View Full Version : It's late

Annie M
05-30-2013, 12:23 AM
Sitting at home to night and thinking about the last two weeks being 24-7 as the excitement is settling down to reality and its not real different. My body has changed in the past 11 months and I'm happy with that. But there is a loss I'm feeling too. It's hard to wrap my head around but I have to. There is the juxtaposition of gender now with the woman in front and the man behind. Not an easy road to take, I'm not having second thoughts as I love being seen as a woman at least from my point of view. But what do you do with your history? Ok not well said but its hitting me tonight so I just felt like looking through the box if you know what I mean...

Cynthia Anne
05-30-2013, 12:44 AM
I understand what you're saying! Never let go of the past for it explains who you were! Grab on to the day and your future for that's who you were meant to be!!!

Annie M
05-30-2013, 12:53 AM
You can't let go true. I was recalling when my son was born how I wanted to be the pregnant one. How many times over the years wanting to be a woman stopped me from being a man. Ok I'm here now and I'm good but the flood is coming I can fee the ground shake.

Beverley Sims
05-30-2013, 10:39 PM
There are times when self doubt will kick in, but we all go forward and the regressive thoughts become less of an impact in our psyche.
It is healthy to think about what was and might have been if you do not let it dominate your thinking.