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08-15-2013, 01:51 PM
How many of us use breast forms and at the end of the day wish they were the real thing I do all the time. I so wish my boobs were real and the bras I wear were required to be on all the time

Kate Simmons
08-15-2013, 01:57 PM
I dunno, I kind of like the fact that I can put 'em back in the drawer when I'm done. Women can't do that and I've heard many a woman complain how they get in their way at times. As far as the bra thing ,the only reason I wear them now is to have something to put the forms in. If I were a woman, I would no doubt not be able to wait to get home so I could take it off. :battingeyelashes::)

08-15-2013, 02:01 PM
See I'm just the opposite I love it when they get in the way it truly to makes it feel more real

08-15-2013, 02:02 PM
It's hard enough wishing I did have breasts, so I reckon if I had forms, taking them off would be hard and probably make me wish even more that I had breasts. Knowing how impractical breast would be on me, I don't need the added encouragement.

08-15-2013, 02:08 PM
I love them to, and wish my real ones were bigger, i am a B cup naturally and would love to full C, ahhh we can dream but that is what forms are for i guess, i love wearing them as often as i can.

Dianne S
08-15-2013, 02:11 PM
I would like real ones, but I don't think my wife would be happy at all. So I'll stick with forms.

Julie York
08-15-2013, 03:36 PM
I bet you are all imagining perfect perky little numbers in the prime of health.
They must get pretty tiresome when they are heavy and heading south and it's a hot sticky day.

Emma England
08-15-2013, 03:37 PM
If you want boobs that bad, why not get some implants then?

Julie Denier
08-15-2013, 03:39 PM
I have my own manboobs, which I further pad out a bit when I dress. Since I live 99.9% of my life as a guy, it would be a lot simpler for me to have a regular guy chest and just pad out all the way when I get dressed up.

Beverley Sims
08-15-2013, 03:44 PM
I tend to accept reality and think of the advantages of casting them off now and then. :)

Karren H
08-15-2013, 03:49 PM
I still have a set off forms though they don't get used.... don't need to use them since I decided to grow my own.... NBE..... not for everyone but it works... you just have to experiment and be willing to live with what you get... once you have them you can't take them off....

08-15-2013, 03:56 PM
Well I don't use breastforms (I don't do big boobs right now, so a pre-formed padded push-up bra is enough for me 9 out of 10 times) but having real boobs all the times seems a bit unpractical. It might be easier when dressing up, but I actually (happily) present as a guy most of the time. I'm not a very masculine dudebro guy, but a real pair of boobs on me probably will confuse the heck out of a lot of people and I would also have to reconsider my male wardrobe.

So no thanks.

08-15-2013, 04:36 PM
Karen, what's NBE?

I love my forms. I hate taking them off. I don't know how to grow my own so I'll stick my D's and be happy when ever I get to wear them.

Tracii G
08-15-2013, 05:39 PM
I love my forms and wish I had boobs that size but most of the time I use my natural ones in a push up bra.
After a few hours I'm more than ready to take the bra off.

Lori B
08-15-2013, 06:04 PM
Karen, what's NBE?Nuclear Boob Enhancement......:doh::heehee:

Sarah Beth
08-15-2013, 06:11 PM
I have always been a bit overdeveloped in the boob area which was a huge source of embarassment for me when I was younger. Then after I started dressing I have alternatly wish they were smaller because of how often I am guy mode and bigger because that fem side of me would really like to fill out the bra more. Now that I am older I spend a lot more time wishing they were bigger. Might get my wish if the Dr. puts on the right kind of meds for my prostate issue.

As a side note I think its sort of funny at times when the wife and are out she can't wait to get home and take her bra off and I can't wait to get home and put mine on.

08-15-2013, 06:17 PM
Hi Jordan, Be careful what you wish for , The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence!!

Or on the other side of the gender.

08-15-2013, 06:52 PM
I use to do forms but now I just use my natural b cup, a lot more comfy for me, but I do wish they were bigger. A nice c cup would be nice.

08-15-2013, 07:20 PM
I often fantasize about having some small breasts, but I think if I actually had them it would be a problem.

08-15-2013, 07:40 PM
I think I'm an anomoly here as I actually enjoy my male persona and clothes. OTOH, I would choose to be a woman if that choice could be truly XY on the cellular level. Back to your question, sometimes, I'm glad to get out of my bra; other times, not as much.

Candice Mae
08-15-2013, 08:25 PM
From my experience unless you don't care at all what other people think, having breasts as a guy is pointless. I'm a full A cup and find them completely useless when I'm not dressed. Society sees you as a freak/perv and GG's don't find them too attractive. Wearing a bra all day gets old fast, or a hot and clammy sports bra if you want to play sports. If I was 100% sure I would not transition I would have them removed.

Some advice from someone who's been there done that, do not get breasts unless your transitioning.

08-15-2013, 09:13 PM
Karen, what's NBE?

I'm betting Karren is referring to the Noogleberry Breast Enhancement device.

08-15-2013, 09:31 PM
I guess i am sort of lucky. I am a 38b natural so with noogleberry massage and supplements. I have almost filled a C cup. My wife doesnt know about noogleberry or supp. Or massage but it does work. Nice thing is she is a 38c so i dont have to buy bras.

Amy R Lynn
08-15-2013, 10:07 PM
TBH, I have thought about how nice it would be to have my own set of knockers. I wear a 36 C bra with forms. I have a little bit of meat that I'm sure I could persuade to look more boob like.

The only problem that I can see is that I enjoy being able to go out without a shirt on in the summer! If I grew some boobs, that would be an issue....

So I'm happy to keep what I have and live my secret life!

08-15-2013, 10:59 PM
I wish I could wear a bra all the time; However there are times I must be a Man,
and that means I must go bra less. I hate it, but I have to do what I have to do.

Lynn Marie
08-16-2013, 12:28 AM
Of course I'd love to have real boobs and the attendant cleavage. I'd also like my dangly parts to disappear along with narrower shoulders and waist, and wider hips and a more shapely butt, and smaller feet, and a smaller chin, and a flatter stomach, and, and, and..................... Oh yeah, and reverse all that stuff when I want to be comfortable and hang out with the boys!

08-16-2013, 03:18 AM
Having real breasts would make it hard to switch back and forth between my two selves. But I do like the way I look with my forms. And I think that a C-cup is just about right for me; it's enough to look "womanly" without being excessive. :)

- Amy

08-16-2013, 05:36 AM
I love it when I glue them on and can take a shower with them on and no bra at that time they really do feel to be a part of me as I can wash them just like they belong there

08-16-2013, 05:44 AM
how many of us use breast forms and at the end of the day wish they were the real thing i do all the time. I so wish my boobs were real and the bras i wear were required to be on all the time

took the words right out of my mouth!!!!!! I actually like the way my boobs get in the way when i am doing chores like laundry, cooking, changing bed linen etc etc!!!!!!


Having real breasts would make it hard to switch back and forth between my two selves. But I do like the way I look with my forms. And I think that a C-cup is just about right for me; it's enough to look "womanly" without being excessive. :)

- Amy

I have and wear a full C cup form and couldn't be any happier except I wish they were real!!!!!


I love it when I glue them on and can take a shower with them on and no bra at that time they really do feel to be a part of me as I can wash them just like they belong there

Lucky You!!!!!!


Cheryl T
08-16-2013, 08:11 AM
I've wanted to have my own since I was little. I don't see it ever happening, and at times it does become a downer to have to take my forms off.

08-16-2013, 11:01 AM
I finally have some breasts. HRT. They are certainly not as full as I would like, and I am thinking seriously about going for augmentation.

One might think that it would be "fun" to have boobs, but part of being trans is that (in most cases) you do not end up "playing" with them or "celebrating" them (much), or even paying all that much attention to them: instead, seeing them or feeling them gives more a sense of "rightness", that they were a body part that was formerly missing and now is not. You probably don't pay much attention to your foot, for example.

I'm a full A cup and find them completely useless when I'm not dressed. Society sees you as a freak/perv and GG's don't find them too attractive.

"Society" doesn't seem to say anything about my breasts; I do not get stares or "dirty looks" or remarks from strangers.

My wife does not find my breasts attractive and wants me to be flat flat, but she also nags me about my stomach and legs not being as flat as when we met more than 15 years ago... and that my face is more lined. In other words, she is disappointed that I have aged in my appearance relative to my mid-thirties and expects me to do something about it to get back to looking like I did then. I'm not supposed to have aged -- but it's okay that she has aged, "it's a natural part of life".

At least two GG's have expressed that I look good with what I have so far. Others don't appear bothered. I would say that I am on friendly terms with more GG's now than I was 15 years ago.

Amanda M
08-16-2013, 12:12 PM
Difficult isn´t it. I guess I am blessed or cursed with bigger than normal male boobs which are not enough to look good en femme without enhancement, look good (like great pecs) under a tee shirt, but not a pretty site on the beach. So it´s forms, and that´s fine!

08-16-2013, 04:26 PM
I really hate to take my bra and forms. It makes me feel naked.

5150 Girl
08-16-2013, 07:39 PM
Yes, I'd like mine to be real, and they would be to if I had the money for inplants

Candice Mae
08-16-2013, 08:44 PM
I finally have some breasts. HRT. They are certainly not as full as I would like, and I am thinking seriously about going for augmentation.

One might think that it would be "fun" to have boobs, but part of being trans is that (in most cases) you do not end up "playing" with them or "celebrating" them (much), or even paying all that much attention to them: instead, seeing them or feeling them gives more a sense of "rightness", that they were a body part that was formerly missing and now is not. You probably don't pay much attention to your foot, for example.

"Society" doesn't seem to say anything about my breasts; I do not get stares or "dirty looks" or remarks from strangers.

My wife does not find my breasts attractive and wants me to be flat flat, but she also nags me about my stomach and legs not being as flat as when we met more than 15 years ago... and that my face is more lined. In other words, she is disappointed that I have aged in my appearance relative to my mid-thirties and expects me to do something about it to get back to looking like I did then. I'm not supposed to have aged -- but it's okay that she has aged, "it's a natural part of life".

At least two GG's have expressed that I look good with what I have so far. Others don't appear bothered. I would say that I am on friendly terms with more GG's now than I was 15 years ago.

For me its my small stature, I measure 31.5" under my bust and have smallish shoulders. My breasts are not big, still are prominent on my chest. If they get any bigger I will be a B cup, I'm already over flowing my bra's as they run smaller in sizing.

GG's are usually turned off when they see my chest, a few have played with them which feels great but its rare. Must of them would just rather be with another GG if they wanted some one with breasts. They want a man or a woman, not some one stuck in limbo.

08-16-2013, 10:10 PM

How many of us use breast forms and at the end of the day wish they were the real thing I do all the time. I so wish my boobs were real and the bras I wear were required to be on all the time

I use breastforms, got four pair in different shapes and sizes and a decent bra collection. Having them on is my favorite part of CD'ing for sure. Just feeling them there, hanging off me and moving with me is comforting on some level. I wear them a lot when I'm alone around the house, even if I don't pull out the rest of the kit. At times I do wish that they were real but those times are usually fleeting.

