View Full Version : Christmas shopping

12-23-2005, 01:19 AM
Hi girls,

I did some Christmas shopping tonight as Steffie. I went to Wal-mart and also to the mall and it was fun. I wore blue jeans, black boots, green top and green sweater. I wore somne light green earings, a pendant and a neautral shade of lipstick and put a clear coat on my nails. I didn't get noticed too much I think as the stores were so crowded as the people were wrapped up in their own shopping. I got my wife some nice things at some of the stores.

Toward the latter part of the evening I stopped at Wal-mart to pick some some cosmetics. Before doing so, however, I really had to go to the bathroom when I first walked in. Up to now I had never used a ladies room. The only bathroom I ever used was at those gas stations where only one at a time can go. However, this time I was faced with the dilemma of using the ladies room. :eek:

I decided to go for it. I walked in and went to the stall. I, of course, kept my feet pointed toward the door. I then rushed out and quickly washed my hands (took about 20 seconds but seemed like an hour). A Wal-mart lady walked in while I was washing my hands. I walked out and prayed that there was no security outside the door (my paranoia I think). When I got out, everything seemed normal and I went and did my shopping. So this was the first time I ever used a real ladies room and I lived to tell about it! :) Another first for me. I don't think I'll usually look to use the ladies room in the future but at least I felt like an actual lady for a while! lol


Karren H
12-23-2005, 01:52 AM
I usually use the family restrooms where available as like you I also don't want to get into trouble while out but on my trip last week I did use the ladies restroom on the WV turnpike! Hehehe It was great and they are so much nicer than the mens!!! And of coarse I had my camera in my purse to document to occasion!!! lol


Love Karren

12-23-2005, 03:18 AM
Exellent photo's Karren.You look great.

Christina Nicole
12-23-2005, 03:48 PM
I did use the ladies restroom on the WV turnpike! Hehehe It was great and they are so much nicer than the mens!!!

The ladies rooms at nice hotels, like Westons, etc. and in nicer stores like Bloomies, Nordies, etc. are more like hotel suites. As often as not, there is a sitting room outside the ladies room. At one store I remember, it was finished like a nice parlor.

Warm regards,
Christina Nicole