View Full Version : Obligatory SRS soon Thread for me?

06-22-2013, 07:39 PM
Alright cool...

Well, I'm going to be catching my flight on July 11th for my flight to Thailand, and on the 16th, in the afternoon (Thailand time of course), I'm going to be having my SRS/GRS/whatever-thingy done.

I'm going to be traveling alone though, and, I know there's some who did.

So.... er;

What's it like traveling alone like this? I've traveled to another country to meet a dear friend of mine before, and I've done that three times in total. But I'm kinda scared about it all, in all honesty.

I'm not so much scared about the operation, I'm more anxious that everything goes smoothly and I hope I can just recover quickly and go back to the young happy athlete that I once was, but I'm very scared about being in a place like Heathrow Airport on my own, and working out how the hell to get there and such.

I've got like.. a stop in India.. and all these things. I certainly feel like I'm going to be an adult by the time I've been through all this, and it's going to be quite the experience, but I have no idea how the hell I'm going to get there without having a tantrum to myself about how silly it was to go alone.

Anyone know if Chettawut provides wifi in the hospital by the way? Probably one of the first things I'll want to do is to be able to speak to my closest net-friends and let them know I'm either absolutely A-OK, or that I'm going to be staying a while longer.

If you know, do hit me up some info on that :P

Oh yeah, I'm not having BA at this point, due to in some part finances and in other parts because I wanted to spend about five years taking HRT and seeing how my breasts develop before jumping into it too early; like, trying to respect the puberty side of things. Is this smart? I'm quite finicky about having BA anyway, so I'm thinking it is...

-End of obligatory OMG my SRS is so close post-

Angela Campbell
06-22-2013, 08:07 PM
I wish you well. I have been in international airports across the world, especially in asia and it is pretty easy to find your way. Most airports and airlines have English speaking people all over. The long flights seem to never end though.

I wish I could come with you, I want this soooo bad.

06-22-2013, 09:13 PM
Contgratulations. I hope you have a quick recovery.


Barbara Ella
06-22-2013, 11:37 PM
Good for you Serana. You are such a young girl to do this under the pressure I know you will be feeling. Just know that there will be airport people there to help you if you have any concerns/questions. They very much want all travelers to have a pleasant flight, and make good comments about their airport after flying through. Stay calm, avoid alcohol, and stay hydrated.

You will do fine on the flight, and even better with your surgery. Hugs.


06-23-2013, 12:37 AM
Hey there!

I'm actually flying out (alone as well) this Monday and getting SRS with Chet done on the 29th. Staying at the Dusit?

By the way, you should really check out Bambi's guide. Yes, there's WiFi in the recovery room.

I'm not getting a boob job either - full D cup and at less than 2 years hrt, plenty okay with that.

Check this out too: http://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/1g2o4v/as_promised_my_srs_thread/

06-23-2013, 07:50 AM
Oh hey, yeah, I'm staying at the Dusit Princess hotel, I'm checking in at night on the 12th, becasue I chose some pretty horrible flight times.

But that's really cool! :D Also, holy crap, natural D, definitely a little bit jelly about that, but in a totally happy for you way XD

And I've been to London and gotten flights on my own before, but they were short flights to Europe. The only time I ever had an issue was recently with the French ATC strikes I ended up spending a full day stuck in Lisbon airport.

Not fun :P

Ameliabee, I'm certainly wishing you all the best in the best way I can.

If we happen to bump into eachother, that would be totally awesome. A bit of company and someone to talk to certainly helps.

And thank you all for your support :) it's hard to explain just how happy it makes me to have some congrats flying about for me :D

Thanks all!

06-23-2013, 12:42 PM
Yes, there is wifi in the clinic - works well too! They will give you a username/pwd when you check in. The hotels both have it as well. Your plan on waiting for a bit for the BA is a good one. Your recovery will likely go very smoothly, the staff is great and they are very careful with you. If you see them, say hi to Noi and Sri from Charlene T.

