View Full Version : Therapy is going well

07-26-2013, 06:25 PM
Therapy is going well :) had my 6th sessions with my Therapist and he told me that he was going to set up another meeting for Aug 8th as a confirmation appointment to see where im at and to see if Hormone Replacement will be a go This is really exciting for me, yet a bit nerve racking, im excited that its going along so smoothly but there is that inherent fear of the unknown.

07-26-2013, 07:17 PM
Glad to hear therapy is going well! I also started seeing a therapist recently and it's also going well. We've had 4 sessions now, haven't discussed HRT in much detail yet though. I'm excited for you and am anxious to hear updates!

Angela Campbell
07-26-2013, 07:20 PM
Nice to hear it is going well.

07-26-2013, 07:24 PM
but there is that inherent fear of the unknown.

I'm transitioning and still have that fear. It's perfectly normal (I think). Continued success!

07-26-2013, 07:26 PM
If u trust your therapist, tell him/her your fears!

Angela Campbell
07-26-2013, 07:53 PM
LOL I told my therapist about the fear and he said "of course you are afraid! I would worry if you were not!"

07-26-2013, 08:32 PM
Yea at 1st i was like omg Hormones? arent we going a little too fast here Doc...? :-p j/k nah im just dreading the part where i have to try and look the part, for me right now thats going to be an extra tough sell. My therapist wants me to develop a first year plan on HRT, im going to need a little time on that one haha i would put a picture up of me (male mode) but im unsure where to put it

Angela Campbell
07-26-2013, 08:37 PM
I spent the last year working on looking the part, and getting comfortable going out in public. I lost over 120 lbs and learned about makeup and what clothes work for me. Then I entered therapy, telling the therapist the first 5 minutes, I came here to transition. He also asked me to work out a 1 year plan, telling me I would likely not see it work that way but to plan what to do. I have notified my company and we are now working on a 1 year plan there. That gives me time to do a lot more electrolysis, let the hormones work, and to grow out my real hair. God I hope the minoxidil works...

Then I plan to save money for the SRS as I will start my RLE. God help me.

07-26-2013, 08:49 PM
Right i have some thinning, Balding (receding hairline) issues i hope arent too bad yet, i have heard alot of good things about some products out there to help with that, also ive read throughout various sites that HRT can sometimes have a positive effect on the hair loss portion too, all and all im hoping that in the end its fixable, with ffs shave the forhead down and pull the hairline up, are just some of the things that ive read (Disclaimer!- I dont know much about this topic, im only going by the reasearch that ive done.) anyways i just hope that the male damage isnt too bad. My facial hair isnt too thick its very sparse and light so im hoping thats beneficial for the electrolosys.

Angela Campbell
07-26-2013, 08:55 PM
The hair is fixable and there are several ways to do it. I am trying the easier and less expensive ways first, but if I need to I will get the expensive procedures. I don't think I will have to do much for my face. But the hair needs help. I know a girl who had really good results on the hair from the estrogen, but I have also known a few who had no effect on the hair whatsoever.

I Am Paula
07-26-2013, 09:42 PM
I too told my therapist, in the first few minutes, what my goals were ie. Start hrt, and carry on from there. As much as I enjoyed our time tgether, she knew I was there untill she wrote my letter. Two sessions.I did email her to say everything went well with my endo.

Therapists do different things for different people. If you're getting somethng worthwhile, fantastic.

If transition didn't scare you...then you'd need serious therapy.

Good luck!

07-26-2013, 10:01 PM
Go to a place where you can be alone. Take a deep breath, relax and seriously think about your decision before your next session, Sephina. Weigh the pros and cons. Is transition what you really want/need for your life? You can stop the pills at anytime but mentally, do you really want to open that door? Are you really ready for it in your life? Only you can answer these questions. If it is right for you, you will proceed.

I wish you all the success in the world, one way or the other.

Angela Campbell
07-27-2013, 04:20 AM
I too told my therapist, in the first few minutes, what my goals were ie. Start hrt, and carry on from there. As much as I enjoyed our time tgether, she knew I was there untill she wrote my letter. Two sessions.I did email her to say everything went well with my endo.

Therapists do different things for different people. If you're getting somethng worthwhile, fantastic.

If transition didn't scare you...then you'd need serious therapy.

Good luck!

