't be afraid of going shopping.

Tina B.
05-30-2013, 08:33 AM
America is over weight, that includes women, which is good for us larger cross dressers, stores are starting to carry more and more pretty plus sizes. Go on line to any good large retail store, and in the women's section find a size chart, measure up and get started shopping!

05-30-2013, 10:47 AM
just bbe your salf

05-30-2013, 11:41 AM
Embracing myself and my CDing has helped tremendously with weight loss... plus the motivation to lose weight to fit that special outfit you have your eye on always helps too :) You may find that now that you are more comfortable with yourself, it may be easier to lose weight. In the mean time, thrift stores, Layne Bryant, and most department stores like Sears, have plus size goodies :)

Julie Denier
05-30-2013, 12:58 PM
Hi, Alex, from another big girl! I'm 6-2 and was north of 360 when I started dressing seriously, so there's plenty of nice things out there in larger sizes. OneStopPlus.com is a great site that includes Avenue, Woman Within and many other full-figured lines. I've since lost about 80 pounds, which I did for health reasons and not specifically for dressing, but the weight loss certainly has improved my look, so that should be a good extra motivator to slim down. I would assume that you have quite a footprint as well -- I wear a men's 13/women's 14 or 15 -- and that's not impossible but can be costly; there are far fewer deals on the really large women's shoes than there are on clothes. These days, I do most of my shopping on eBay. Good luck! ;)

05-30-2013, 02:59 PM
It might not be a bad idea to check around and see if there is a trans friendly seamstress or dressmaker in your area, and ask them to make clothes for you. Given your height, might have a difficult time finding things to fit you (skirts and dresses may fall way too short and look out of proportion, torso length may be wrong, among other issues.) It is quite expensive to have clothes made, but you can be assured they will fit perfectly every time, eliminating trial and error and wasted time and money (which could be substantial.) You can also have shoes made for you, if you are an extreme shoe size.

05-31-2013, 06:06 PM
6'1" 300+ here. Study styles made for plus sized women. The right style makes a huge difference. As stated above, lose weight. I'm trying and to motivate me I'm buying a size 20 dress (currently 26) and hanging it in the closet. Other than that, just do it. Life is short. It sucks that we were born as big men who want to dress up like small women, but you work with what you have. Passing might be a stretch, but try to be the prettiest 6'6" crossdresser you can be. I wasted too many years worrying about passing and not going out but I'm getting off my butt and doing it.

06-11-2013, 10:29 PM
Thanks for all the help girls you've been great. One more thing where can i find heels i'm a size 14 lol

06-11-2013, 11:06 PM
I'm not sure where you're from, or what things are like in your area, but around my area, Payless shoes tends to have the largest sizes. Also don't forget to check salvation army type stores or thrift stores. When they get in sizes like that, they tend to stay around, so they almost always have the large sizes on their shelves that hardly any woman can wear.


Allison Chaynes
06-13-2013, 12:47 PM
A lot of good advice. I'd also add Wal Mart has a decent amount of plus size clothes for lower prices, but check out Lane Bryant, Catherine's, Woman Within, Roaman's and thrift stores.

06-13-2013, 01:06 PM
As I have said before Lane Bryant is my foot store and now that one of the SA there probably noticed my wife and I buying two different size bras and she just smiled and said hope ya'll enjoy the bras, I know I will be going back. Sallies is a great place for makeup and also Walmart. Have fun gal and don't worry about the weight. I like Karen started working out more when I started dressing. I am 6'2" and now weigh 220. Have lost most of my belly. Made a difference in how I feel and walk in my heels.

Tracii G
06-13-2013, 02:07 PM
When I was a lot larger I bought at thrift stores (and still do BTW) Lane Bryant,Dress Barn,Catherine's are great places and trans friendly.
I'm 5'7" but when I was larger (250+) finding clothes was a pain so I understand your situation.
@ yes Cding gave me the fortitude to lose weight and try to look better.

06-13-2013, 04:02 PM
Alex - a lot of good advice. Maybe CDing will help motivate you to get in better shape. If you are happy now, there are many ways to obtain larger size clothing. I hope that CDing will make you even happier. Good luck.

06-14-2013, 04:26 AM
I once read some great advice on a thread it said something along the lines of:"it's your business what you buy and for who you buy no one has the right to question what you buy" so just keep calm when ever shopping and remember you business is you own

linda allen
06-14-2013, 08:39 AM
Thanks for all the help girls you've been great. One more thing where can i find heels i'm a size 14 lol

A 6'6, 300lbs woman would not normally wear heels so I think you'll find the selection to be pretty thin. There are some crossdressing stores on the Internet that sell items like that but they are pretty expensive. Do a web search.

My suggestion is that you go to malls and larger stores and sit down and observe what "real" large women wear, then buy the same styles for yourself.