Traveling alone there is spooky, but once you are there it will be fine. The trip there is pretty easy, it's the trip home that is daunting. Long flights with a sore bottom. You WANT wheel chair service !! Dr. Chettawut can give you a letter for that - give it to ticket person at the airport and they should be able to arrange the service for all your stops. There is a pillow that can help (better than the pink donut you will soon learn to love). They are wedge shaped and the brand I know of is called Magellan. The pillow is expensive but adjustable and quite helpful for long flights. I've attached a picture. I've only seen them online, but maybe somewhere near you has it or something similar.

06-27-2013, 12:12 AM
Congratulations :angel:.

Good luck and be safe. We're all with you in spirit.

06-27-2013, 08:16 AM
best wishes for a safe trip and speedy recovery I will be joining you for srs in October so I know how excited you must be. marianne

Kalista Drake
06-27-2013, 08:53 PM
Best wishes Serana! :)

06-27-2013, 09:43 PM
Have a safe trip and speedy recovery!

06-29-2013, 04:40 PM
Thank you all for your well wishes! It fills me with a lot more confidence in myself!

Although it's definitely scary to go alone, I do think it's going to be a great experience being in an asian area and learning a lot from culture there too! There's a lot of excitement to nose about and learn a few things here and there :)

Thanks again all of you, it means a lot to me. <3

07-01-2013, 01:15 AM
Good luck, and don't worry too much. You will be in good hands and a wonderful staff. A couple of suggestions:

1. Try and do your touristy stuff prior to surgery. Likely you will recover fine and can go out after a week or so. But you will regret it if you go all the way there and don' t get to experience Krung Thep for all that it is.

2. Street food is not only great, it is wonderful and rocks the idea of unusual !! Get a little local help on how to pick a vendor. Street food in Bangkok is like the best in the world. Eat only Thai food, its what they know how to do well and you'll remember every bite when you get home and cannot get that wonderful food anymore.....

3. Take few clothes and only those that are loose. Easy to get on too . I suggest a wrap skirt or two for example. After surgery and after you get back to the hotel, you will want to be comfortable. LOOSE clothing, forget "cute" you want comfortable. Don't take a lot because you'll likely be tempted by the local clothes and why have to leave stuff just to make roon in your suitcase for the new stuff ?? !!! The Mall is way expensive compared to street vendors. One thing for sure, get a few sarongs, VERY useful during recovery.

4. Don't take an umbrella ( hotel will give you one, it is for the sun mostly, women often use an umbrella to keep the harsh sun off their face ).

5. DO remember to honor the Thai customs. Don't ever cross you legs in public, heck if even one other Thai woman is in the room! No exposed shoulders in Temples, or short skirts... Take your shoes off before you come inside. Leave the shoes outside ( no one will bother them ). I mean even in the hotel, leave your shoes in the hallway. You'll see lots of them in the hallways.

6. Learn to convert $$ and baht. You're in another country, learn to think only in their currency. An easy rough estimate conversion: take the price in Baht, move the decimal place over the left ONE place, then divide by 3.

Example, a sarong on the street will be around 120 baht (after bargining ). SO, move the decimal place over ( 120 becomes 12 ) and divide by 3 ( 12 / 3 = 4 ). So 120 baht is roughly 4 dollars. Clear ?? 1000 baht is $33, right ? !! This is a rough conversion, but it is quick.

Best conversion is going to be at the banks. The one with green signs ( I mean KELLY green ). TMB is decent, but the green bank is better. Funny thing, the second best rate I got was thru my debit card). Sorry I do not remember that banks name.

I am not sure of the exact exchange rate right now, but in Bangkok they will probably go with 30 baht to the dollar. Right now the rate is close to 32 baht to the Buck. This is WAY better than when I was there ( it was around 26 baht to buck the ).