As much as I enjoy both the bras and forms, I do like being able to take them off when I want to or need to. Oddly enough, I can still feel my forms on sometimes even when they are off. I heard it referred to as the 'ghost boobie' effect somewhere on these forums.

08-16-2013, 10:14 PM
No. I like having the choice of wearing them or taking them off. A good pair of forms is enough for me.

08-16-2013, 10:25 PM
I look at it like my male parts. I'd like to take it off when I'm dressing and put it back when in male mode.

Sometimes Steffi
08-16-2013, 11:02 PM
I use size C forms, but there are many girl days when I'm just so glad to be able to take off my bra and my forms at the end of the day.

linda allen
08-17-2013, 09:36 AM
Sometimes I wish I would wake up in the morning with a pair of DDs hanging from my chest, but then I realize I could never leave the house in the daytime again. :eek:

Living life as a male, "real" breasts would cause a lot of problems. Forms work for me and the ones I have feel like part of my body after a while.

08-17-2013, 11:05 AM
I've left the house, in broad daylight, with 40G forms, more than a few times. Especially at times of year where I have a coat or jacket that I can use to cover up if I see people staring. Individuals have not given me problems -- not even a single cat-call (at least not that I can remember at the moment.)

I did occasionally feel uncomfortable in that mode; in particular on a couple of summer days where I was in male mode and wearing something like a stretch top so that the bust shape was fairly clearly visible, while I was waiting for a bus, I got some stares from a distance from some guys who appeared to be late teens to early 20s. On the other hand, I did not get anything like that if I was wearing something more baggy such as a sweat shirt.

I do not promise that everything would go sweet and clear, naer a problem -- but at least in my area, it turned out to be a lot lot less of a problem then one might have thought. And of course, there is the matter of "owning it": once you get to the point where it is "natural" for you, then your body language will convey "there is nothing special about this, move along" and "eh? who cares, so what?"

Of course if you have to stand up in front of convention rooms full of strangers every few days, you might be tempted to wear minimizer bras. :)

08-17-2013, 06:36 PM
My 2 cents: I like having forms. I can dress as a woman but I can also still be a man. I have a male life that I am still living. I like that I can enjoy my dressing as a woman and still be me! I still love transforming from Mr to Mrs and part of that transformation is putting on my bra then putting in my forms! !

08-17-2013, 07:34 PM
I wish I could wear a bra all the time; However there are times I must be a Man,
and that means I must go bra less. I hate it, but I have to do what I have to do.

I wear bras all the time since I have breasts that are starting to overflow my B cup bras. The great majority of time in public I present as a man, but no one has ever teased me for having breasts. About the only thing anybody has teased me about has been my deep masculine voice.


08-17-2013, 09:09 PM
I just wish that when they were on that they were more real with cleavage and not having to mask that they are fake. But I do love me my forms a whole bunch a lot.

08-17-2013, 10:24 PM
I can tell you from thirty years of experience, I never get tired of them. Men never get tired of looking at them, and if you grow or buy them big enough, you can use one for a pillow and the other to cover up with.

08-17-2013, 10:38 PM
am naturally -well with the help of estrogen - a nice large A cup. I can hide them when i have to and enhance with forms when the mood strikes. Like Jorga, i I love them and never get tired of them.

08-17-2013, 10:50 PM
Well, after 60+ years as a male, and 50+ years as a self-acknowledged cross-dresser, my thinking is that I've invested enough energy as a male that real boobs would interfere... Particularly, I am a member of an athletic club where I swim regularly, and the rest of my time there is spent in spin classes (with tight clothes). I've tried to think about a Halloween instance of spinning in drag, but can't decide which dressing room to use (obviously, come dressed and shower afterwards at home), and can't stand the thought of destroying one of my wigs with the sweat involved. Beside that male and female cycling clothing is not all that different...

Be well,

08-18-2013, 03:23 AM
Boobs would be nice every once in a while!

08-18-2013, 10:03 AM
I used to enjoy the fact that I could change from girl to boy, do what i had to do in boy mode, and wash it all way.
lately I dont look forward to being the boy all that much, I love the days that i dont have to do the un-girl thing during the day, and i have really been enjoying my self adhesive breast forms a lot.
Its so nice to wear a sundress w/o a bra, or a strapless dress, and still have something to fill in the top and make that dress sparkle.
So the answer is yes, I do believe I'd enjoy having a nice B/C cup on a permanent basis. That might change tomorrow, but this summer has been great for dressing up and i love the light fashions that dont really look well with a bra.

Vicky Peters
08-18-2013, 11:19 AM
I love the idea of having boobs, but that will not happen, so after vacation is over I will order my first forms.

08-18-2013, 12:20 PM
I just got to wear my forms for 24 hrs they really feel a part if me just like they belong there the worst part was I had to take them off that stinks when I feel them they really do feel a part of me I just think how great it would be if they were there all the time I can't see my self ever getting tired of them

Jenny CD
08-18-2013, 12:29 PM
Mine are growing in naturally. A lot faster than I thought they would. It's funny, I wear a t-shirt or lingerie to sleep and I've been noticing my boobs. Of course, they ache quite a bit but I'm getting used to it.

08-18-2013, 01:08 PM
I can tell you from thirty years of experience, I never get tired of them. Men never get tired of looking at them, and if you grow or buy them big enough, you can use one for a pillow and the other to cover up with.

Lol thanks for the laugh Jorja..

08-18-2013, 02:53 PM
Have had large breasts since age 7--games like skins and shirts and swimming-oeSED AND HUMILIATED

08-18-2013, 03:15 PM
Another view: I had large breasts since age six- hated skins and shirts, swimming and had much negative feedback- worked out with weights, became really strong and muscular but was more stacked than the 16 and 17 year old girls. Have lived in m compression shirts (many made by women's companies) for years- discovered bras, then nylons, heels, and fell down the CD rabbit hole. Tremendous source of pleasure when dressed-nice to have a pair of stand up 40Ds in a lace or see through bra- but as U am him it is mostly compression shirts . lf CDING were a greater part of life it would be great, but for now I keep it secret with compression shirts. At6'3 and 220, I could not pass except in a room of blind and deaf Boobs are nice to have, buy if your life is 99% male., they remain a secret pleasure.

08-18-2013, 03:29 PM
When I was a teenager I used to lay in bed at night and wish I had breasts like all the other girls. I tried praying for them, but that didn't work. I also tried to develop psychic powers so I could make them grow using psychic energy. That didn't work either.

Eventually I got old enough that I could buy breastforms and a bra to hold them. When they came in the mail I couldn't wait to see how they made me look. I put on my bra, slipped my forms inside, and looked in the mirror.

To my surprise, I saw nothing. I looked exactly the same as I did without them. It was like they weren't even there. This feeling persisted until I tried to take them off. When I tried that, I felt like I was cutting off part of my body with a rusty knife. It was only then that I realized what was going on. With the breastforms on, I was seeing myself the way I'd always pictured myself in my mind's eye. When I took them off I was reverting back to that misshapen image that I'd had to live with for so many years. The reversion was almost unbearable. When I wear breastforms today, I tend to forget I have them on.

I could go for hormones or breast enhancement surgery, but I have a strong commitment to my male persona, both in my professional and private life, and permanent breasts would interfere with that. No matter how seductive the idea might be.

08-18-2013, 06:50 PM
Boobs? Sorry, hate that word… such an objectification, as if breasts were an entity. I wear my breasts to complete myself. They are simply a necessary part of my becoming the woman I wish I'd been born. I see them as nothing more than a piece of the puzzle I have to manually put into place to get things right.

But don't get me wrong, I so love the feel of having them in place… Without a needed bra, I'm hardly myself. And as many have said, I'd have them in place 24/7… if only I could.

Angie G
08-18-2013, 10:12 PM
I wear forms and forget at the end of the day. I wish all day long they were real.:hugs:

Phylis Nicole Schuyler
08-19-2013, 08:24 AM
I still have a set off forms though they don't get used.... don't need to use them since I decided to grow my own.... NBE..... not for everyone but it works... you just have to experiment and be willing to live with what you get... once you have them you can't take them off....

I'm a 44B with a little help from male menopause and actually have to go to the V.A. for mammograms every 6 months. Once you have them, they don't go away without surgery. I have a CD friend that had breast augmentation to a D cup and every time I see her (she wears clothes that show off her twin girls), I get a little jealous and desire implants also. Breasts - Does a body g-OO-d.

08-19-2013, 08:26 AM
I miss posted this in another booby thread.
Has anyone tried this magic yet
I'd be interested?

08-20-2013, 12:00 PM
I have a day and a half to myself, soooo my forms are in and not coming out. :)

08-20-2013, 12:15 PM
It actually is kinda scary. I can understand the troubles it would bring and I still want my own "Girls" And I am only a CD.

08-20-2013, 12:41 PM
If I had real boobs I might as well go with total transformation. I can't see myself in male mode around my old high school biker friends with boobs.

08-20-2013, 12:57 PM
Dee, by now your old high school biker friends probably have saggy moobs.

08-20-2013, 02:04 PM
So many good replies here and like robyn 2006 said I should of labeled the tread as breast as that is what the proper term for them is. As far as my forms I am addicted to them I own around 10 pairs for all occasions I just love to have them in a bra on my chest just as I sit here and type this that is where one pair is like most here I just hate the feeling when my chest is bare

08-20-2013, 06:48 PM
So I've not read through much, but does anyone know how to choose a boob size, is there a size to chest ratio? I mean I have a reasonably muscular frame, and I think scientifically if I had the right breast size I could pull it off, too small or too big and i'm going to look ridiculous, any advice?

08-20-2013, 10:53 PM
I haven't chosen a particular size. I have three pair from Janet's Closet ( 36D, 38D, and 40D) and a newly acquired Amolux size 6 (38C'ish) that I acquired from another member in the classified section (before I was locked out and told to come back after 100 posts). I swap back and forth depending on my mood but my favorite until today was Janet's 40D. They just have a nice feeling and bounce. But these Amolux are incredible. I am amazed at how lifelike (from a male point of view) they are. I may be investing in a larger pair soon. :)

08-21-2013, 08:24 AM
I have been researching about choosing a breast size, and I am finding very little information. People just talk about choosing "proportionately", but there is nearly nothing about what that really means. There is a lot of disagreement about what "big" means for breasts.

I found an iPhone / iPad app that implements the results of a science paper to determine the "aesthetically best" size given a few physical measurements. Unfortunately I do not have access to one of those devices.

I find a number of plastic surgeons saying that most of their customers request to be taken up to "C" cup.

Other than that all that I found was a table of recommended size, based on height, on a site that sells breast forms.

08-21-2013, 09:13 AM
I'm no boobs doctor, but in my personal opinion it's safer to understate your breast size, suggesting something's there rather than hammering the point home.

Your higher and wider shoulders, wider arms and longer torso already have to fit in that tight-fiting top or dress you want to wear, so you actually need all the space you can get. Even if it's practically possible to wear DD's, you may not end up with the desired look because it stretches your clothes where you don't want it to stretch and it may emphasize the wrong body parts.

Anyway, I just experimented with bags of rice until I had a size that worked for me.

A "let's all be friends" disclaimer:
The prime rule is that everything goes, as long as you're happy it. Wearing huge fake tits can be a goal on itself.

