View Full Version : When is it not a big deal any more to get dressed?

Kate Simmons
07-01-2013, 07:29 AM
At what point does it become not a big deal any more or basically become second nature when we get dressed to go out or whatever? I'm not sure really but it does seem to happen eventually to those of us who are more or less dedicated to it. For instance the other night, I was planning on going to the club and was thinking about everything I needed to do to prepare. First I needed to shave with a triple track razor then moisturize my face, then antiperspirant. Then put on my panties, pantyhose, bra, briefer. slip, dress and shoes. Then the makeup, which includes beard cover, creme foundation, blush, face powder, eye shadow, mascara, pencil, liner, nail polish, fragrance.Then wig, then lipstick. Then necklace, earrings, watch, bracelet, rings.Grab my purse and out the door. Whew, seems quite ponderous when you think about it but it has more or less become second nature to me and it takes me about 30 minutes to go from being Rich to the new and improved version of being Ericka. Sometimes it tends to boggle my mind when I consider all that is involved but it's worth the effort.:battingeyelashes::)

07-01-2013, 07:41 AM
"Anything worth doing is worth doing it well!" Many GG's (& some of us) do that routine everyday but the end results IMO are always worth every moment spent in "all that is involved". Enjoy.

Lynn Marie
07-01-2013, 09:44 AM
I dedicate about an hour and a half to the transformation process. It's pretty cut and dried nowadays but I still get excited and my underarms start to perspire if it's a really hot day.

Sarah Doepner
07-01-2013, 10:12 AM
Kate, it's always a big deal to get dressed and do it right. With the practice it's easier now than it was and the negative feelings that used to be there have pretty well gone away. But the enjoyment is always there, the satisfaction of watching that flower open up is there, the pleasure of finding the right outfit with all the right accessories is there and the calm center that Sarah brings to my world remains. Having all that happen as I go through a change in appearance is a big deal for me and if it goes away, there will be no need to crossdress. If one day as I dress I start to think of how I'm going to get the money to pay the bills or why the lawn is dieing in that one corner of the yard, then I've lost one of the major reasons I dress.

Jennifer in CO
07-01-2013, 11:13 AM
about 6 months after I transitioned (1980/81) I realized it had become "no big deal" to get dressed. You got up every morning and showered, shaved (maybe - usually not) eat breakfast, dress, then go to work. Except I was doing it and presenting as a 24 year old woman. Long about that time I realized I was being accepted as a 24 year old woman. Shortly there-after, i started considering myself a 24 year old woman.....

Kate Simmons
07-01-2013, 11:18 AM
Even though I never transitioned, I consider myself as none other than a woman when en femme, relatively speaking that is.:)

07-01-2013, 12:16 PM
Even if one is not going to go forth into the world, as an in-home dresser, if I cannot make a full presentation before the mirror I'm not going to even try dressing for the day. I tried under dressing (bra, camisole, panty, hosiery) but found absolutely no satisfaction in it. If you can't see yourself as a woman and have the time to enjoy her, why bother?

07-01-2013, 12:32 PM
I still get a kick out of seeing myself in the mirror as I finish my hair and apply lipstick, but otherwise I find that my mind now wanders and I'm thinking about other things as I automatically apply makeup and get dressed.

I suspect it is much the same with GGs. First bra, first makeup, first heels are probably pretty exciting but getting dressed soon becomes routine. Maybe enjoying those occassional moments when somebody admires how you look or those really rare moments when you are getting ready for a special event and everything comes together just right. Otherwise it is just, well, normal.


07-01-2013, 12:35 PM
I think that the more one does something, the easier and more routine it becomes. My dressing probably always has that "need to dress" element. However, that has decreased so much that the effort to get ready is itself just another routine, just as if I was getting ready to go to work dressed appropriately, meaning it is no big deal. Since my goal is to go out and have a good time while dressed well enough to satisfy how I want to look and to feel while dressed, I really do not think much about "Wow! I am going out dressed as a woman.", and think more about what new and old faces we may meet tonight and what interesting and different experiences might we have while out.

Kate Simmons
07-01-2013, 12:37 PM
I know that in going through all of that and making the effort, I will get noticed, even if no one says anything. When I do get paid a compliment on my appearance, I'm tickled pink and feel pretty good about myself.:)

Beverley Sims
07-01-2013, 03:37 PM
Like you it is no big deal getting dressed any more, but it is sure as hell a lot of fun when you walk out the door.
Some of the interactions I have these days come so naturally to me that my mind spins thinking of new ways to have more fun.
Kate, never let the magic die.

Nikki A.
07-01-2013, 07:38 PM
I think it will stop being a big deal when I: a) Die or b) If I decide to live full time and then and then it will become boring.

07-01-2013, 09:08 PM
If you substitute the word “habit” for “no big deal”, then I’d agree with you.
It takes me about 45 minutes to look good, and off I go, but reality, it takes a LOT longer.
Like maybe the day before I’ll iron the skirt and blouse that I plan to wear, or hand wash some bras.
I’ll have a bag pre-packed with drab stuff in case I have car problems.
I don’t wear nail polish anymore: just keep my nails in healthy shape, as most real girls do.
So the simple “habit” has become a way of life, and even though I don’t dress everyday, I’m always doing something for my next outing.
So the “habit/no big deal” is made-up of little things that add up so I’m 100% ready for when I DO go out, dressed good enough to pass, so I guess it IS a big deal after all, even though its become kind of a habit (that I still get excited about).

07-01-2013, 09:52 PM
When is it not a big deal anymore? When we're dead. ;)

07-01-2013, 10:02 PM
I agree, it's always a big deal but what I think you were getting at is when does it change from being a thrill (nervousness, goose bumps, lump in your throat, butterflies) to feeling 'normal'. I'm not sure when it happened but over time, the butterflies left and now I'm just a little ol lady out doing errands... slightly better dressed than the average girl....

I miss those butterflies, but kind of like it now with the IDC 'tude... but with the I Do Care what I look like 'tude.


Barbara Maria
07-02-2013, 12:09 AM
When is it not a big deal anymore? When we're dead. ;)
Yep. That's the way I see it too.

07-02-2013, 01:41 AM
I think that the tipping point for me was when I stopped thinking about the order in which I apply makeup. I used to have a checklist to make sure that I didn't forget or mix anything up. Yes, I'm a pilot! :)

Now I just get out my makeup and put it on. There's a natural flow to the process and I'd feel odd if I did anything out of order. It takes about a third as much time as well!