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View Full Version : The " Good " purge

2B Natasha
07-11-2013, 12:25 PM
Hello all

Is there such a thing as a good purge? Yes there is!

My wife and her company have a area coordinator. Her job is to arrang an event or the like 3 times a year. This trimester was a drive for a local woman's shelter. BINGO! A good reason to go through the closet and purge all the items bought on empluse, a fad. Wrong size, from a city to far away to return. Just plain doesn't fit any more.

Spanx can only do so much.

I managed to rid my closet of two bags of clothing.

So I encourage you all. GG included. To purge your closets, ya know it got items youll never wear, we all do. Donate them to women's shelters. Nothing wrong with goodwill mind you. But these landlines need asuch love as can be shown.


07-11-2013, 12:35 PM
I did the very same thing a few months back. Some lucky girl will get a bunch of like new shoes!!

07-11-2013, 12:38 PM
Oh god, I need to take this advice and clear out some more unfortunate choices!

Beverley Sims
07-11-2013, 12:40 PM
I do purge my wardrobe like that out of necessity.
Then I go and buy more as I don't have anything to wear tonight. :)

Kimberly Kael
07-11-2013, 02:07 PM
Oh, yes! I've purged that way twice now, ridding myself of ill-fitting, unflattering, and impractical items by focusing my wardrobe on clothes I truly love and wear on a regular basis. It made room for new purchases and all went to worthy local causes.

Of course there's a second type of incredibly positive purge: the day I donated the vast majority of the "boy" side of my closet. I kept a few items initially for visiting my grandfather, who was the only person in my life I wasn't out to. He passed away just recently, so it's time to finish that purge and never look back.

Sheren Kelly
07-11-2013, 04:51 PM
In an earlier post, Stacey discussed the clothing swap that happens locally in N. Virginia. Participants are expected to bring a min of 5 good quality things and make a donation to the local school. Whatever does not get picked up goes to a woman's shelter. A win-win for all. I have seen many of my things go to happy swappers, and I have made some good finds. Down side: I never really reduce my closet, I seem to pick up as much as I cast off!


Jean 103
07-11-2013, 05:35 PM
That is a good thing. There is a local thrift store here that was a sale once a week, 10 items for 10 dollars. If I like it and I think it will fit I buy it, latter if I change my mind I donate it back. O and that's why they make corsets ,for that little extra help. lol

07-11-2013, 06:09 PM
This is not a purge! It is a redistribution of the goods. Every 6 months I go through my closets. Then I divide into several piles. I try to send a little to each thrift store in town.