08-21-2013, 10:06 AM
If I could I would love to have size C implants... however I cannot have breasts 24/7 unless I changed my entire social situation. And I am not willing to do that. I love wearing bras and the sensation of weight and the shape I get from my forms.

08-21-2013, 10:12 AM
love my breast and wear a bra 24/7 if the world dont like them then they dont have to look currently 44DDD natural from gynecomastia

08-21-2013, 11:15 AM
I'm no boobs doctor, but in my personal opinion it's safer to understate your breast size, suggesting something's there rather than hammering the point home.

Not necessarily. When you get a breast form, you get a flexible but mostly firm shape with a particular width and height and projection. You do not get a mass of gel with an outer skin, that you can spread around to suit the width of your chest (possibly lowering the projection in doing so.) Bra cup size is measured by volume, but forms do not allow you to spread the volume around to fit you. Thus, if you go for a smaller form in order to understate your breast size, what you will get will quite possibly not be wide enough to match your chest properly. In such a case your form-enhanced breasts are likely to end up too close together to be realistic, and you are likely to end up with "headlights", lumps sticking out of your chest with the wrong position and contour to look natural.

When I went to be sized by a mastectomy forms-fitting specialist, I expected that I would end up with 38D to 38DD, size 7 forms at most size 8. She showed me how on my chest, the size 7 and 8 forms were definitely not wide enough for me, that one model of size 9 forms that she had were workable but the others were not, and that size 10 was what I should have. Once I had those forms in hand I went to one of the better bra stores, was professionally fit there -- and ended up with a 40G bra (US sizing -- A/B/C/D/E = DD/F = DDD/G). The comments that I received afterwards indicated that that size was considered by GGs to look great and be the right size for me, and that when I had been wearing C, D, or DD, that I had not looked right. The wrong shape of "smaller" can be more off-putting than the right shape of "larger".

The growth I have now is 38B/C; with it being spread out properly over my chest, the "handful each" looks significantly smaller than I "should have", and contributes to the impression that I am trans rather than contributing to the impression that I am female.

Your higher and wider shoulders, wider arms and longer torso already have to fit in that tight-fiting top or dress you want to wear, so you actually need all the space you can get. Even if it's practically possible to wear DD's, you may not end up with the desired look because it stretches your clothes where you don't want it to stretch and it may emphasize the wrong body parts.

My experience:

dresses in my size are most often designed for a fuller bust (e.g., C cup leaves baggy cloth, D cup might or might not look good, design is often for DDD or so)
with "tops", I have more problem with length than with stretching the material. A larger bust does tend to contribute towards length problems, but my tummy contributes even more at this point.
with "blouses", there can be some difficulty with fairly large busts (e.g., the 40G), but with C/D busts, my experience is that if the bust makes the difference as to whether the blouse can be worn without undue gaps, then the blouse was probably most often marginal just from shoulder size
with "tight-fitting" tops, especially stretchy ones, the limit for me has been less what the material will physically hold, and more how much I am comfortable with having my bust emphasized

08-21-2013, 01:21 PM
I was never a big boob man, with the forms in I'm only a 36B, sort of small and perky I hope. Sometimes I act like a boob! Hugs Jaymee

08-21-2013, 01:45 PM
I never considered the maximum width of forms, but then again I don't have much experience with forms at all. I can fit in most US size 8 clothing (if I read the conversion tables right) but I usually pick a size 10 to have some leeway. Anything non-stretching (e.g. a denim blouse) doesn't look really good on me (IMO) if I create something near a C cup.

Diane Edwards
08-24-2013, 09:46 AM
If I could I would forgo forms and have breasts. But my work/social situation at the moment doesn't allow that. But all other considerations taken into account, I would love to have real C-cup breasts. Any larger would make me disproportionate and smaller would change the hang of my clothing as I use C-cup forms most of the time. (I do have larger forms, D and DD cup, but I use them only for certain occasions.)

Jenny Gurl
08-26-2013, 04:17 PM
I'm guessing NBE is Natural Breast Enlargement. Karen has mentioned on the site a few times that a medication she takes causes breast development and also induces the pink cloud. I wish she didn't need the meds, but it would be much more boring around here without her.

08-28-2013, 06:05 AM
I use water balloons

08-28-2013, 06:12 AM
I used to use water balloons as well. Found some knee highs with bird seed/rice to work better (better look and feel), would love some breast forms but way too tricky to get here so I will settle for the knee highs.

Karren H
08-28-2013, 06:24 AM
I'm betting Karren is referring to the Noogleberry Breast Enhancement device.

I'm guessing NBE is Natural Breast Enlargement. Karen has mentioned on the site a few times that a medication she takes causes breast development and also induces the pink cloud. I wish she didn't need the meds, but it would be much more boring around here without her.

Yeah... Natural Breast Enhancement... it covers a group of different techniques to promote breasts growth....... Not a fast process... I've been doing it pretty consistently... (Twice a days for a couple years and I've gone from less than an A cup to almost a C cup..... basically your forcing your body to get gynocomastia.... but the hard part is to not just get man boobs but to make them larger and more feminine....

08-28-2013, 06:49 AM
I narrowly escaped death due to severe birth defects. Radical life saving surgery left me to deal with missing a pec on the left side and a deformed shoulder. I've been self conscious about my appearance my whole life. But when I'm wearing a bra with forms, everything is just perfect. I really have no issue wearing a bra with forms all day. And I have many times. To me, it's about feeling whole and balanced. I just love the feel of that symmetrical presence, large or small, dressed male or female or anywhere in between.

08-28-2013, 07:47 AM
I don't wish for real breasts but, as I get older, my man boobs are developing and I have no problem with that. I wear forms when dressed and am happy to remove them for work.

10-12-2013, 10:01 AM
I love both my real A cup breasts and DD breastforms.

10-12-2013, 10:09 AM
I really would like real ones.


Lexi Moralas
10-12-2013, 10:14 AM
I am part time , never want to be more than that. So it forms for me. But if there was as magic spell to give me a nice full c cup only when I dress now that would be awesome , totally unrestrict
My clothing choices, the. Wave a magic wand and back to my regular guy body. But since this is the real world looks like ill be sticking with forms lol

10-12-2013, 06:46 PM
i love wearing a bra with out forms, but its hard to find the right one that fits but when you do the feeling is so good.

10-12-2013, 08:10 PM
I would love to have real ones permanently, but life just doesn't permit it at present. For now I look forward to those occasions when I can don my breast forms and where a lace or satin bra.

Alice Torn
10-12-2013, 08:29 PM
I used heavy duty balloons with water in. I love the way they slish and slosh, and feel real, and are dirt cheap! Great in the bras, too.

Candice Mae
10-12-2013, 09:19 PM
Being 26 and having 34b's, pretty much means a GG wants nothing to do with me. Once they find out I have boobs they run for the hills, or want to know how I got them. When I'm dressed they attract guys like crazy, but I want nothing to do with them. I know I'm asking for it wearing low cut tops, but with having to pretty much bind them in a sports bras while in male mode. Its nice to show them off and wear a more comfortable normal bra.

10-12-2013, 09:25 PM
Totally wish mine were real.
Although not too big. I hear from my GG friends they wish they were a cup size or two smaller.

10-12-2013, 09:27 PM
All the women in my family are rather well-endowed, so from the start I've always associated being a woman with having large breasts. So, as things have evolved, I hardly feel my femme self without my size 8 (38D) forms. Love them so much, the feel and bounce. Were things different, I'd do all I could to have my own.

10-12-2013, 10:29 PM
I definitely wish I had real boobs...nothing crazy...but just enough to feel feminine.

10-12-2013, 10:32 PM
How many of us use breast forms and at the end of the day wish they were the real thing I do all the time.... I can't go there. Wishing for something that cannot be me for the life I've chosen is depressing. The challenge of life is to approach something that makes us unhappy and find a way to best adapt to it. I'm wearing my best adaptation for sleep tonight. The red satin is incredibly mismatched with the skirt but it all feels so good.

10-13-2013, 05:35 AM
i have two pair form´s. one for day and one for night

Maria 60
10-13-2013, 08:33 AM
My wife had breast deduction done and I asked her if I could have what they took out. After all the pain she has had with her back and shoulders you mite want to rethink that wish.

10-13-2013, 10:09 AM
I have very small breasts, so I use a large piece of cotton wrapped in plastic grocery bags and covered with a white handkerchief. They are light, flexible and push up my small breasts to a 44DD. They make my cleavage look real and feel great. I am going to spend the winter in Tucson and get a tan!

10-13-2013, 10:10 AM
Being a CD is a way station for me. I will be going to see my doctor soon and begin to transition.
Not going all the way as I do not see my wife being on board with me getting slammed by a man while she is in bed with me.
I do want to have boobs and more female features.

10-13-2013, 10:27 AM
I think I'm an anomoly here as I actually enjoy my male persona and clothes. OTOH, I would choose to be a woman if that choice could be truly XY on the cellular level. Back to your question, sometimes, I'm glad to get out of my bra; other times, not as much.
Not so much an anomaly. I love the duality of being a CD. I wear the forms pretty much all of the time when I'm home, but outside, I also enjoy being masculine and doing masculine things.

I have wide-set shoulders, so I use a pair of forms that give me a 40D to offset them. They look just about perfect. I started with water-filled balloons, but they were just too big (and too cold!). It was the shape more than anything that pushed me to breastforms. I couldn't deal with the spherical shape of the balloons.

Now I have a foam pair for sleeping and an adhesive silicone pair for that better feeling.

Do I wish they were real? Sometimes, though I definitely appreciate being able to remove them when I need to do more physical things. I have to admit, they get in the way. Definitely agree with Lexi, if only I could flip a switch and have real breasts whenever I wanted! Back in reality, I guess I'll stick with silicone forms.

Lisa Diane
10-13-2013, 11:06 AM
I remember wanting breasts when I was six, later in school I hated that i actually grew them. A large A small B cup is just hard to deal with emotinally when you're 16. Now pushing 50 and dressing as much as I can they don't bother me too much,wear forms to give a large D cup when I feel like it and when I don't I just go with a bra that I fill nicely on my own.Having said that I find that unless i wear bra now to support the girls I just don't feel right and when I do Ireally enjoy having them there.

10-13-2013, 11:15 AM
i wear a bra 24/7 and i am still a man 24/7 i don't understand why the change

10-13-2013, 01:35 PM
I definitely wish I had real boobs...nothing crazy...but just enough to feel feminine.

There is the implant and as "real" as you can get.

10-13-2013, 01:52 PM
I love my forms. I really hate taking them off.

10-13-2013, 02:06 PM
I wish I could have them.

I enjoy when I dress for several days having them attached the entire time.

Yes they do get in the way but that is just part of being a woman.

One of the best feelings for me with the forms is having an idea of what is like and then on a small level feeling a sister ship with women on an experience that most men would not understand.

