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View Full Version : Food for thought on gaining acceptance

Marlena Dahlstrom
12-20-2005, 12:59 AM
Well worth reading...

"Economic realities lift gay rights" (http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/12/17/BAGMUG9CCQ1.DTL) by a columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle. Here's an except:

As you may have noticed, Ford Motor Co. made a hasty retreat this week from its announcement that it would stop advertising in gay and lesbian publications. It was a triumph for individual rights, fair treatment and a more tolerant social structure.

Uh, sure. If that's how you want to see it. Personally, I'd say it had more to do with a simpler common denominator.


For all the dialogue about the social significance, for example, of the new gay-themed cowboy movie "Brokeback Mountain,'' the real issue won't be whether it breaks cinematic ground, but whether it breaks even on the balance sheet. It is amazing how brave and socially responsible folks can be when there's a profit to be turned, and the greatest strides toward acceptance of gays and lesbians will come on the economic, not legal, front.

The columnist goes on to describe the example of how conservative Palm Springs was initially horrified by what's been called "lesbian spring break" but quickly changed it's mind once it realized the money it brought into town -- and now the locals eagerly look forward to it each year and everyone gets along fine.

12-20-2005, 04:01 AM
"It's all about the Benjamins."

I have heard (this is all anecdotal) that in the past some retailers (that we tended to frequent) were not so friendly as they were today. Then along comes computerized everything and they could figure out how much we were spending. Then they got $$$ in their eyes and got really friendly.

We all know about Provnicetown capitalizing on the Fantasia Fair's tourist dollars.


12-20-2005, 06:15 AM
So whats the word? Do we need a whole bunch of annual trannyfests dripping trannydollars into communities?
Gays may have recieved a lot of support from other groups, but I wonder how much support trannyfests could expect?:confused:
Those of us who are "out" and about, don't want to spend all their time campaigning for others.
Where's the cash?:cool:


Christina Nicole
12-20-2005, 10:29 AM
Folding to blackmail, political pressure, and greed is acceptance? This is a new definition of the word acceptance of which I am not at all familiar.

Here's a fun, off-topic thought. I doubt it would hurt any company's sales if they turned off their advertising for a week or two. On the other hand, it would buy them a lot of respect from the numb-nuts actors, actresses, and other uneducated trash in hollyweird when the flow of money for their cocaine habits goes away.

Warm regards,
Christina Nicole

Marlena Dahlstrom
01-11-2006, 01:38 PM
Well I guess the word is that greed is a good icebreaker for getting past biases, and from there personal interaction can help people realize that CDs may be different, but not "abnormal."

Actually there are a number of trannyfests (Southern Comfort, Eureka Springs, Esprit, etc.) as well as smaller things, like local CD dinner outings, etc. The history of Esprit, which is held in a small town in Washington state, had a similar history from what I read. The conference is one of the biggest money makers for local businesses so needless to say they're more than happy to welcome would-be customers. But apparently, many of the locals have also grown to genuinely like the conference attendees.

So when I shop en femme, I always make it a point to send feedback to the company -- so far all positive -- so that they're aware we're here. Plus I do try to interact with the sales staff (a little small talk, etc.) so that they can see I'm a person too. Maybe a bit eccentric, but there are lots of eccentrics in this world.

01-16-2006, 02:44 PM
i do agree that greed is the reason why markets exist for
the transgender community. this means to and end is nothing
complain about, is it? so they want your money and will
overlook and may even instruct their employee on how
to be CD-friendly -- does that not wash away alot of
CDers' fears (to know that stores are much more interested in
your pocket book than ridiculing you)? the only downside
of the market is the thieves that will rise (into the niche market)
and prey on indivual's weakness.

i think that it is most unfortunate to over-criticize when
it will only proved unproductive (even negative to promoting the transgender).
and the stint on "Brokeback" is embarrassing since alot of big names
got involved for a fraction (13mil) of today's average budget to shed light
on issues in a productive and postive manner. anyone of the high profile
stars could of demanded twice the amount of the whole budget -- some
what of a ridiculous notion in my opinion, but it does occur.

greed is ubiquitous, so spend your money (wisely) for the cause is a productive measure.

01-16-2006, 09:01 PM
There has been quite a lot in the UK press recently about what they call over here the pink £ and the effect it has on certain sectors of various local economies Manchester and Brighton being two of the bigger areas where a large proportion of the local economy benefits from the gay,TV/TG/TS spending power.
Point being we are a legitimate sector of society and deserve the same rights, choices and respect as any other sectors of society in how we choose to spend our pounds or dollars.
In a lot of the articles I have read they have virtually all inter mated that any sector of any local economy that doesnt actively encourage us from spending our cash and treating us with the same respect and courtesy is missing out on a seriously large potential source of income and if they are prepared to alienate a growing sector of society in this way then more fool them.
I have always personally tended to go back to an organisation or retail outlet if I have been given good service and been treated with respect and dignity
As an aside decided last Saturday night to go to the movies, I thought Brokeback Mountain was quite well done as modern movies go.
Anyway that's my take on what I see as the way our growing sector of the economy is going.
Agree or disagree?
Love Julie