View Full Version : Admiring CDs

08-12-2013, 12:18 AM
When CDs are so so convincingly beautiful as GGs ,How does attraction to CDs will make you gay.??? I will say its a perfectly heterosexual thing to admire or love a beautiful CDs who looks like a GG

Beverley Sims
08-12-2013, 12:28 AM
It does depend on your outlook whether you are gay or not.

08-12-2013, 12:50 AM
Looking at pretty girls and playing with snakes r VERY DIFFERENT occupations, June!

I love to look! But, am NOT interested in getting bitten!

But, if your a herpetologist, go for it!

08-12-2013, 04:28 AM

Hmmm being female is very different from looking like one. yes i agree, many do look...the ...LOOK...being the main detail & oh yes many do & have what it takes , my down fall is i dont have that female look about myself, yet the difference is i am female . i can look just dont touch .

Putting it another way, i get very embarrised when around dresser's even some Trans people, i know its about confidence about myself & how i look. well dont, so i drew on other aspects about myself to over come my lack or lack's, cant get more pointed than that can i,

so yes we dont ...all.... have ...that ... look. theres many other women like myself, so yes it can be hard, so ill give it to those who can they do very well. in who they are, == Dresser's ==......


Kate Simmons
08-12-2013, 07:07 AM
There is absolutely nothing wrong with admiring beauty my friend. :battingeyelashes::)

08-12-2013, 07:10 AM
Hi JuneMay, It's the illusion of a beautiful lady that catches the eye.

Lynn Marie
08-12-2013, 07:51 AM
How could you not be attracted to a gorgeous CD with a pleasing personality?

08-12-2013, 08:01 AM
As much as there's nothing wrong with being gay, there's nothing wrong with being attracted to someone's female qualities, even if it's just 'superficial' :D

Jenny CD
08-12-2013, 09:09 AM
I agree... there is nothing wrong with finding a beautiful CD/TG attractive. Doesn't mean you're gay/bi... but that you are human. Lemme ask this though... I have a lesbian friend who has told me she is NOT attracted to men. SHe hates the penis and blah, blah, blah... Yet, she is VERY, VERY attracted to Vivianne and a few other transperformers knowing they are men that do a fantastic job of creating another persona. To each her own, I guess.

08-12-2013, 09:21 AM
"Attracted" doesn't have to mean "sexually attracted". I am attracted to beauty, and admire it in women and CDers, with increased appreciation for CDers who really pull it off. Well, for that matter, I've seen some Youtube videos of very ordinary women who look stunning after completing their makeup video.
None of that affects my sexual orientation (male) or preference (female).

Karren H
08-12-2013, 09:48 AM
You can admire anyones individal or even their over all attributes.... doesn't mean you have to admire their plumbing.... which could always be re-plumbed.... and remodeled....

08-12-2013, 10:33 AM
sure it is all fun and games until the clothes comes off and someone loses an eye

08-12-2013, 10:37 AM
sure it is all fun and games until the clothes comes off and someone loses an eye

:heehee: , Yes, I would suspect that would be possible in the Heat of things:heehee:

Kate Simmons
08-12-2013, 10:58 AM
Haven't lost an eye yet. :battingeyelashes::)

08-12-2013, 11:02 AM
It's an immutable FACT. Humans ARE animals and as such have absolutely no control over what they find attractive and what they are attracted to. Two entirely separate things.

"The Crying Game" [movie] translates and illustrates this truth quite clearly.

08-12-2013, 11:04 AM
I am reminded of the saying that... "It is hard to see personality across a room" Attraction to someone or something does not have to be sexually motivated, even though it often seems to be.

08-12-2013, 11:36 AM
Yes, you are totally gay.

But seriously, if you are attracted to the appearance of a person, that only means you find their features appealing. Now, if you are attracted to the body underneath because its male, then, you might just be a homosexual. (Where is Jeff Foxworthy these days?)

08-12-2013, 12:31 PM
The classic, "I'm not gay but I like cross dressers," argument. If you KNOW they are a guy and you are sexually attracted to them, regardless of the state of dress, you're gay (maybe bi). Get over it. Enjoy your life and stop with the "I'm not gay but...." nonsense. If you have to justify to yourself that you're straight, you're not.