10-13-2013, 02:50 PM
I filled my bra by many means, socks, pads, whatever. I got forms from a nice site last year, D, didn't pay huge sums for them. Many sites will cost you big money. I like the look and feel. Fits the right dress at the right time.... or top, or tee

10-14-2013, 07:34 AM
I have 2 sets of forms. One is a smaller more conservative b/c cup and the other pair is more of a d/dd cup. And yes most days I wish I had real breasts! ;)

10-15-2013, 09:54 AM
Seems after reading a lot of the replys here that most of us had a breast growth as youg udluts could this be part of the reason why we dress maybe we have a female gene in us that drive us to be this way

10-15-2013, 11:10 AM
Yeah... Natural Breast Enhancement... it covers a group of different techniques to promote breasts growth....... Not a fast process... I've been doing it pretty consistently... (Twice a days for a couple years and I've gone from less than an A cup to almost a C cup..... basically your forcing your body to get gynocomastia.... but the hard part is to not just get man boobs but to make them larger and more feminine....

Care to expand on the technique?

10-15-2013, 05:34 PM
I think I'm an anomoly here as I actually enjoy my male persona and clothes. OTOH, I would choose to be a woman if that choice could be truly XY on the cellular level. Back to your question, sometimes, I'm glad to get out of my bra; other times, not as much.

Same here. Its fun for me pretending for a few hours but doing it 24/7 would be become a chore. Ive also seen some nasty friction sores on women after an hours exercise. Probably a poorly fitting bra but I cant think of any sport where they are an advantage and not a hinderance.

10-15-2013, 08:32 PM
I wish they were real quite badly too be honest.

Candice Mae
10-15-2013, 08:45 PM
Trust me, unless your going full time having real breasts isn't as great as it you think.

10-18-2013, 06:09 PM
I would say if you were going full time then they would be required but if its part time then forms do the job. Not sure what I would want.

10-18-2013, 09:47 PM
I hate breast forms. I hate anything that is "fake," and not really me. About ten months on HRT, my real boobs are growing quite nicely. And I admit, I absolutely love them, and I very much look forward to their continued growth and development. Even more, now that I have them, that they are growing, that they are real, and that they are mine, I know beyond any shadow of a doubt whatsoever that I can't ever, ever go back. Of course, HRT comes at cost, depending upon one's priorities. For example, my wife would much rather I not have them, or be on HRT, and there is a real risk that my marriage will not survive my transition. Also, between the T-blockers and the E, and how it has basically crushed my libido, my plumbing downstairs (not that I want it anyways, or plan to keep it - but I did at least enjoy it for what it was since I was cursed with it anyways), is now basically "out-of-order." But you know what? Oddly enough, and not because I don't enjoy sex (I very much do), it doesn't really bother me at all. Because HRT is doing for me what it is supposed to be doing, and I love it. I need it. I have to have it, and I have to continue on, or I will literally lose my mind and go insane. So yeah, real boobs are great!! As is the smoother skin, the thinner body hair, the redistribution of fat, and so on and so forth. I love it all! But again, I risk much for this, and I have much I have lost already. So the fantasy of real boobs is awesome!! The reality of having real boobs is even better. But only if there are no other options available to you, and this is what you must do to survive. Otherwise, what's the point? Medical science these days is some pretty cool stuff, though. As is silicone breast form technology. ;-)

10-18-2013, 09:48 PM
I'd like the kind Karren has but I don't wanna do the work that's involved. Close to a C cup of real breast tissue would be sumpthin'!

10-18-2013, 09:54 PM
I really would like real ones.


Most of us do too...but I have mostly been more concerned about hips and butt. I have some natural and a padded bra usually gets me by quite sufficient, but I know I would enjoy forms if and when I ever get them...

Candice Mae
10-18-2013, 09:58 PM
Being a petite man with 34Bs it is easier for me to try and pass for a woman then to pretend to be a guy. Unless you fully understand the consequences of being a guy with breasts stick to forms.

10-18-2013, 10:03 PM
Being a petite man with 34Bs it is easier for me to try and pass for a woman then to pretend to be a guy. Unless you fully understand the consequences of being a guy with breasts stick to forms.

Yes well said...Its quite hard to hide them in alot of instances...forget alot of leisure activities such as beaches, etc while in guy mode... they do not unattach...

Candice Mae
10-18-2013, 10:05 PM
I haven't been to a beach since I was a preteen, now its either wear a bikini or enter the wet t-shirt contest.

10-19-2013, 01:44 AM
I did not notice any difficulty at work when I was growing my boobs on HRT, even when they were puffy and perky. I made no attempt at all to conceal them, not even a bra to flatten out the shape or the nipples.

It is not impossible that there were social consequences that no one filled me in on. I can say that by the time we all got laid off, I was casually included with more people at coffee break than was the case before I started HRT. That fact might have nothing to do with the breasts.

I was concerned ahead of time that one person in particular would raz me a bit or at least look uncomfortable and avoid me, but it never happened.

I have not attempted to go to the beach or sit topless in public since I went on HRT. I haven't been avoiding them; it just isn't something we do much. It has been quite a few years since we went swimming at all.

10-19-2013, 02:31 AM
Hi there jackielou
I can not work you out you seed on your post you wear a bra 24/7 but you are a man 24/7 i think you shad work it out do you what to be a women or a men. By the way i have been dressing as a women for the past 5 years and i do fill like a new person in side my self and i do have 14c and that is australian in size .

I Am Paula
10-19-2013, 07:48 AM
To a few of the posters- if you are on HRT, you are a woman. Why would you even think of going to a beach topless? Developed or not.

Jennifer in CO
10-19-2013, 08:28 AM
Being a petite man with 34Bs it is easier for me to try and pass for a woman then to pretend to be a guy. Unless you fully understand the consequences of being a guy with breasts stick to forms.

I have to agree girl. That is almost the entire reason I transitioned back in the 80's 'cept mine were 30B's (or a C if it was under-wired) on a 6ft frame and I only weighed 135 pounds. With breasts like that, it was much easier to present as a woman than as a man.

10-19-2013, 12:02 PM
if you are on HRT, you are a woman. Why would you even think of going to a beach topless? Developed or not.

The idea that one should not allow oneself to be seen topless or nude other than by a spouse is usually a form of "body shame", that the body is inherently "dirty" or "shameful" to be seen, and that being topless or nude is inherently a sexual act (and, further, that one should not allow oneself to be sexual except in private with an SO.)

Some cultures, especially cultures with Germanic influence, treat nudity as just nudity, not inherently sexual. That exposure does not become "indecent exposure" until it is sexualized or done for the purpose of shocking people. West Germany has an extensive "naturalist" culture, including naturalist parks in some of the cities. Sweden and Denmark and Finland have mixed saunas and topless beaches. France has topless beeches. Japan's "Onsen" (hot sprint) bathing culture is traditionally mixed. Even Toronto has a nude beech. If you poke around a bit you can find local Toronto reporters describing their experiences going there; what is often written is that the oddest thing about it is that it is not sexual.

I did not end up with body shame. (Other, that is, then my paunch.) What I ended up with is "don't go nude in circumstances where other people might consider it indecent exposure." So in situations where nudity is considered acceptable, I have no problem being topless or nude, weather and bugs and tasks permitting. This is not "exhibitionism"; it is just being unclothed.

When I have my massages, I do not let my masseuse see my breasts because it is not an appropriate situation for it, no two-way agreement that in the circumstances unclothed doesn't mean anything.

10-21-2013, 11:48 PM
A part of me definitely wishes they were real... i feel a loss when i take them off, like i'm losing a part of me, but at the same time it makes me very sad that they have no sensation, and when i run my hands over my sexy double-Ds i feel nothing :brokenheart:

10-21-2013, 11:56 PM
Nuclear Boob Enhancement......:doh::heehee:

Thanks. I was wondering.

10-22-2013, 08:37 AM
i love the feeling of my forms, my so enjoys them a pillows like i would too,does seem a shame to put them away at the end of it all

Cd Jennifer
10-22-2013, 09:24 AM
Anyone have any good pointers to show some natural looking cleavage. I've seen a bunch of photos of slim and skinny cd's with nice cleavage with out using forms.

10-22-2013, 09:56 AM
I have many sizes of breast forms. Different sizes for different tops or dresses. I love to experiment with all sizes. But yes at the end of the day. its good to get them off. Daviolin

Cd Jennifer
10-22-2013, 10:05 AM
A part of me definitely wishes they were real... i feel a loss when i take them off, like i'm losing a part of me, but at the same time it makes me very sad that they have no sensation, and when i run my hands over my sexy double-Ds i feel nothing :brokenheart:

Same here. Wish I could feel the sensation of the nipples.

10-22-2013, 12:55 PM
I've had boobs since I was 13 which during middle school absolutely sucked something horrible.
Around 2008 or so I started taking Prednisone which I'm sure made them grow even further, not complaining though ;)

So now I sit with a natural 38B and from what the one doctor I saw said is real breast tissue so I'm happy they're not really moobs.
My only beef is that they point outward much more than I'd like but according to the girl who did my bra fitting some boobs are just like that.

Side question:
Is there any negative effects to not wearing a bra if your boobs are a certain size?
Am I going to go saggy as all hell or something?

jodie k
10-22-2013, 01:43 PM
on the other side of this, my wife wondersis the things we have :brolleyes:ever get in the way


10-22-2013, 02:01 PM
i love the feeling of my forms, my so enjoys them a pillows like i would too,does seem a shame to put them away at the end of it all

If you get implants all the better no putting them away just, take off the bra, also they don;t get lost.

10-22-2013, 02:06 PM
on the other side of this, my wife wondersis the things we have :brolleyes:ever get in the way


No more than a GG's get in the way. Sometimes a nice reminder of our fem side. Also you experience what GG's do.

10-22-2013, 03:42 PM
I have seen it written that bras tend to make the coopers ligaments lazy, and so promote sag. I do not know myself.

10-23-2013, 05:19 PM
Working with hormones. no results yet. thinking implants. I'm 56. I don't want to wait ten years!

10-24-2013, 06:08 AM
I have natural breasts that fill a B cup pretty well. I wish that they were bigger.

I wear a bra daily and my wife is happy with that. Forms? - I would love to have a pair but that would go way beyond what my wife would accept. So I guess I am stuck with what I have - and I am happy about that.

10-24-2013, 12:30 PM
Working with hormones. no results yet. thinking implants. I'm 56. I don't want to wait ten years!

Implants are nice and better than forms. There always there not taking in and out, easy to take of, just wash when showering, no wear and tear or replacement as with forms. Once in just enjoy!

10-24-2013, 03:29 PM
IIRC Someone's wife stopped by to talk about her husband getting implants and while he loved them enfemme, he ended up being self conscious every other time when he was presenting as a man.

Personally I've had knockers since I was 13 and I've taken enough abuse over them that I can take ownership and not care.

10-24-2013, 03:41 PM
not quite a b cup so the simple silcone enhancers fill the bra out nicley, but really wish i had just that much more for keeps...wife is very suportive and would be ok with the increase

Lori Kurtz
10-24-2013, 07:37 PM
I've always loved big ones ... whether they're on a GG or on me. But I wouldn't like to be weighted down permanently with a real pair like that, and I have sympathy (in addition to appreciation) for the GGs who do.

