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07-27-2013, 11:51 AM
how is everyone doing today

I am doing fine. I am loving my new job and i only have 2 weeks left and once my ninety days are over than i am planning to move from my grandma between october to December to get my own place so i can dress up more often. Also i am planning to go to a crossdresser support group around my area when i can meet with other crossdressers and understand how they manage their cross dressing lifestyle. But i dont know if i should give up cross dressing because i haven't done it a long time and i understand that no transgender women or generic women wouldn't want to date a crossdresser(they want masc man) unless if they accept it. If they do accept it ,it would be a compromise where i would dress up certain time as around the house or if i am going to cd clubs. But if i do get my own place then i would try to practice on my makeup and learn how to walk in heels and go to clubs

i dont know what should i do really

07-27-2013, 12:15 PM
Good to hear you are "doing fine and are planning to soon move into your own place"! Please be thankful that you recognized you have strong feminine tendencies and are a CD! I know of some people that will not admit it and have a very miserable life. CDing will not go away - no matter how hard you try to suppress it! It is and will be a major part of your life! IMO, how far and in what direction you take your feminine feelings depends on your comfort and confidence levels. Whatever you decide, - enjoy.

07-27-2013, 12:18 PM
I agree with that point most of the point but still there are times where I would want to give it up just because I havent done it in a long time and I feel most transwoman and/or woman would not date a crossdresser. However why you said I cant give it up

07-27-2013, 12:25 PM
In your posts you repeatedly assert that all women are looking for stereotyped masculinity in their partner. This is simply not true. Be true to yourself and honest with others. And you will meet someone who apccepts youas you are.

07-27-2013, 12:28 PM
Maybe because I heard that from different people saying they wouldnt accept crossdressers

07-27-2013, 12:34 PM
I know bi-CDs in relationships with GGs. Luckily, the world and it's off spring aren't so easily pigeon holed.

On the subject of not dressing yourself, from what I read here and my own experience, many go through phases. I had a short interlude and then bang, I was going to burst if I couldn't dress. It just happened, so it's never easy to predict how your attitude will change.

Good luck with the moving out to your own place. Life begins with your own space.


07-27-2013, 12:46 PM
So from what I hearing is that its hard to give up crossdressing for good and I probably would hate it to give it up

Princess Grandpa
07-27-2013, 12:53 PM
I am pleased your doing well. Your prospects for the immediate future sounds like a plan that leads to happiness. Your long term plans cause me to worry for you.

I believed as you do. My wife must be the only woman in the world capable of accepting and embracing this. I have learned this is just not true. As remarkable as my wife is, she is not unique in this respect. Woman like her are rare perhaps, but they are out there. *ponders* maybe they are a very rare. I don't really know. I do know that in the last couple of months I have met two couples just like us and have read accounts here from several others.

I do believe it is better to be alone than in a relationship with a woman fro whom you have to hide things about yourself. I know, that's easy for me to say sitting here in a happy marriage. I really believe the reason we are sitting here still is we made a conscious decision to never hide things. At one point there was hiding and sneaking going on, unrelated to dressing, and it nearly killed our marriage.

Your generation is far more accepting of alternate lifestyles than previous generations. Don't deny yourself who you are. Date women. You don't need to come clean on the first date, but it should be discussed if things start getting serious. You can be true to yourself and have a love.


07-27-2013, 12:57 PM
You mean like as far as giving up crossdressing

Tami Joy
07-27-2013, 01:19 PM
cd23 you our a very pretty girl.Just be yourself.It made take you some time to understand that you enjoy getting all dress up and that is who you our.

07-27-2013, 01:22 PM
Aww thank you maybe it wont be so bad after all its just I go through difficult times

But I understand that its who I am and I cant give up crossdressing at all. It would even make me feel depress and sad. Its just that I havent get a chance to do it and my family doesnt know

In the meantime, I accept myself being a crossdresser and I hope that I wont give it up. I tried to give it up but I have strong throughts that I want to express myself en femme

Druscilla Supernovae
07-27-2013, 04:05 PM
I think there are women out there who would like a guy with a softer side. A guy with more feelings and emotion. Be buggered if I can find one. I wouldn't mind showing my more feminin side with the right girl. Sitting down and having a nice long talk, having a good cry, painting her nails and doing some girly stuff would suit me just fine. I myself can't wait to get my own place so I can do what I want when I want.

07-27-2013, 04:08 PM
awesome i love that

i want to be able to find that special girl that i can do girl things or most likely hang out with other crossdressers. Can i ask anyone something do you think its possible for a crossdresser to date another crossdresser i am just curious

07-27-2013, 04:16 PM
Maybe because I heard that from different people saying they wouldnt accept crossdressers

Different people are not everyone...you have also heard from many of us who have accepting SOs.

07-27-2013, 04:21 PM
maybe everyone is right, I am just overreacting to things. Matter fact i am happy to be a bi cd. And i love it there is nothing wrong with expressing my femme side

Beverley Sims
07-28-2013, 08:04 AM
You are fine in what you are planning....
Do not introduce CD'ing into your work place though.

07-28-2013, 08:10 AM
Oh no I would never do that its my business lol. I would never tell an employer or coworkers my cding lifestyle

07-28-2013, 09:25 AM
Life is not black and white. Being bi is very ok. Being CD is very ok. How you present to the world is your choice. You're young, you have time, and the world is *slowly* changing. There are folks out there with supportive, loving SOs of different genders. "never" is a strong word. Trust your heart, use your head (the big one ;-)) you'll be fine.

07-28-2013, 09:29 AM
I know im not worry about that anymore