08-12-2013, 12:55 PM
If you KNOW they are a guy and you are sexually attracted to them, regardless of the state of dress, you're gay (maybe bi).

I believe this is almost exclusively a heterosexual male issue. They would not otherwise ever be attracted to another man, and generally gay men are not attracted to crossdressers.

Its the outward female appearance he is attracted to.

08-12-2013, 01:49 PM
I'm with Arbon on this one. All of these threads seem to go the same way though..

The picture gallery is full of men trying to look like convincing women with revealing clothes and poses at times. There is nothing wrong with finding them attractive as women. If you're comfortable with your own sexuality it doesn't make you gay. You know what's there when the clothes come off.lol.

08-12-2013, 02:41 PM
I believe this is almost exclusively a heterosexual male issue. They would not otherwise ever be attracted to another man, and generally gay men are not attracted to crossdressers.

Its the outward female appearance he is attracted to.

You may be right. But why the need of justification then? As you have seen Arbon, there is a regular drum beat of the denial parade.

08-12-2013, 04:03 PM
I think because they are afraid it does mean they are gay, or that others will consider them gay. They are not that secure in themselves, in their masculinity, with their sexuality...something (I'm gonna get yelled at for saying that!)

To be thought of as being gay is such a bad thing - I used to think that to.
But I think that is why they get defensive about it.
And not just crossdressers - but lots of otherwise straight guys have a thing for femininely dressed men and trans women. They insist they are not gay, and I don't believe they are really. Its just the fear of implication they could be.

Reine talked in the other post about there being a spectrum - maybe there is, maybe the admirers and those that find crossdressers sexually attractive are not entirely hetro, but not gay either. Maybe?

08-12-2013, 05:50 PM
When CDs are so so convincingly beautiful as GGs ,How does attraction to CDs will make you gay.??? I will say its a perfectly heterosexual thing to admire or love a beautiful CDs who looks like a GG

June, I find attractive women extremely interesting and desireable... and if I see pics of CD'ers as attractive women... I've just got to be appreciative of the beauty they're representing.

That doesn't mean I'm homosexual in that I find them attractive... they're just damn pretty! Just like genetic women, they have a presentation that I'm drawn to.

As much as there's nothing wrong with being gay, there's nothing wrong with being attracted to someone's female qualities, even if it's just 'superficial' :D

Zylia, you're absolutely correct. Men who choose to take on the trappings of femininity really respect those who do it well. Y'know, I've noted your "superficial" (in quotes) reference, although I'd like to mention that those who've presented as their gender of choice are just being themselves, as they really want to be known... and I respect them for being here. :love:

The classic, "I'm not gay but I like cross dressers," argument. If you KNOW they are a guy and you are sexually attracted to them, regardless of the state of dress, you're gay (maybe bi). Get over it. Enjoy your life and stop with the "I'm not gay but...." nonsense. If you have to justify to yourself that you're straight, you're not.

Jennifer, good point... but I think there's more to the attraction. We're guys that are drawn to women, especially those that make an effort to be alluring... and we would short-circuit our brainwaves if we were to entertain the notion that those presenting as alluring females really were guys... 'cause we're seeing what we want to see, and not that which we should know to be real.

I believe this is almost exclusively a heterosexual male issue. They would not otherwise ever be attracted to another man, and generally gay men are not attracted to crossdressers.

Its the outward female appearance he is attracted to.

Exactly. In my experience, gay guys pursue other guys they find interesting, based on their own criteria.

I've been hit on, and found it flattering. All as a guy. I let 'em know I was into girls, and they respected that. They were like, "If you change your mind, let me know"...

Maybe if they crossdressed... :heehee:

Wait! No! I'm straight!... I think? :confused:

You may be right. But why the need of justification then? As you have seen Arbon, there is a regular drum beat of the denial parade.