10-25-2013, 04:25 PM
Having nice breasts is another reason I like being a woman. Mine are still in the early stage, but the bigger they grow,the more I like them. Esther

10-25-2013, 04:36 PM
Why do all men refer to them as "Boobs"? Believe me if they had 'em they'd change their tune quick enough! Imagine guys the reality of never being able to go without shirt in the hot summer again without being arrested for indecent exposure?
I recall the days of dreaming about "having them". Funny that we all want really huge ones to begin with. Most sales site have a large selection of the "Enormous" and very few of the petite. When shopping for breast form for the first time, many years ago, I tried to be realistic and went for the smaller size. I was much more pleased with them than if I had gone larger. Fantasizing about something is much different than the reality.
I'm such a "Bubble buster"!

10-25-2013, 07:37 PM
In Ontario, BC, and (I think) one of the Canadian territories, the law is specific that a woman may go topless in the same situations as men can, provided that the intent is not sexualization (e.g., fondling them as visual enticement for patrons to enter a strip club.) The rest of Canada does not have those laws, but some of the courts have indicated that if such a case is ever brought before them, they will take the Ontario case in particular under close advisement (in other words, if the police are foolish enough to take a case that far, the courts are likely to rule against them.)

There is an acknowledged public clothing-optional beach about 40 miles from Winnipeg. The township it is in recently won their fight to not be amalgamated with adjacent communities, so that the township could preserve the "unique character" of the area. Read "so the nude beach could continue without interference from the moral judgements of residents of adjacent communities, whom no-one is forcing to visit the nude beach."

Here in Manitoba, if you are out paddling or boating on one of the 110,000 (!!) lakes, and you have "breasts" and you go topless, then you are probably going to get into trouble. Sunburn trouble, that is. UV reflects off of water, so you are going to burn if you aren't protected. That's a certainty even on cloudy days. That someone is going to bother to summon the patrols to chase you down for having some bare flesh in the middle of no-where is pretty unlikely, provided you aren't going too close to playground beaches.

With regard to size: I have been checking out sizing pretty seriously, planning for implants (which I am not quite committed to yet.) Everything I have checked, everyone I have consulted with, indicates that for women my weight and dress size, average would be 38DD (US notation, 38E world notation). And that once my height and rib size is taken into account, that the most appropriate size (and look) would be 38F (if I wanted to be perceived as a bit on the small size) to 38G (in the A/B/C/D/E/F/G notation, so 38DDD to 38FF in US notation).

When I get implants, I will not necessarily end up as large as that; due to some skin stretch constraints, the practical maximum for me is possibly as low as a full 38C. So if I go as large as I can, I might end up smaller than average for women my size.

10-25-2013, 07:50 PM
Boobs. Well yeah, what can you say about them? I like them , wish I had them. Nothing to big, some pert little A cuppers, just enough to actually need a bra.

12-21-2013, 02:46 PM
I don't have a pair yet but when I'm in Angela mode, I wouldn't take them off. I'd want to feel them on my chest as long as I could.

12-21-2013, 02:57 PM
I don't own a pair as mine almost fill my 38C cup bras. Sometimes I do add an enhancer to my bra. I do wear my bras 24/7.

12-21-2013, 02:58 PM
A part of me definitely wishes they were real... i feel a loss when i take them off, like i'm losing a part of me, but at the same time it makes me very sad that they have no sensation, and when i run my hands over my sexy double-Ds i feel nothing :brokenheart:

Very sad sometimes. I feel the same way. If ever I was going to get surgery, that would be it. I think I could live with B cups even en homme.

12-21-2013, 03:30 PM
I wear breast forms all the time other than showering (I sleep on my side so no issues damaging the forms). Currently on my second month of hormones and noticing growth so perhaps 10 or so months down the road I will not need them or will have some work done. Do I wish I had real breast right now? Yes but at the same time now they are coming.

12-21-2013, 06:26 PM
Hi Jordan, I SOOO do, but from what GG girls have written on other post, they get in the way a lot, bra's suck (should have heard my wife's dissertation on bra's 4 nights ago!) and at the end of the day, they're just another appendage!

Candice Mae
12-21-2013, 06:57 PM
I hate to sound like a broken record, but unless you are transitioning to live full time just stick with forms. Being a guy with breasts is not a good situation, them getting in the way and wearing a bra daily is the least of my problems.

12-21-2013, 08:47 PM
I want to post pics of mine in my new bra is that OK here ? Natural d and love it

12-21-2013, 09:50 PM

I agree with you. At the end of the day I wish they were real and love to wear my bras all day.

Hugs, Shelly

Mary Lee
12-21-2013, 10:02 PM
I do not like having to remove my forms and bra.

12-21-2013, 10:51 PM
I do not understand the obsession CDers have with wearing bras?? Even the most comfortable ones feel great once they are OFF! I had breast augmentation a year ago, i was an A cup befor now I'm a 36 DDD. I'm really happy with them and do not feel that they get in my way at all. I can do anything that i uesed to do just fine though they did take some getting uesd to. Implants are different than au natural, they are more firm and less likly to sag which is fine with me!

12-21-2013, 11:59 PM
Is your back cursing you now though?

I probably should be wearing one to prevent mine from ending up like saggy fried eggs.
I'm only a 38B though so I don't care enough to worry.

12-22-2013, 03:46 PM
I often times hear from my SO how horrible it is to wear a bra all day and that's the first thing to come off. I myself don't own breast forms, but do enjoy wearing a bra pretty much all the time. Even without breast I do sometimes take off my bra and get a sense of relief, so I can only imagine what it would be truly like with breast. But I will be able to experience that feeling soon enough, as I begin my transition.

12-22-2013, 03:52 PM
I like to stuff my bra and take pics in angle that makes it look like I have boobs :) I sometimes Photoshop it aswell... wish I had the real thing though

12-22-2013, 05:11 PM
I love my forms especially with a bra . I like the way they feel as I walk.

12-22-2013, 07:23 PM
I will never transition full time. Crossdressing is a part of my life and I like the idea of wearing different size forms at different times. Right now I have on a 38D bra and forms and look the look and feel. Other times, I'm more likely to be in a "B" mood.

12-23-2013, 06:22 PM
After reading all of the others posts here. I do agree that after a couple of hours even the best fitting bra can become uncomfortable. But, I would not feel fully dressed without a bra with atleast some sort of breast enhancment. I'm a natural B cup but like to be a C.

Susan L
12-23-2013, 06:46 PM
i only dress and wear my bra at home with forms. I love them and wish I could wear a bra all day but can't take the chance as the straps etc would show through my shirt, bummer. I like wearing a C cup as it seems just right for my build, any thing larger would not look right. Would I like to have the real thing, damn right I would!

Candice Mae
12-23-2013, 07:01 PM
Susan, after the novelty of having breasts as a guy wore off which won't take long. You will start to hate having then and wearing bras if you stay living as a guy.

Diane Edwards
12-23-2013, 11:35 PM
Being a petite man with 34Bs it is easier for me to try and pass for a woman then to pretend to be a guy. Unless you fully understand the consequences of being a guy with breasts stick to forms.

Like you, Candice, I am a petite guy. I use forms because I really don't have much of a chest. (I am a runner so I am slim by nature. And in case anyone is wondering, yes I have run many times en femme, mostly during cooler weather.) Were my social/business situation to change, I would seriously consider implants and/or HRT and would spend a majority, if not all my time as Diane.

I understand that everyone's situations are different, much as yours is different than mine. But I've also had over 40 years to think about this subject and what it means. I've also had the opportunity on two occasions over the past 10 years to live as Diane for a few months without interruption as I was consulting out on the West Coast and my real name is androgynous, so the customer was none the wiser). The only time I took off my forms was to clean them or swap them out for new ones. Once I returned home I had to go back to living as "Dave" and Diane I felt incomplete without my breasts. Again, that's just me and my reality doesn't apply to anyone else.

But I have to agree with you that understanding the consequences is important.

Candice Mae
12-24-2013, 04:19 AM
True, but there's a big difference having them since you were eleven. And did not understand why you a boy was developing along side the girls your age. Then deciding in your 40-50s that you want to get them.

Christina Kay
12-24-2013, 04:39 AM
I agree with Candice. It's not easy being guy and having breasts. Now that I am out to my wife . I get to underdress at home. But having lived with them for a lot of years. There are so many difficult things having them in man mode. From wearing shirts a size to large ,all the time . To the stares(deer in the headlights look) if you ever go swimming, to very rude comments. To someone talking to them instead of you...aaahem my face and eyes are up here. Don't get me wrong , I have always liked having them, a constant reminder of the girl inside me. It's only taken all this time to finally appreciate the girls ;)

12-24-2013, 04:44 AM
Candice is correct. You really want to get as close to living 24/7 as possible before starting HRT to grow real breasts. This is a key distinction between a transsexual and other transgenders such as cross-dressers. A cross-dresser wants to go back and forth, having the advantages of being birth gender at times. A transsexual wants to be their chosen gender and pretending to be their birth gender is often a painful and difficult experience emotionally. When I first came out, and first started dressing in public, I remember coming home and just dreading taking off the dress and clothes. Even if the undergarments were getting tight and uncomfortable after a long day, taking them off and switching from Debbie to Rex was almost like death. People who knew me could literally watch the life flow out of me. My energy level dropped, my posture drooped, my energy level sank, and I felt far older than I actually was. When I started living with some friends who knew and accepted Debbie, they saw it and were so pained by it that they would make sure that Debbie had something pretty to wear at bedtime. Going to work became the hardest. I loved my job, loved the people there, but going to work as Rex was like putting on a burlap bag and wearing 50 lbs on each wrist and ankle. Often, my energy level would go up after lunch when my mind would begin to focus on getting home and becoming Debbie again.

By the time I started HRT and was growing real breasts, there was no question about whether or not I wanted to spend the rest of my life as a woman. I did. When my breasts grew to 38-B and there was no hiding them, even under "pup tent" dress shirts, I stopped trying. Now I'm up to 38-C and even though I still sing bass in the church choir (my wife sings tenor), my breasts are rather visible under my choir robe so it's not something I can hide anymore, nor do I want to. Many women in the congregation are already exchanging compliments with me, and several have told me they can't wait to see me in a dress.

I don't have a strong desire for very large breasts. I've already reached the point where some tops and some bras result in that "My eyes are up here boy" experience with other men who can't seem to take their eyes of cleavage, no matter how it's displayed.
I like that I can wear V-Neck sweaters without camisoles, but I have to keep remembering not to pull the V too far down. ;-)

If you really think you want breasts, you should start considering gender counseling, and really look at whether or not you might be transsexual. If you are just a cross-dresser and think this is a fun and "expensive hobby", then you should definitely NOT make plans to do anything that would cause you to grow REAL breasts.

makin' it real
12-24-2013, 07:15 AM
Susan, after the novelty of having breasts as a guy wore off which won't take long. You will start to hate having then and wearing bras if you stay living as a guy.

Hi Candice. I noticed you tend to predict what other people's experiences will be if they grow breasts and still present as men. It sucks that you seem to be dealing with a tough situation and that you really do hate all the problems that come with having breasts. It would help me, though, if you could find a way to leave open the possibility of other people having different experiences than you.

See, luckily, your predictions don't describe me. I have small breasts (36B), present as a man, and I don't hate it. In fact I like it very much. Yes, there are problems, as Debbie so accurately described above, but I'm finding ways to work with them.