Mine spent time with me every week and after starting the hormones told me I didn't need to come back until either I felt like I needed to or when something changes. We did work out a plan and I am working on it so it will take a while until there is enough change to matter. Spending the money now on electrolysis.

Jorja, you ask is it something you are ready for....for me hell no I wasn't ready for any of this but the train was running off the tracks and this was really the only thing left to do. Now looking back, yeah I was ready, but scared to death. I am doing so much better now so it looks like I made the right choice so far.

I Am Paula
07-27-2013, 09:10 AM
Ready? When the realization of what MUST transpire hits us, everything moves too slowly, and results seem far off. Then, after jumping thru' all the hoops, everything starts to happen sooo fast!

Angela Campbell
07-27-2013, 02:28 PM
. My facial hair isnt too thick its very sparse and light so im hoping thats beneficial for the electrolosys.

Ahhh, electrolysis. Yes if the facial hair is sparse it will be easier, but it will still take years to complete. Years of pain. Be sure you are committed before you jump because the true test may be if you can endure the several million needle pokes, zaps and plucks that must be done. I have been doing between 3 to 5 hours a week and no longer need to shave unless I am getting really made up, and then only about once a week. But that comes from 41 hrs so far of pain. It is worth it to me. The girl who does me tells me there have been several who wanted to transition and gave it up after a short time on the bed.

and Celeste, things went really fast for me for a while, almost too fast...then they kind of slowed down (after starting hormones) and are going at a snails pace for me now. The good news is I am less impatient than before, and I think I can handle it better than ever before.

07-27-2013, 04:06 PM
Thanks, everyone for all the responses it is really helpful to see how others are handleing / have handled transition, as far as ready? Im, not sure one can ever be truely ready for this, like was semi stated earlier the train is moving its time to decide jump on and take the ride or try and stall and hope that another train is ready soon. I dont want to stall anymore, i feel like im lucky because im only 29 and i dont have kids or a wife (not for lack of trying). Some people say things happen for a reason although it can be hard to see what that reason is right off the bat. Perhaps its an omen that it is time for me to move into my life and stop wasting time. All i really know right now is that i do need this, ive sen it said that many people dont but i do i cant keep going on like nothing is happening it's been tearing me apart all my life more ferociously now then ever before. Now that i finally know what is going on in my life there is no running and hiding from it, i think overall people are afraid of change and this is a big one, but it is time for me to make a change

Angela Campbell
07-27-2013, 04:33 PM
One way I knew when it was time.

When I was a boy all I thought about was the girl.

When I was the girl, I never thought about the boy.

Kimberly Kael
07-27-2013, 04:36 PM
Therapy is going well :)

Glad to hear it! Everyone on the planet should have at least one good session with a competent therapist, if only to realize what it consists of and open the door to future sessions when they make sense.

This is really exciting for me, yet a bit nerve racking, im excited that its going along so smoothly but there is that inherent fear of the unknown.

As there should be. It's a huge step and one that you should only take when you're ready. There's no rush after puberty, except possibly to slow hair loss. I transitioned socially a full two years before starting HRT, though my therapist had cleared me long before. I didn't want to think of my womanhood as being predicated on any particular medical intervention, so I cleanly separated the two. Others obviously feel very differently.

If u trust your therapist, tell him/her your fears!

If you don't, find another therapist or work through those issues first. Going to a therapist you don't trust is a waste of time and money.

07-31-2013, 02:33 AM
Sadly it seems i may have spoken too soon, it appears that i have hit a snag and may be unable to continue with therapy sessions for a time due to financle constraints and insurance issues :(

07-31-2013, 07:17 AM

When I was a boy all I thought ...

Ellen, that's a great observation.

07-31-2013, 07:39 AM
That is so sad. It is a real bummer when things seem to be going so good and then bang, a dead end. I am a believer that if it was meant to be it will be, so hopefully things work out (and soon) for you. Best wishes.

Kimberly Kael
07-31-2013, 09:22 AM
Sadly it seems i may have spoken too soon, it appears that i have hit a snag and may be unable to continue with therapy sessions for a time due to financle constraints and insurance issues :(

That's unfortunate. While a lot of insurance plans won't cover gender dysphoria, you may find that your therapist can justify coding the sessions as dealing with depression, which is usually covered.