View Full Version : Makeover for you and your SO

08-05-2013, 06:27 PM
I think it would be really fun to get a makeover with my wife. One in which we are both glammed up to the max. :) Has anyone ever done anything like this with professional makeup artists? If so, how'd it go? Did your SO enjoy it as much as you? ;) I wish I knew of a place in the St. Louis or Chicago area.


Beverley Sims
08-05-2013, 09:35 PM
Not done it with my wife, but she is shell shocked when she sees me done.
That is enough.
I do not push it. :)

Suzi Q
08-05-2013, 09:44 PM
You could call one of the "Glamour Shots" companies that do this for GG's. I'll bet they would do it for you and your SO.

08-05-2013, 10:10 PM
So easy...go to the store finder at www.maccosmetics.com.

Now, if your wife is game and it's in your budget, consider following up with the ultimate, a couples boudoir shoot. You'll need to google boudoir photography or go to yelp.com and then send out emails seeing who'd like to do such a shoot, but definitely worth considering as an experience of a lifetime. Hugs, Michelle

08-06-2013, 01:39 AM
I did something similar, I got my hair done with my fiancee. I had my long hair trimmed while Sabrina got a wave perm. Actually, we both had makeup touch-ups done, too, so it was partly a makeover. :) It was the most feminine experience of my life, and I loved it. I'm looking forward to getting to do it again!

- Amy

Naomi Newman
08-06-2013, 01:44 AM
i spent a whole day once getting nails, brought new clothes, hair done, i had a wondeful day, but it had to end, would love to do it again.

08-06-2013, 11:23 AM
Thanks for the replies and suggestions. Michelle, I doubt my wife would be up for the photo shoot but I think she would enjoy a makeover. She wears makeup everyday and always looks very nice but I think she would enjoy having a "professional" do her hair and makeup just to see a different look and techniques. I would enjoy seeing her too. :) I would also enjoy one myself just to see how someone else could make me look. :)

08-06-2013, 11:42 AM
Now you're talking! Spa day with da wifey - facial, mani/pedi, hair styling and makeup. The perfect combination of pampering and letting professionals show you what your potential is. Very easy to choose your venues on Yelp (for the hair styling search on "blow dry bar"). After getting all dolled up head for a lovely restaurant. You'll be so amped you'll forget yourself and do all the ordering :-):-) Hugs, Michelle

08-06-2013, 11:51 AM
Wife and I did a conservative make over once. We both dressed casually and went to the local Mall. We stopped into Sephora, so my wife could get some shampoo. While she was checking out the shampoo. I went up to the make up girl and asked her if she could do something with my eye make-up. She was very accommodating, and commenced to make Daviolin pretty. My wife came over and joined into the fun and got a partial make over also. I would love to do a full blown make over with my wife some day soon. Daviolin

08-06-2013, 11:56 AM
My wife and I haven't done one together yet, but she did get a makeover and small photoshoot from my favorite transformation artist, Amanda Richards. My wife (who I'll call K here) had seen my pictures and has met Amanda's alter-ego, so she wanted to give it a try (Amanda also does makeup for weddings, proms, and fashion photography, so she knows how to work with GGs too). K was bubbling over when she called me on the way home about how much fun it was. She even said, "I know understand why you like this so much." I hope one day to do a makeover together.

linda allen
08-06-2013, 12:13 PM
I suggest that every time my wife and I pass the makeup counters at the department stores. She thinks I'm kidding of course, and I'm in male mode when we do it.

I think it would be great fun. Of course, I would have to be dressed to pull it off.

I've suggested just asking them to set me up with the products and colors that would look best on me, but so far, no dice.

bridget thronton
08-06-2013, 05:38 PM
My wife and I have going going to our hair stylist together the past few months - a good experience.

08-08-2013, 04:37 PM
this is on my bucket list, weekend away...makeovers..and some girl time

08-08-2013, 05:19 PM
I have never done a makeover with my wife, but would love to - makeup, nails, hair, shopping, everything! :)

08-09-2013, 12:32 AM
I'd probably love it but it might not be my spouse's cup of tea. Just because CDers are keen to do these sorts of things doesn't mean that every GG wants the same experience!

08-09-2013, 07:44 AM
My wife and I had the joy of doing this together on our honeymoon. We spent the day with Clair at Wig Goddess in Vermont - www.wiggoddess.com We had an awesome experience. It was fun for us both to get great makeovers, have our pictures taken individually and as a couple. Clair is incredible - both as a person and as an ally. It wasn't cheap, but was totally worth it. Highly recommended for couples.