If you tell me what you've experienced, what you've learned that works and doesn't, that's a gift to me. That's a treat. Thank you, because then I get to learn from your experiences in the same way that I so enjoy getting to learn from Debbie's.

Candice is correct. You really want to get as close to living 24/7 as possible before starting HRT to grow real breasts. This is a key distinction between a transsexual and other transgenders such as cross-dressers. A cross-dresser wants to go back and forth, having the advantages of being birth gender at times. A transsexual wants to be their chosen gender and pretending to be their birth gender is often a painful and difficult experience emotionally.

...If you really think you want breasts, you should start considering gender counseling, and really look at whether or not you might be transsexual. If you are just a cross-dresser and think this is a fun and "expensive hobby", then you should definitely NOT make plans to do anything that would cause you to grow REAL breasts.

Well Debbie, I think there have to be a few more options than just crossdresser or transsexual. I've been wrestling with this for a long time, and so far the online and in-person LGBT communities I'm part of still haven't come to an easy recognition and allowance for more.

I identify as dual-gendered, having physical mental, emotional, and spiritual characteristics in common with both men and women. I'm not a transsexual because although a large part of me is feminine I'm still also a man. I don't want to transition, but I do want my body to reflect my feminine identity. In the same way, I'm not really a crossdresser either, because the dressing itself really isn't all that important to me. I'm about equally comfortable and uncomfortable in both poles of gender dressing. Sometimes I really enjoy getting gussied up as a woman, or running in full Rachel mode, and then there are times times like last week when I thought I looked especially good in a new suit and wanted to show my running buddy that I clean up nice in guy mode too.

I have breasts, and hips, and a smaller waist. I grew them myself and sort of terraformed my body using plant-based supplements, diet, and exercise. I am happy with where I am. I like having a feminized body, I have good friends who seem to value me as much as I do them, and I'm enjoying my colleagues and career again.

Part of how I got to this place is by doing what Debbie suggests. I've done lots of counseling, including with a therapist who specializes in gender issues. And yeah, it's definitely helped me. But while I've found a place of ease in my own gender identity, it still leaves open the gender identity issues in the communities I'm part of.

Including the challenge of how to express this dual-gender state here on this forum, in a way where I feel heard, where others can feel heard, and where I can learn from others who've had similar experiences. Debbie, as you so clearly described, there are definitely problems with having a feminized body and presenting as a man. But curiously it seems easier to talk with my non-LGBT friends about these things than to bring them up here.

Because I'm not a transsexual, the discussions and recommendations on the transsexual forums didn't fit for me. People there gave good advice for TSs but it didn't always fit for gender blenders. In fact, most there couldn't conceive of a third or fourth option beyond CD or TS. Similarly, most of the people here seem more interested in changing the gender of their clothes than in changing the gender of their body. And that's okay. It's even helpful too, but again only to a degree. Like the TSs, CDs too sometimes have a hard time understanding that some of us may want to change our bodies without "going all the way." So that can limit the discussion here as well.

So although the advice to live as a woman 24/7, getting that RLE before doing any physical feminization comes with the best of intentions and is sound advice for many, it simply doesn't fit for everyone who is thinking of growing breasts. It does make sense for some, but not for me. I know there are others here who feel the same, but like me they've learned to not talk about it very often. That's why I'm glad to see the occasional "breast" thread in the CD forum, because then I can poke my head up, look around, and see who else here might be like me.

Hello all you gender blenders! I see you!


Candice Mae
12-24-2013, 09:38 AM
Try being a 26 year old guy, thats a size 6 and 135lbs with these on your chest. And I've gotten a little bigger since that picture was taken.

I can dress down and wear a non push up bra to help reduce them, the sweater is a non lined bra and the pink dress is a push up bra.

Its just easier to be her then wear a tight sports bra and baggy clothes while in guy mode.

makin' it real
12-24-2013, 04:54 PM
Hi Candice. I can't even imagine how difficult it must have been going through your teen years with pronounced breasts. That's such a difficult age to navigate anyway, let alone having something different that makes you "stick out" as it were. And now as a young adult you've got a whole other set of challenges to face as you make your way in the world of work and relationships. Being a small man is tough. Being a small man with breasts is infinitely tougher.

How do you identify gender in yourself? Do you feel comfortable and at ease when being a woman in the world? The few posts I've read from you imply you work as a man. Is that right? How is that?

Here's a picture showing where I'm at now. I'm 53 years old and 5'8", so I've got a few years on you and am closer to the average male height than you. Both of which make it easier for me to pull off a male look and that's usually how I present to the outside world.


I'm wearing a foam-lined T-shirt bra in this pic, which was taken last winter. Like you, my breasts have continued to grow since then, so now they appear roughly this size in an unlined bra. I usually wear compression T-shirts at work to help minimize protrusion, and often wear a suit or sports coat, but even with that it's apparent I have a little something extra up top. And in T-shirts or casual shirts it's just blatantly obvious.

I don't go swimming often, but when I do and I'm in male mode I wear a dark, tight, patterned surf shirt. My breasts are still visible but the camouflaging reduces the number of "deer in the headlights" stares from strangers. Plus I learned to leave a towel near the edge of the pool so I can drape it around behind my neck and down both sides of my front as soon as I get out of the water. Then all anyone sees is towel, not boobs.

Candice, it's a given that you are beautiful as a woman. I'd bet you're good looking as a man too, even if a man with breasts. Your posts sound like you're angry about having breasts because you'd rather present as a man and not have to deal with them. Is that what you would prefer?


Candice Mae
12-24-2013, 07:04 PM
It was hard growing up being told to be a man, but looking like a young woman. I haven't being topless in public or swimming/beach since I was eleven. I do work as a guy, its just easier since I have a male dominated profession. I just wear a tight sports bra and baggy clothes to hide my feminine body.

I just try to warn people that fantasy's are a lot different than reality. So they are aware of the situation before the end up suffering through it like I did. I recently stared identifying as a woman, but it is a slow process as I have spent my whole life living as a man.

12-24-2013, 07:18 PM
Susan, after the novelty of having breasts as a guy wore off which won't take long. You will start to hate having then and wearing bras if you stay living as a guy.

I do not deliberately present as male, but in cold-weather clothing sometimes all people have to go on is my face. I've been gendered as male constantly this last week :(

The problem I have with my bust when I look like a guy is that it my bust is too small !! From time to time I get some water retention (or something like that) and go up a cup size, and it is glorious (other than still being much smaller than I would wish even then.) When I look down at my (current) 38A+, Yes I do get the feeling that they aren't right -- because the breasts of my body-image are not there. The times I creep up to 38B+ help. Remember, this is from actual experience living with those sizes over 2 3/4 years. I have never had a reason to hide my actual bust -- unlike when I was wearing forms and worried about "being caught" and being considered a pervert or something. When they are really there, it isn't "getting caught".

The only thing that I don't do now that I normally used to do, is let my male masseuse see my breasts. I don't mean in the sense that I try to "hide" that I have them: I mean in the sense of modesty, that a woman does not normally let men see her breasts. Swimming isn't something I normally do. Walking in public bare-chested is not something I normally do.

12-24-2013, 07:26 PM
It was hard growing up being told to be a man, but looking like a young woman. I haven't being topless in public or swimming/beach since I was eleven.

Yeah, growing up as a boy with boobs suuuuuuuccccckkkkkkssss.
Though I look at it as that I've earned them :)

12-24-2013, 07:35 PM
I get where Candace is coming from. I would absolutely LOVE to have my own set of breasts (Candace's size would actually be perfect), but as I present as a male and have no intention of losing my manhood (which is good because I look about as feminine as a articulated lorry) the practicalities behind having them probably aren't there for me... plus my wife likes laying on my chest at nigh, so she probably wouldn't enjoy my breasts...

Ginger Maxim
12-26-2013, 07:49 AM
Before 1 of my purges, I had a super pair of breast forms. But it's been 15 years since, and have not been able to find a steal that I got mine for. $20 for a pair of 38C

12-26-2013, 08:46 AM
I m in the same category. Would love to have my own twenty four seven, With that being said the cost scares me away and would probably have to relocate.

ronni white
12-26-2013, 08:48 AM
I am an older male having C sized breasts for many years. With carefully chosen patterned shirts and a good fitting bra they are not noticed when out and about.
If your bra fits good the only time you feel it there is when you think about it.

12-27-2013, 02:23 AM
I have worn a padded C Cup bra under a reasonably baggy jumper and you could clearly see padding in the breast area. How many layers do you wear to conceal actual C Cups?

12-27-2013, 03:20 AM
how do you get your breasts to grow??? I would love to have my chest just "start growing" please share...

12-27-2013, 07:40 AM
Candice Mae, your cute, you will transition well!

Candice Mae
12-27-2013, 09:01 AM
Thanks April.

Christina, they grew durning puberty.

12-27-2013, 01:06 PM
Same here, I wasn't even fat or anything.
I wonder if they're the result of a hormonal imbalance and a kind of foreshadowing.

On growing breasts:
Unless you're fine with being known as the guy with tits then don't.
There's a reason it's common for men to get a breast reduction.

Rhonda 2
12-27-2013, 01:12 PM
Candice Mae: We are a lot alike. My boobs started to grow at puberty. I was of course mortified- until I discovered that they gave me much erotic pleasure. My father did his best to ignore me, my my mother was delighted. She took every opportunity to tell me how pretty they were- even sharing her birth control pills with me. By the time I was 16, I was a full C cup- same as my mother. Father required me to bind my breasts with ace bandages when I left the house, but mother took every opportunity to encourage my femininity. She even took me for a professional bra fitting. I was fairly androgenous in those years so its hard to tell what the sales lady thought. I grew up binding during the day and working in male mode, and at night and at home I could release the inner woman- who my now I had fully accepted as the real me. I played this little game until my 50's, when I went full time after a few surgical interventions- hips, adams apple. So, I wish I would have done it sooner.

12-27-2013, 01:49 PM
I've always had "man boobs" even when I was young and athletic. I easily wore my wife's C-cup and filled out a B cup very well. I now wear a C/D depending on the brand and need not tape to get cleavage.

12-27-2013, 02:55 PM
I am on HRT and have b-cup and hopping for C-Cup , But I am wishful thinking again.

12-28-2013, 09:42 AM
So many good replie on here about boobs keep them coming

12-28-2013, 10:57 AM
I'm happy with my falsies for now.....still work to do on my facial shape and hair. Got a great deal on Black Friday at Fredericks!

Cindy CA
12-28-2013, 05:47 PM
I'm on the fence about this. I do wish I had breasts but at the same time, I like not having them. Sometimes they just get in the way.

12-29-2013, 12:50 AM
i too am on the fence. . . i like to have the illusion of breasts but dont know if id want them 24/7. 12/3.5 sounds more appealing to me haha

12-29-2013, 07:10 AM
Having breast that get in the way is why we have them it more like a gg you have to learn how to do things and keep them out of the way. I'm just the opposite I love it when the accidentally bump into things

Candice Mae
12-29-2013, 12:37 PM
Jordan, you do get used to them but they are still an annoyance. Try carrying something heavy to have it squish or keep bumping against your chest, and yes they are very sensitive. Try working on something In front of you at chest height and have to squish them together to get your hands in the right place. Or play guitar with out having to awkwardly position them. Wear a sports bra for working out but still have them bounce around with a mind of their own.

