View Full Version : Doctor and HRT.

07-29-2013, 10:51 AM
Hi All.

So I am seeing the Doctor (Specialize in SRS) for the first time next week.

I am anctious and scared at the same time...what to expect ??? - Anyone please ???

All the questions and people looking at you funny etc. But, what the hell...has to cross that bridge sometime.

Any advice are welcome.

Thanks to All.


07-29-2013, 11:56 AM
I get few questions, and I don't seem to get many people looking at me funny.

The people who sometimes ask questions are people whom I chat with semi-regularly during appointments. For example, physiotherapy, or massage. The questions from them have not been rude.

Life will probably not be roses every day. I still get many many people casually mis-gendering me. Taxi-drivers saying "sir" for example. Many of those cases are internally frustrating but the person isn't consciously being rude. A few days ago as I walked downtown in a dress, a drunk woman tried to put me down with a called out semi-snickered, "Hey, sexy"; I just kept walking because there was no advantage to be had in getting upset. That same day I was standing in crowded buses, and though some people might have looked at me, they didn't "make anything out of it". But the great majority of the time, it isn't that people literally do not see that I am trans, but rather that it just doesn't matter to them, that their brain passes right over me as being a non-threat that there is no reason to pay special attention to.

I have taken to wearing tank-tops recently, which make my small-A breasts more obvious. I'm not getting much attention because of it. You'd be amazed what people become accustomed to.

You are likely to attract more attention at first. Because you are nervous and unsure of yourself. The more you see yourself as normal, the more people will see you as normal. Even if you have boobs and a male haircut.

Rianna Humble
07-29-2013, 12:54 PM
Hi Courtneigh, I can fully relate to what you are feeling about going to see the doctor. I have found that for me the simplest is just to relax and to remember that the doctor is on my side. The first time I see a new doctor, I just go with the flow and tell her/him what seems important to me then answer questions. It seems to work but YMMV