7. Curiously, small 7-11 stores often have the best price on what they sell. Here in the USA the bigger the store, the lower the price. In Bangkok, it is often the opposite of that. Oh, and 7-11 stores are best for the little bits you will need to buy ( like SIM cards or beer etc ).

8. sorry, I'll stop !! Forget normal makeup. The combo of heat and humidity will melt it off of you in minutes.

Enjoy your trip !!

07-01-2013, 02:32 AM
We're pulling for you Serana!

Nicki S
07-06-2013, 04:29 AM
Charlene has gave some great advice here. The best advice is the Magellan pillow to sit on. I loved mine and it was well worth every penny that I paid for it. I used this pillow and the pink donut pillow for the plane ride home. This pink donut will be a very important part of your life for the next two months.

And since you are passing hello's to Dr Chetts staff, please tell them that Nicole S said hello.

Best of luck to you and dont worry. You are in VERY good hands with Dr Chett and his staff. They are all wonderful!!

07-06-2013, 06:42 AM
I wish you well. I have been in international airports across the world, especially in asia and it is pretty easy to find your way. Most airports and airlines have English speaking people all over. The long flights seem to never end though.

I wish I could come with you, I want this soooo bad.
Just ask a airline agent no problem

07-09-2013, 02:41 PM
Thanks again all of you. Apologies for not replying sooner, I've been so busy with work and sorting everything out and all the prepping. It's a bureaucratic nightmare! D:

Charlene, thank you, very much indeed, for the wonderful, wonderful advice. I'm hoping I can maybe find one at some point before I go away, or find something and just get it sent to the hotel while I'm there (that's not cheeky is it? Do they even allow that?) I keep forgetting to realize just how LONG I'm going to be away for. It seems like a small time, but it's really a twelfth of the year I'll be spending there. I'm starting to wonder if I'll even want to come back afterwards lol!

I did find out today that my surgery had to go back a day from Tuesday, to Wednesday (boo D: ) but I am very confident that the extra days' wait will be worth it (one more day before a liquid diet, whoo!) and so I'm really doing my best to keep a positive head about it.

In some ways, it's all very scary stuff, but in reality, it's like... 3 weeks-ish of lounging about with someone from room service to bring me food. Could I really ask for more?!

I'm mostly concerned about how to look after "myself" after the operation and stuff, because, as great as it is being booksmart and reading up on everything, and being able to repeat all the jargon, the reality side of things is completely different! I have to see a psychiatrist in Thailand too (and I suspect that's why they clashed due to weekends etc) because of the fact that I was unable to get a second letter of opinion while I was in England because the NHS are -really- snooty about someone going abroad for the surgery.

Also, anyone who is post-op; did it feel like a great achievement afterwards? I kno I have a few goals after this, like uni, and saving money etc, but this kind of feels like an ultimate part of my life and how my life will maybe have a bit less purpose to myself in a way. I suppose maybe I'm just excited and blowing it out of proportion maybe?

Thank you again everyone for your continued support, and even though I'm pretty much a lurker here most/all the time, if you ever want to ask about how it went and stuff, or just get some info about it all, send me a PM and I'll always be happy to give some worldly (and wordy :P) advice about anything.

....who could have thought life experience was so valuable? I'm definitely turning into an adult! :D

Oh and Nicole, I'll make sure to pass on your hello! And thanks for the confidence boost. It's definitely scary, but I feel I'm going to be in the hands of one of the more capable and understanding surgeons of this stuff.

The question is, how self-conscious and shallow am I feeling about myself? XD

Oh yeah... any advice for stupidly long journey? I've done 18 hour journeys and stuff like that before, with a lot of stops in it and stuff. But I have to get coaches to get to London and then planes and stuff and it works out that I'm going to be spending about nearly 30-something hours "coming home". Any advice on what to do with that time in the case of dilation and stuff? Just... do it whenever I can wherever I can and try to stick to the routine? :x

07-09-2013, 04:50 PM
I will be praying for your travels and your speedy recovery Serena. Keep us posted on how everything goes.