This all probably sounds exciting to you, but if the shoe was on the other foot you would get tired of it as well.

12-29-2013, 01:39 PM
Candice, my bust is larger than my wife's -- but a smaller cup size as I have a larger band size. I never encounter the problems you list. Sole exception is that for about 6 weeks once or twice a year they get sensitive as they go through a growth cycle: then it can be a small nuisance if I am carrying something that bumps right against them. But as far as being an actual problem... no, unfortunately :sad:

12-29-2013, 02:23 PM
Hi Candice,

I get the working out problems with bouncing boobs, can't imagine that is much fun. I also can see the sensitivity issue to a degree with bumping. I'm surethat most gg's have the same issues. Surely you get used to it though. At times my penis gets in the way, and wow do uou know when it gets bumped. Other than that I really can't see a massive downside to having boobs. In fact I'd swap with you tomorrow (maybe not tomorrow would need to buy the bras for work) if it was viable and my wife was happy with them..

Candice Mae
12-29-2013, 03:29 PM
I'm a full 34b, any time I try and work on something I have to work around them. And if they take any abuse from hitting things I feel it.

12-29-2013, 03:42 PM
As I continue to get older, I am finding that I am filling out a 'B' cup quite nicely. I enjoy having my own real man-boobs tucked neatly (and provacatively) in my own bra. I get such enjoyment in underdressing with my bra and panties naturally, for now.

Luna Nyx
12-29-2013, 04:01 PM
i would like real ones..... mostly for the feeling that the forms lack. If i were to have real ones i would like to have Cs

12-31-2013, 08:55 AM
Luna have you ever used glue to attach your forms I have and when in the shower they can feel real I am naturally a large a small b I just wish they were bigger that is why I still use forms

12-31-2013, 09:03 AM
So Jordan, you can actually wear the adhesive types without a bra and move about with them on?

12-31-2013, 10:11 AM
No I actually buy adhesive from Janet's closet an use that with the forms it works out really well it is a little bit expensive but to me it is worth the price

12-31-2013, 10:42 AM
I am enjoying this post immensely. I would prefer real ones, however, until they can invent the re-inflatable breast augmentation I'll stick with the forms.


Candice Mae
12-31-2013, 10:43 AM
If you want to be a guy with boobs and don't want to be seen as a weirdo or freak you will have to get used to wearing one of these. It reduces me by about a cup size and makes me look like I have large pecks, it also limits the bounce for regular activities. There is also a huge difference between breast tissue and the fat man boobs are made of. It is also a lot different to be a 34B compared to a 40B, a 40B is some one that is heavier and gonna be expected to have some degree of man boobs. A 34B have almost no fat on their body except for their boobs, and it is a common size for a GG.

12-31-2013, 11:38 AM
Hi Candice, Is that a compression top or a sports bra?

Candice Mae
12-31-2013, 11:53 AM
Its a high impact sports bra that really compresses them down.

12-31-2013, 09:56 PM
From a young age I want to have breasts. I weighed more then and kind of had man boobs. I have lost weight since then and my man boobs too, but I do like me at the weight I am now. I know that getting them would have a huge effect on my current life. For now and my foreseeable future forms are enough. That could change as I don't know were I will end up on my journey.

Milli Montanari
01-01-2014, 01:40 AM
Loving this thread. My small (old) man boobs seem to still be there after losing a bit of weight and regularly massaging them. I would love to go up a cup size or two. Have at least managed to increase my nipple size which helps my feminine self esteem.

marsha leanne
01-01-2014, 02:04 AM
i have both. My man boobs are enough to fill some of my bras but are not full enough to completely round them out. by themselves in guy mode they have brought looks and comments, put them in a bra and they look great, albeit a bit on the small side. inserts and sometimes full forms do the trick. i feel very comfortable in a bra and can go for hours. i have found that when in a bra, my breasts and in truth, my nipples become very sensitive. I love it! i know there is real breast tissue there and i wonder how much will be left when i lose the weight i need to lose. so for me, forms it is, but the dream is there!

01-01-2014, 02:55 AM
I love my b cups; I'll wear a two-cup enhancer sometimes when I'm out for an evening, but I have enough natural stuff on my own, thank goodness. A good balance.

marsha leanne
01-01-2014, 03:12 AM
I do have to say that when i'm dressed, I love my boobs! i love the bounce, the weight, the feel, the look. i enjoy the way they move when I walk, i love the way i brush against them when I carry something. I am very proud of my "girls" and get saddened when they have to be put away and the bra comes off.

01-01-2014, 07:40 PM
I wouldn't mind getting my hands on some forms at some point in the future. But for now I'm pretty happy boobs aren't something I have to deal with everyday.

01-01-2014, 08:00 PM
I use breastform pads. If I had the money I would invest in a good pair of quality breast forms. I would love to have the real thing as well.

Daphne Renee
01-01-2014, 08:21 PM
would love to have my own real boobs.

01-01-2014, 08:22 PM
I love my bras. I love my man boobs in a bra and they look and feel great.
I would not feel complete without wearing a bra. Changes my whole look.
On rare occasions I use inserts. That happens on days where I can be en femme most of the day.
A lace bralet top and a nice pair of silky french knickers.
At night a cami top is a must for me. I "need" the feeling of being tucked in.
Gossard's PJ sets are one favorite!

01-01-2014, 08:31 PM
I would love to have my own set of boobs. Right now i just cannot wait for the new forms I ordered to come in.

Candice Mae
01-01-2014, 08:56 PM
would love to have my own real boobs.

Before I decided I was gonna transition I hated my breasts, there's nothing great about being a guy that is skinny as a rail with two half baseballs on your chest. There's a big deference between fantasy and reality.

01-02-2014, 12:30 AM
Back in grade school, up to grade 8, I am pretty sure I would have been pretty stressed if I had had visible breasts during "shirts vs skins" gym classes. Likewise if I had had notable breasts during high school I would probably have been more outcast than I was: my small group of friends might have stayed the same but I might have been hassled more in the halls.

But after that... it might have affected my occasional swimming, but I never did do much of that. I would have coped. I don't know it would have affected much of anything else I historically did. I guess it would have depended on how big my bust had been.

If I had had a notable bust, I believe that by my mid 30's at latest, I would have been accustomed to it and likely even proud of it. By 45 I would have been relieved (happy, less stressed) to have a notable bust.

By now (low 50's) I avidly wish for a distinct and obvious bust, and I have been researching implants (I've now been on HRT for 2 years). If a bust had formed naturally, the negative impact it would have on my current life would be the possibility of less cuddling with my spouse. (It is doubtful there would have been any significant impact on our sex life, which has been rare indeed this last decade.)

01-02-2014, 01:05 AM
Melissa mentioned if they invented re-inflatable breast augmentation. I would be first in line for that.
Like others have said, I hate to take them off. And maybe GG's can't wait to take their bra's off, but I think it is offset by their love for their breasts. My wife canceled her mastectomy surgery last minute, couldn't face being (in her words) less of a woman. She felt they were her identity. And in the end she lost the battle.
On another note if they were so bothersome, why do so many GG's get implants, including one of my own sisters. Including the last two women I've been with since my wife past. Just saying not too many women would give up their boobs for the sake of comfort.
My wife coudnt do it to save her life.

Oh and not to beat a dead horse here but why do woman even wear uncomfortable underwire bra's when obviously there are plenty of comfortable bra's on the market?
The world is all about boobs :-)


01-02-2014, 05:51 AM
I have a fairly nice natural rack already. They look great in a bra and really have a natural look when I'm en femme.

01-02-2014, 04:51 PM
After using forms a couple of years the desire for the real thing was stronger then ever. I came into some money and gave in to my desires for the real things. I went and had implant surgery that is as "real" as you can get, look, shape and feel and there all mine. Have no regrets giving into my desires.

01-02-2014, 05:16 PM
not too many women would give up their boobs for the sake of comfort.


I don't think anyone is suggesting that women don't like having boobs, I know I love my 36 DDDs! (breast augmentation). The point some people are trying to make is that having boobs as a male, especially a young fit male, is awkward at best.

What no one has mentioned is that the hormones required to even get one started are not magic boobie pills they are powerful female hormones that change your life! if you like your male sex drive you will not like HRT.

01-02-2014, 06:56 PM
I'm an A/B cup naturally but use chicken fillets to gain further projection. While this fills the lower part of my bras quite nicely, I would like to have more 'fill' on the upper parts of my chest. I do pull the boob up and place the fillet 'under', but it's still not enough.

01-03-2014, 12:16 AM
[QUOTE=Aprilrain; The point some people are trying to make is that having boobs as a male, especially a young fit male, is awkward at best.

Totally agree with you there April, I say I would love my own breasts, but would never do it unless I was to live as a woman. (Hence the re-inflatable boobs, you can go back and forth, that would be nice:-)Which most likely will never happen due to my life situation.
Didn't mean to ruffle any feathers if I did. And for me, I am fit but not young.


01-03-2014, 12:19 AM
I distinctly recall my first "breast forms": my mom made some plain simple flour and water dough for my brother and I to play with - homemade Play-Do, if you will. As teenage boys, we made pretend breasts, but which made me think that these would fill out my mom's "borrowed" bras quite well. I can still remember the aroma of the dough warming up against my skin. :)

Later, I tried the water balloons and the rice sacks when dressing, until I finally bought myself a pair of "cheap" silicone-like breast forms. The feeling was amazing! I still use them, but they're not real breastforms, so their shape and feeling leaves a lot to be desired. I have a fair amount of male breast tissue (thanks to mom for the big-boob genes), but I've never tried the chicken fillets with an appropriately sized bra to use my own tissue -- I'll have to see how that works for me someday.

Like many others have expressed, I would love to have my own breasts, even in spite of what Candice has been saying on this thread.

01-03-2014, 10:11 AM
I like so many here have had Naturally breast all my life just always wish for a bigger size now that I'm older yes in school i Hated them but know i can't get enough of them

01-03-2014, 10:47 AM
Having a pair of your own can be a mixed blessing. Its great to not wear forms and still present some cleavage. Down side is you never go shirtless at the beach any more.

Guess it is a dichotomy we PT girls need to deal with when blessed with some natural endowment and a little NBE.

Hugs, Robin :bunny:

01-06-2014, 12:54 AM
When I first started wearing bras and wanting to have breasts, I used socks before I got some full breast enhancers online. I like at the end of the day I was able to take them out but on the other hand, each time I did that I felt something was missing. I'm currently trying to get BA and go from a large AA/small A natural cup to a B cup but I think I will end up with a full B cup or a small C cup... As long as I can still wear all of my 36B bras, I'll be happy. As far as not being able to go into guy mode after, I couldn't care less... I personally would rather live with real breasts or implants then continuing to live the way I do now.

01-06-2014, 02:08 PM
Rachel_B you could have not said it better i agree with you

Genneva Lynn
01-06-2014, 02:46 PM
I can fill most of a 36 B, but I do use enhansers for better looks. I have to use double ententions and then it's a poor fit, a 38 B is just a slight to big and a better fir in the band and my 42 B, Hello is anything in there. I do enjoy my bras.

