View Full Version : Big June - been holding out!

07-01-2013, 07:12 AM
Had a big June - a whole weekend away with my SO.
Started with my first support group meeting - 15 hours straight dressed.
My 42nd birthday, which I spent dressed as the boy, during which my SO bought me clothes (nice ones too)
A full day, where Teresa was officially introduced to my SO, and a fashion show of new and unseen outfits.
Verdict: I am cute, and stylish, like Jackie O
And Tess is celibate: only the boy is allowed in bed (fair enough no issues there)
Lesson: if not confident to shop alone dressed, pack food

A Social Action Discussion meeting, where I left home fully dressed, in daylight.
(Thanks to my mother's girly Corolla, and enough time)
Was so hungry when I got there, I did McDonalds drive through, very nervous.
Thought of Rachel from NZ, who has coffee inside regularly, maybe one day..
Social Action group great - fantastic to meet and hear stories of older, wiser folks.

Another Friday dance night out, where I stayed down, instead of driving 2 hours home.
Went to help the DJ on the way as the boy, and wasn't recognised. Mmm, encouraging.
A great night of socialising, meeting new friends, discovering new things.
(Like: have one drink less, so not as shaky on the feet.)

Saturday morning saw me catch up with another girl, get changed and go out shopping. In daylight. In public. Like a 'normal' person.
May not seem like much, but a visit to a welcoming OP shop was like going to the moon. What an experience!
Then to another girl's place, where I had my makeover, for a huge bag of clothes.
My wardrobe has exploded, with over 20 dresses, 20 tops.
I have no room to store them, when my parents return from overseas (lucky they are away)
Coming down from this couple of days was like hitting a brick wall.
I realise I like being a girl a whole lot more than I thought.
And returning to my 'real' life was difficult.
But I learn, on reflection, that this is part of learning balance.
That, for me at least, though I like being a boy, there will be tension between the 2 sides of my life.
My task is to make the most of both, and strive to find a workable balance, while living..
Still think a whole lot about girl stuff, trying to do what I need to do in the meantime.
Novelty still not worn off, rose coloured glasses still on!

Princess Grandpa
07-01-2013, 07:31 AM
Happy Birthday! Glad you had such a nice time.

07-01-2013, 07:45 AM
The photos look great IMO. Looks like your getting the hang of it.

Julie Denier
07-01-2013, 09:17 AM
Happy birthday and congrats on your milestones! Nice pics ;)

bridget thronton
07-01-2013, 09:44 AM
Very nice post - happy birthday

Beverley Sims
07-02-2013, 03:06 AM
Happy Birthday Teresa, June has been big for me too.
No Snow at Perisher near Mt Koscisuco. All the wineries closed when I went through the Barossa Valley the other day.
Just like the Napa Valley CA. in winter.
Maybe snow when I get back to Jindabyne in August.
Pt. August reminds me of New Mexico.

07-02-2013, 04:56 AM
You're in Oz, Beverly?
The Barossa is about an hour from me. Barossa people not fond of tourists, strictly 5 1/2 day trading for most.
Port Augusta a couple.
I've often wondered if Pt Augusta was a bit like that part of the world..

Kandy Barr
07-02-2013, 06:36 AM
Pics look great Teresa, and happy birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful time and with the support of your wife to boot you must be on cloud 9. I know what you mean about not wanting to go back to boy mode, it gets harder and harder for me also. O well, we do what we must don't we. Thanks for sharing your birthday with us.