Jen, they're just guys who've been indoctrinated into the whole "Homosexuals are bad, and I'm not one" mindset... it's a protective mechanism, and keeps 'em from being attacked... live to fight another day! :)

Barbara Dugan
08-12-2013, 06:49 PM
I am gay and really don't admire CD's but I have a few male admirers that love fem my presentation or I would said the mix of gender bending and sexuality. To be honest I feel more comfortable when I am on fem with the ones that identify as Bisexuals I think this where most admirers fit

08-12-2013, 08:46 PM
The classic, "I'm not gay but I like cross dressers," argument. If you KNOW they are a guy and you are sexually attracted to them, regardless of the state of dress, you're gay (maybe bi). Get over it. Enjoy your life and stop with the "I'm not gay but...." nonsense. If you have to justify to yourself that you're straight, you're not.

The OP mentioned attraction, but not sexual attraction. You did. Why the push to label others as gay when you don't know their sexual preference, which is not even the topic here?

Tamara Croft
08-12-2013, 08:57 PM
How does attraction to CDs will make you gay.???Did you read this??

If you KNOW they are a guy and you are sexually attracted to themObviously not... try reading the post properly next time before labeling people or telling people to get over themselves... June said 'attraction'... didn't mention anything about sexual attraction :rolleyes:

there is a regular drum beat of the denial parade.Regular beat of the holier than thou attitude as well!

08-12-2013, 09:03 PM
I think that we should all go gay just to end this kerfuffle once and for all.

Tamara Croft
08-12-2013, 09:06 PM
I admire many GG's, some are pretty hot... does that make me gay??? no, it doesn't... gosh!

08-12-2013, 09:07 PM
I'm an expert in online human sexuality and I say you're gay!
I also say lots of things so you may or may not want to take stock in that.

Tamara Croft
08-12-2013, 09:13 PM
Well that's that then, one must get over it and get a grip... :rolleyes: and also, share blue eyeshadow :D

08-13-2013, 02:20 PM
Well that's that then, one must get over it and get a grip... :rolleyes: and also, share blue eyeshadow :D

Tamara, sharing eyeshadow is unsanitary... and blue is so '70's... you really need to get into the whole "lid, crease, and browbone" tri-color set... not to mention the whole "smoky eyes" look...

'C'mon girl, fashion forward! :tongueout

Tamara Croft
08-13-2013, 04:14 PM
Ah crap, that was supposed to say 'wear'... not share... fgs lol...

08-13-2013, 04:22 PM
When CDs are so so convincingly beautiful as GGs ,How does attraction to CDs will make you gay.??? I will say its a perfectly heterosexual thing to admire or love a beautiful CDs who looks like a GG

I agree. Becoming aroused over the image of a passable, feminine CD is not the same as finding yourself in the same room with him or her naked. Your reaction to the latter would be the real measure of whether you are gay or not.

I become aroused over a multitude of scenarios that I would not wish to find myself in in real life. This does not make me pansexual.

When did fantasy become confused with reality? :p

jodie k
08-13-2013, 04:44 PM
if you sleep with an attractive CD then you;re gay or on the way to gay-ness, whatever that is.

andrea lace
08-13-2013, 05:14 PM
I feel like a GG at times but always look like a bloke in a dress so if you fancy me maybe you just wanna take a walk on the wild side hun. I am bi so you wanna walk on the wild side feel free to ask another member

Jenny CD
08-13-2013, 05:40 PM
I think that we should all go gay just to end this kerfuffle once and for all.

Too funny, Corinne!!! Kerfuffle! Love it...

Isn't being attracted to a person the same thing as sexual attraction? What's the difference? I'm attracted to my BF (teehee I said it again) and I'm sure he and I will have sex (looking forward to it). I'm also attracted to Hale Barry and would love to have sex with her. I met a TG at Wally World, rather tall and very cute. Wasn't attracted to her, but she was cute. Met a CD at a club, very cute and was attracted to her... wanted to jump her bones. I think if you are attracted to someone, you eventually become sexually attracted. To me it's the same thing. So, being attracted to a MtF CD when you are straight, doesn't make you gay... It makes you human and probably bi.