01-06-2014, 02:57 PM
I do have some break forms and use them with some bras - but increasingly I am experimenting with push up padded bra and creating my own cleavage fro. What little I have available to looks a little more natural. But the forms feel really good when bouncing around and feel heavy like real boobs - oh what a great feeling

01-06-2014, 06:45 PM
I'm another with naturally large breasts. I've always loved them, actively tried to/wished to enlarge them... Grow grow grow! But have found that using additional forms can be very uncomfortable, and even look slightly strange. Maybe I haven't found the right forms, but I find it so much more enjoyable to just be as natural as possible.

01-09-2014, 10:16 AM
So many differant types of girls replying to this thread love to hear all the differant replies

01-09-2014, 10:34 AM
As I get older I find more and more flab in my breasts. The push-up bras from Victoria's Secret do wonders in providing cleavage. So I don't use breast forms but would not mind having a pair.

01-09-2014, 10:42 AM
I have 3 sets of forms, each with their positives and negatives. The first set is a pair of silicon forms that I wear around the house when I want a lightweight pair that feels more realistic. The second pair is a set of PALS that are both soft and wearable to bed. I like to sleep in them on occasion (like last night), but their major drawback is they can't be attached. Finally, I have my go-to set, my Aphrodite's. I spent good money on them, but they're well worth it. They're attachable, and I can sleep in them. They're not as soft as the others, which can be a pain, but after waking up in the morning, taking them in hand, and moving them around, the feeling of attachment to my chest is...divine to say the least. For those few seconds, I feel as close as I likely ever will to my feminine side.

That said, I wouldn't want them on full time. Taking them off in the morning before heading to work is a bittersweet moment for me. On the one hand, I get to transition back to guy mode. On the other, the desire to just leave them on and go in to work is pretty strong. I guess for me, I'd prefer to have the same curse as my avatar, Ranma. Whenever I would come into contact with water, I would switch genders. That way, I would be able to have the real ones when I wanted, and be able to not have them when I didn't.

Oh, and since I'm sure some of you are curious, I wear 38B's and 36C's.

01-09-2014, 02:48 PM
Thanks for posting this Jordan. What a great thread. I was just scratching the surface looking into NBE. I almost made a purchase. Hearing both sides gives me much to think about. I do hate to put my chicken cutlets away. OTOH I wish I had more breast meat to get in my way. All who've chimed in pros/cons, have helped me more than you know.


01-09-2014, 11:54 PM
I love my D cup forms. I've been told it might be a bit big, but that it suits me well as I'm 6 feet tall.

01-10-2014, 11:32 AM
I don't use them. It was a hormonal issue with me through puberty, I assume. I have Gynecomastia, but not from weight gain.

Candice Mae
01-10-2014, 05:04 PM
You want boobs?

Then get about five bras in your size to fit your natural breasts. Get a few lightly lined, one push up, and a sports bra. Put them in your underwear drawer and wear one from morning to night, especially when in public. After a couple weeks you will have a favourite out of you bras and wear it almost every day and end up buying more of them. You will also have bras that just sit in the drawer and never wear because there uncomfortable. After about a month wearing a bra will be normal and you will not feel it unless it digs in. About this time you will favour a bralette or a top with a built in bra while home in the evening. Be careful when taking your sports bra off, you don't want that clammy boob sweat all over your face.

Make sure to get a good lingerie bag cause the washing machine will quickly destroy all those more comfortable and expensive bras. Also be prepared to replace your bras a least yearly. You will also quickly learn to try on a bra before you buy it.

What's that your boobs are too small? GGs and ts don't get to pick their natural bra size so why should you. If you want bigger breasts get implants. Be prepared for all the questions from family and friend as well as the general public about your new addition to your daily attire and the two lumps on your chest.

Does this all sound like too much for you now? It's really simple to just post on here that you want breasts, but facing it every day with them in reality is a major challenge for a male.

01-11-2014, 10:23 AM
Two weeks ago I purchased my first push up bra from the Hanes Outlet Store south of Atlanta. I really had a great time and Barbra was great. (sales person). She was such a help. I must have tried on at least 15 different sizes and styles before we both agreed on the winner. I wear my c cup silicon forms and the bra pushes all of my natural breast skin up and toward the center creating very natural clevage. This is as close as I have ever come to feeling like a have real boobs while dressed or just wearing a bra in private. The illusion is that good. I have purchased a few new top which let me show off this cleavage and it's all been good.

I wish my breast could be real but I'm a man 99% of the time. I don't want man boobs.

Candice Mae
01-12-2014, 05:46 PM
You want boobs?

Then get about five bras in your size to fit your natural breasts. Get a few lightly lined, one push up, and a sports bra. Put them in your underwear drawer and wear one from morning to night, especially when in public. After a couple weeks you will have a favourite out of you bras and wear it almost every day and end up buying more of them. You will also have bras that just sit in the drawer and never wear because there uncomfortable. After about a month wearing a bra will be normal and you will not feel it unless it digs in. About this time you will favour a bralette or a top with a built in bra while home in the evening. Be careful when taking your sports bra off, you don't want that clammy boob sweat all over your face.

Make sure to get a good lingerie bag cause the washing machine will quickly destroy all those more comfortable and expensive bras. Also be prepared to replace your bras a least yearly. You will also quickly learn to try on a bra before you buy it.

What's that your boobs are too small? GGs and ts don't get to pick their natural bra size so why should you. If you want bigger breasts get implants. Be prepared for all the questions from family and friend as well as the general public about your new addition to your daily attire and the two lumps on your chest.

Does this all sound like too much for you now? It's really simple to just post on here that you want breasts, but facing it every day with them in reality is a major challenge for a male.

48 hours and no takers?

Not surprised, if your a closeted CD like the majority on here you are not gonna get breasts and start wearing bra's.

Allison Quinn
01-12-2014, 08:52 PM
While it would be nice to be natural, I wouldn't want to develop only boobs :P If i were to develop everyone else as well that'd be fine I'd love to wake up and just look normal with it xP But like Candice is pointing out if you present as male having natural breasts would probably bring unwanted attention your way :o
Plus I think a lot of people fail to realize all of the things that go along with it. Having them will weight down your back, you would have to worry about breast cancer, and depending on your genetics you could possibly get so well endowed that you could start hitting things with them because they are so big! I know a few GG's like that who had to get used to them once they grew :P

I don't have natural ones but if I were a GG I know for sure I wouldn't want overly large ones o.e It would just be another indication that I am female.

01-12-2014, 09:09 PM
For those women who insist on taking their bras off after they come home the answer of course is to get a bra sized, far too many women have an incorrect size/type bra, no wonder they are a pain.

In a sense it is like makeup, good quality make up applied properly is nearly invisible only there to make you look better not designed to make a person look "made up". Similarly a good bra is needed to support whatever is there. If one wants a bra to create an effect or produce something that is not there, there will be pain. A good quality bra properly sized should not ever cause pain.

Of course for some people the pain is all worth it, so they cant really complain too much.

01-13-2014, 05:02 PM
While it would be nice to be natural, I wouldn't want to develop only boobs :P If i were to develop everyone else as well that'd be fine I'd love to wake up and just look normal with it xP But like Candice is pointing out if you present as male having natural breasts would probably bring unwanted attention your way :o
Plus I think a lot of people fail to realize all of the things that go along with it. Having them will weight down your back, you would have to worry about breast cancer, and depending on your genetics you could possibly get so well endowed that you could start hitting things with them because they are so big! I know a few GG's like that who had to get used to them once they grew :P

I don't have natural ones but if I were a GG I know for sure I wouldn't want overly large ones o.e It would just be another indication that I am female.
That is the one nice thing about implants, they look and feel natural, and have all the benefits (shape,bounce and weight) of genetic ones. I love them.

01-14-2014, 04:49 AM
Fairly happy with using breast forms to give shape to dresses and t-shirts with higher neck line

but would really like to be able to make some kind of cleavage for lower tops even at the cost of boob size

I have about 2cm's of man boob max and can push together skin to make a cleavage but apart from sellotape can't think of a way to keep them together

Any ideas on how to do this would be great

Roli F
01-14-2014, 05:20 AM
Hi Carla I use cheap gaffer tape in flesh colour, I get it in Wilkinsons stores
you need a piece about 4 1/2 inch long, under one pectoral,
the same under the other then use a piece about 7 inches long attach this to the tape on one side
pulling it into position to join the two tapes this causes the bulge you need add two chicken fillets
(I got mine from Primark) and a push up enhancer bra (george at Asda)
it was causing GGs to stare and ask if I had implants "cool"

01-14-2014, 05:21 AM
Hi Carla_68 , I had a similar problem so last year decided to grow my breasts to fit my bra's , have you thought of doing that .

01-14-2014, 07:47 AM
Teri, grow your breasts? That's a technique I'd like to hear. Lay it on us.

Candice Mae
01-14-2014, 04:36 PM
Please read my previous posts in this thread and consult a physician before trying to grow your own breasts.

01-15-2014, 10:43 PM

There is absolutely NO magic involved. Save your 39.95 rather than send it to a BH snakeoil salesman. Breasts are 90% fatty tissue, and you can either get fat and they will grow, you can try chemicals which effect the fat and make it grow and try the vacuum method since fat cells will multiply (as in beer belly). Other than that, you are wasting your money. No amount of will or brain power will make them grow. Massage might ,(as men can lactate and breast feed,) because the stimulation might change the milk ducts and make your breasts grow for lactation

True,big difference having them since you were eleven.
I'm surprised your family doctor didn't explain to your parents that you had gynecomastia, a fairly common thing among puberty-aged boys, and it usually goes away--but NOT ALWAYS. as we get older, and testosterone drops, we generally develop some male boobs and it is most prevalent among over weight males 55+, but then people expect it and make no comment. If you are older and slim--with boobs--it can be a problem-at any age. My breasts developed after cancer surgery. Also there are about 40 prescription medications that will cause G, and one OTC acid reducer. It is as you say, a problem being seen with boobs if one is male.

Candice Mae
01-15-2014, 11:31 PM
Yes I was told I have gynecomastia, and I was a pretty full A cup up till about a year ago when I went up a cup size due to my diet.

01-16-2014, 02:35 AM
For me I love my forms and have a couple of pairs. Silicone on my chest is so nice feeling and sleeping with my foam forms is great, but I am about to go down the path of just wearing a bra everyday and seeing how that feels. I love wearing bras but have been to reserved to try wearing them under everything with my own natural boobs... stepping out a bit more.

01-21-2014, 07:26 PM
Oh......i know. Me too! Maybe on my next tour of duty on this rock. I do wear bras often though. The one's that aren't padded and have the smallest cup size. I just simply love wearing bras. I even sleep with one on. ...Unfortunately i can't wear them too often in the summer months when i go out. Easily detected under only a T-shirt.

Patty F
01-21-2014, 09:46 PM
I have breast forms, but would love to have natural boobs

01-22-2014, 02:55 AM
These comments are fun to read. Tomorrow I'm going to order my first pair of silicon breast forms. I have a bra I really like and can't wait to have someting real feeling to put on with it.

01-22-2014, 10:03 AM
all I will say is CONCAVITY.
make sure they have some or your forms will sit on your boobs and look pretty funny....not what you were looking for.