View Full Version : See, THIS Is What Happens When We Go Out To Mainstream Places! The Sequel

Melissa Rose
08-13-2013, 12:23 AM
After a River City Gems (http://www.rivercitygems.org) dinner social on Saturday evening, Debglam, rachelsloane and I went out for drinks. We went to Ink (http://inkeats.com/) which is a place Debby and I frequent on occasion, took Rachel to once before and with a previous experience chronicled in another thread (http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?193269-See-THIS-Is-What-Happens-When-We-Go-Out-To-Mainstream-Places!&highlight=) (hence the title of this thread).

The usual weekend hostess (Aja) was there and she has remembered Debby and I during our past visits. Debby and Rachel sat on the same side of the booth and I on the other side. Our server was super friendly and lingered to chat a little a few times. As an unrelated aside, she had a number of Hello Kitty tattoos which we asked about. We half joking invited her to stay and she said she would love to get hammered with us, but she had to work. The restaurant manager came by once, introduced herself and made sure all was well.

All was going well then BAM! Danielle happened. She just plopped into the open space next to me and proceeded to take over. She was in her late 20s by my estimate, had tiger stripe tattoos completely covering one arm and leopard spots completely covering her other arm along some additional tattoos scattered about. She seemed harmless, but as kinetic as a tasmanian devil on meth. Her conversation topics were all over the place. It is very hard to accurately describe what transpired. My vocabulary and writing skills are way too inadequate. After about 20-30 minutes of mayhem, Hurricane Danielle decides to depart. The whole thing was very amusing and surreal in a way. I swear through most of it, Rachel and Debby faces were saying “WTF is going on” and “better Melissa than us”. Both the server and manager came by to check on us and I noticed Aja keeping an eye on us.

Rachel went to the restroom and sat next to me when she returned. Whether she wanted to save me in case Danielle returned or was purposely leaving Debby venerable, it did not work. BAM! Danielle eventually returned and forced herself next to Rachel so there were three of us on one side. To make things even more interesting, there was an older, scruffy looking gentleman (my guess around 60) hanging out nearby. He was near the bar, but could see down into our booth. Danielle said it was her father, but we knew she was joking. He moved closest to me on the other side of a counter and low wall that separated our row of booth tables from the bar area. After saying hi, the first thing he says to me is if I wanted to do a body shot. I politely declined. Eventually “Pops” (our name for him) worked his way over to our table and ends up sitting next to Debby. He was fairly quiet, but Debby still did not look over joyed by him being that close. After being in the calm of the eye of Hurricane Danielle, there is another 20-30 minutes of pandemonium. Again, our server and the manager periodically checked in on us. Eventually Danielle and Pops wander off and it was time for us to leave anyway. We say our goodbyes and thanks to the Ink staff, the door checkers wish us a good evening and the three of us walk back to the car. We all agree there is no way to even adequately describe what happened - you had to experience it.

There is a line from the song “Manana” by Jimmy Buffett that goes “Don't try to describe a Kiss concert if you've never seen it”. That line seemed fitting to this situation. It was not a bad experience, but definitely a unique one. You never know who you are going to encounter while out among the muggles.

BTW, Aja is named after the Steely Dan album. The line from Bob Seger’s “Night Moves” comes to mind - “She was a black haired beauty with big dark eyes”. I promise that is the last 70’s song references.

08-13-2013, 01:49 AM
Sounds memorable!

Princess Chantal
08-13-2013, 03:36 AM
I experienced those types of situations and your "Hurricane" reference really nails it right on the head

Beverley Sims
08-13-2013, 03:47 AM
Sometimes it is difficult to extricate yourself from these situations, especially when you are assumed to be just another GG.

08-13-2013, 07:12 AM
Loved the 70s song references. I'm not sure what to say about Pops. I can't imagine imposing on anyone else's evening like that, certainly without an invitation. I have a vivid mental image of Danielle from your description...sounds like a person that is fun to encounter...once.

08-13-2013, 10:16 AM
Sounds memorable!
I'd have to move it up to #1 in memorable experiences. I go out in SF with the experienced chronicler Melissa referenced and although we have had many nights that we say we can't believe what happened tonight, this one topped them all. I have to commend Melissa for putting it into words for what I thought couldn't be described as accurate as she did.
Yes, I did sit next to Melissa to save her should Danielle return, wrong.
Admittedly, it is experiences like this and the others that "Going Out to Mainstream Places" is the only way to go.

08-13-2013, 03:11 PM
That sounds similar to what happens to me and my wife when we go to public Halloween parties. Must have been a festive place you were at. Probably lonely singles just out to meet with new interesting people. When I used to go out in guy mode woman seemed to run...but, as a female character people especially woman seem to gravitate, they will come right over like you are their long lost friend. Its a really interesting experience.

julia marie
08-13-2013, 03:26 PM
Sounds like the type of experience that GGs have to endure on a somewhat regular basis, particularly those who seem to attract the oddballs. Maybe all of us can keep Melissa's story in mind and have a bit more sympathy for the GGs who have dealt with these things their whole adult lives.

08-13-2013, 08:10 PM
Thanks for the interesting post Melissa. Attempting to describe the indescribable takes lots of effort. Your experience was certainly amusing to read. Great music references too :D.

08-13-2013, 08:14 PM
"Pops" confided in me that "Danielle had been drinking all day." YA THINK!?!?!? :eek:

All in all, it was pretty funny, especially when they tried to set ME up and Danielle didn't take the bait! :heehee:

I said it once and I'll say it again: I'm just a soccer mom. :) I prefer a quieter evening, like the time we were at Ink and these lovely women about our age had a couple of drinks with us and then very classily paid the check without telling us!

Anyway, you go out with Melissa or Rachael and you can't be sure WHAT is going to happen but you know SOMETHING is going to happen! :battingeyelashes:


Rogina B
08-13-2013, 08:25 PM
I know how an evening can be unpredictable..Friday PM I got wrapped up with some Dental Hygienists that were in town for a seminar..They came on me like a magnet..As it turns out the commonality as they described their cute group to me was "Girls that like to yell and make a lot of noise"..so,I accepted their invitation and it was a noisy evening! lol

08-13-2013, 08:32 PM
Now, I suffer from, "I should have gone to the Gems event"! Damn, maybe next time and you can call Pops to let Danielle out early to prep her for later when we get there. I really like Ink because it is local, a bit rowdy and edgy, maybe from a redneck viewpoint and one hell of a lot of fun. I am glad that you ladies handled it so well. Did anyone get her phone number just in case??

08-13-2013, 08:45 PM
Now, I suffer from, "I should have gone to the Gems event"! We missed you Allie! Forget Pops! Get those charming ladies back!

08-13-2013, 09:59 PM
We missed all the fun. :sad: I would say that anytime you go to a place for drinks, then all bets are off on what can happen. As long as it doesn't get dangerous, then it is something to look back and laugh at.

08-13-2013, 10:04 PM
You never know quite what will happen.
One of my last outings, a young 'french' man (who's accent dropped in and out), very drunk, kept trying to proposition one of my friends.
How many ways can piss off be said??
Harmless enough, but need to stay alert.
The difference between harmless and dangerous can be seconds, or metres away.
To pick venues and times carefully, and to be with others, a very good idea..